ID 55
Name Thomas Davison [Whitefriars]
Gender Unknown
Street Address 6 Lombard Street, Whitefriars
City London
Start Date 1799
End Date 1831


Displaying 26–50 of 99

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Psyche, with Other Poems. By the late Mrs. Henry Tighe. The third edition. Tighe , Mary (Author)
Printer Albina. A Tragedy. By Mrs. Cowley. Second Edition. Cowley , Hannah (Author)
Printer Romance of the Pyrenees. In four volumes. By the author of Santo Sebastiano, five volumes; and the Forest of Montalbano, four volumes. Fourth Edition. With embellishments. Cuthbertson , Catherine (Author)
Printer Adelaide; or, The Countercharm. A Novel. In five volumes. By the author of "Santo Sebastiano; or, The Young Protector:" "Romance of the Pyrenees:" and "The Forest of Montalbano." Cuthbertson , Catherine (Author)
Printer Conversations on chemistry; in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and illustrated by experiments: in two volumes. The Fourth Edition, revised, corrected, and considerably enlarged. Marcet , Jane (Author)
Printer The Works of Mrs. Cowley: Dramas and Poems. In Three Volumes. Cowley , Hannah (Author)
Printer Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes. Par Madame la comtesse Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Printer An Historical View of the Phillippine Islands: Exhibiting their Discovery, Population, Language, Government, Manners, Customs, Productions and Commerce. From the Spanish of Martinez de Zuñiga. Published at Manila, 1803. In Two Volumes. With a new and accurate Map of the Islands, from the best Authorities, Public and Private. Translated by John Maver, Esq. Second Edition. Black , Hannah (Publisher)
Martínez de Zúñiga , Joaquín (Author)
Maver , John (Translator)
Printer Les veillées du château, ou cours de morale, à l'usage des enfans. Par l'auteur d'Adèle et Théodore. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Printer Santo Sebastiano; or, the young protector. A novel. In five volumes. By the author of "Adelaide; or, the countercharm:" - "the romance of the Pyrenees:" - and "the forest of Montalbano," &c. &c. Third edition. Cuthbertson , Catherine (Author)
Printer Things By Their Right Names; a Novel, in Two Volumes. By the author of “Plain Sense,” and “Disobedience.” Second edition. Jacson , Frances (Author)
Printer The New Family Receipt-Book, containing eight hundred Truly Valuable Receipts In various Branches of Domestic Economy, Selected from The Works of British and Foreign Writers of Unquestionable Experience and Authority, And from The Attested Communications of Scientific Friends. A New Edition, corrected. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby (Author)
Printer Mansfield Park: A Novel. In Three Volumes. By the author of "Pride and Prejudice." Second Edition. Austen , Jane (Author)
Printer Pity's Gift: A collection of interesting tales, to excite the compassion of youth for the animal creation. Ornamented with vignettes. From the writings of Mr. Pratt. Selected by a lady. Pratt , Samuel Jackson (Author)
Unknown , [Woman] (Compiler)
Printer Psyche, with Other Poems. By the late Mrs Henry Tighe. The fifth edition. Tighe , Mary (Author)
Printer Tales from Shakespear: Designed for the Use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. The Third Edition. in Two Volumes. Lamb , Charles (Author)
Lamb , Mary (Author)
Godwin , Mary Jane (Publisher)
and 2 more.
Printer Modern Greece. A Poem. Hemans , Felicia (Author)
Printer The Works of the Right Honorable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Including Her Correspondence, Poems, and Essays. Published, by Permission, from Her Genuine Papers. The Sixth Edition. In Five Volumes. Montagu , Mary Wortley (Author)
Dallaway , James (Editor)
Printer Northanger Abbey: and Persuasion. By the author of "Pride and Prejudice," "Mansfield Park," &c. With an autobiographical notice of the author. In four volumes. Austen , Jane (Author)
Printer Tragic Dramas; Chiefly Intended for Representation in Private Families: To Which is Added, Aristodemus, a Tragedy, from the Italian of Vincenzo Monti. By Frances Burney. Burney , Frances (Author)
Monti , Vincenzo (Author)
Printer Translations from Camoens, and Other Poets, with Original Poetry, by the author of "Modern Greece," and the "Restoration of the works of art to Italy." Hemans , Felicia (Author)
Printer A New System of Domestic Cookery; formed upon Principles of Economy: and adapted to the Use of Private Families. By a Lady. A New Edition, corrected. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby (Author)
Printer An Address to the Right Hon. Lord Byron: With an Opinion on some of his Writings. By FHB. Sonnets and Odes, Elegies, Ballads, and Sketches, on Various Subjects, Chiefly Descriptive. By William Linley, Esq. Late in the Civil Service of the East India Company; And the Late Mr. Charles Leftley, Parliamentary Reporter of the Times Newspaper; Both Educated at St. Paul's School. B. , F. H. (Author)
Leftley , Charles (Author)
Linley , William (Author)
Printer First impressions on a tour upon the continent in the summer of 1818, through parts of France, Italy, Switzerland, the borders of Germany, and a part of French Flanders. Baillie , Marianne (Author)
Printer Tales and Historic Scenes, in Verse. By Felicia Hemans, author of The Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy, Modern Greece, &c. &c. Hemans , Felicia (Author)

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"Thomas Davison [Whitefriars]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 55, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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