ID 5104
Name s.n. [sine nomine]
Gender Unknown
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End Date
Notes This firm is added to titles that do not name a publisher, printer, or bookseller.


Displaying 201–225 of 499

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A letter from Rachel Chandler, to ministers and elders. Chandler , Rachel (Author)
Publisher Jesus, altogether lovely: or a letter to some of the single women in the Methodist Society. The second edition. Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet (Author)
Publisher Proposals for printing by subscription, essays, in verse and prose. By Anna Williams. ... Williams , Anna (Author)
Publisher Remarks on the practice of inoculation for the small pox. Among which are interpersed sundry hints necessary to be considered by Christians in general; particularly addressed to some persons who have undergone that operation. Hume , Sophia (Author)
Publisher To the Meeting assembled in the Chamber at Gracechurch-street, on a second day morning the 11th of the 5th month, 1766. Those souls, in whom the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world, beareth sway are inhabitants of the kingdom of God, and none but they; true it is; those who have not the Spirit of Christ are none of his; therefore we are commanded to follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which it is impossible to see God.----... Drummond , May (Author)
Printer Justice and reason, faithful guides to truth. A treatise under thirty-seven heads. To which are added, Letters moral and entertaining, (never before publish'd.) By Charlotte Mc.Carthy, author of the Fair Moralist, &c. McCarthy , Charlotte (Author)
Publisher A letter from a lady in town to her friend in the country, concerning the choice of a manager for the Edinburgh Theatre-Royal. Unknown , (Author)
Publisher A letter from a minister in the country, to his friend In London. Unknown , (Author)
Publisher A short account of the life and virtues of the venerable and religious Mother, Mary of the Holy Cross, abbess of the English Poor Clares at Rouen; Who died there in the sweet Odour of Sanctity, March 21, Anno 1735. By A. B. Bedingfield , Anne (Author)
Publisher A short view of the principal seats and gardens in and about Twickenham. Pye , Jael Henrietta (Author)
Publisher Dernière lettre du chevalier D'Eon à M. le Comte de Guerchy en datte du 5 Aout, 1767. Avec l'extrait de la procedure en bonne forme. d'Éon de Beaumont , Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée (Author)
Publisher Letters from Lady Jane Douglas, found in Lord Milton's repositories, and exhibited upon the 18th June 1767. Douglas , Jane (Author)
Publisher Poems. By a lady. Pye , Jael Henrietta (Author)
Publisher Remarks on the practice of inoculation for the small pox. Among which are interspersed sundry hints, necessary to be considered by Christians in general; Particularly addressed to some Persons who have undergone that Operation. The second edition. Hume , Sophia (Author)
Publisher The ghost. A comedy of two acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Crow-Street and Smock-Alley. Centlivre , Susanna (Author)
Publisher To the public. Baker , Eliza (Author)
Publisher A song on the Blues leaving York. Written by a lady in 1767. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher Extract of a letter from a lady in Colchester to her friend in town. Unknown , (Author)
Publisher The cheat detected: or, a hint to poets. To the tune of King John and the Abbot of Canterbury Cummyng , Miss (Author)
Publisher An extract from the journal of Elizabeth Harper. Harper , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Je ne sçai quoi: or, a collection of letters, odes, &c. Never before published. By a Lady. Poyntz , Anne B (Author)
Printer An address to the people of Wapping and its environs. By Mrs. Cooper. Cooper , Mrs. (Author)
Publisher A Series of genuine letters between Henry and Frances. The Third Edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and improved, by the authors. Griffith , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher An account of the remarkable captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, her four children and servant-maid, who were taken by the Indians. On the 27th of the eighth month called August, 1735, my husband and all our men-servants being abroad, eleven Indians, armed with tomahawks and guns, who had some time before being skulking about the fields, and watching an opportunity of our men's absence, came furiously into the house. ... Hanson , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. By Mrs. Elisabeth Rowe. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer (Author)

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"s.n. [sine nomine]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5104, Accessed 2025-01-09.

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