There are 82 titles associated with this firm.

@book{ wphp_24522
  title={The Tunbridge prodigy. Written by a lady.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24522
  title={The Tunbridge prodigy. Written by a lady.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23160
  author={Trotter (Cockburn),Catharine},
  title={On his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, a poem.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_21948
  title={A poem, humbly inscrib'd to the Lords Commissioners for the union of the two kingdoms.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24487
  title={The Stuarts: a pindarique ode. Humbly dedicated to Her Majesty of Great Britain. By Mrs. Aubin.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23901
  author={d'Aulnoy,Marie-Catherine and Manley,Delarivier and Crull,Jodocus},
  title={Memoirs of the Court of England: in the reign of King Charles II. Containing the amours of that Prince, The Duke of Monmouth, Earl of Argyle. - of Buckingham, - of A - n Earl of Oxford - Lord Grey, &c. - St. Albans. In two parts. By the Countess of Dunois, Author of the Ingenious Diverting Letters of The Lady's Travels into Spain. Writ during her residence in that Court. The second edition, corrected. To which is added, The lady's packet of letters, Taken from her by a French Privateer in her Passage to Holland. Suppos'd to be Written by several Men of Quality. Brought over from St. Malo's by an English Officer at the last Exchange of Prisoners.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23940
  author={de Scudéry,Madeleine},
  title={An essay upon glory. Written originally in French by the celebrated Mademoiselle de Scudery. Done into English by a person of the same sex.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24773
  title={The wellcome: a poem, to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. By Mrs. Aubin.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14864
  title={Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian, and translated from the third edition of the French.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& James Woodward [Thread Needle Street] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14865
  title={Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian. The second edition.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& James Woodward [Thread Needle Street] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24071
  title={Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Vol.II. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne; and done into English by the translator of the New Atalantis.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14866
  title={Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne; and done into English by the translator of The new Atalantis.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22623
  author={Manley,Delarivier and Swift,Jonathan},
  title={A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710/11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14870
  title={A true narrative of what pass’d at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710-11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={Dublin},    }
@book{ wphp_14869
  title={A true narrative of what pass’d at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710/11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14871
  title={A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14872
  title={A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& },
  address={Edinburgh},    }
@book{ wphp_14873
  title={A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State. The second edition, corrected.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14867
  title={Court intrigues, in a collection of original letters, from the island of the New Atalantis, &c. By the author of those memoirs.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& James Woodward [Scalding Alley]},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14868
  title={Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne; and done into English by the translator of The New Atalantis. The second edition, corrected.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22867
  title={The D. of M--h's Vindication: in answer to a pamphlet Lately Publish'd, call'd (Bouchain, ora dialogue between the Medley and the Examiner.)},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14897
  title={The D. of M--h’s vindication: in answer to a pamphlet lately publish’d, call’d [Bouchain, ora dialogue between the medley and the examiner.]},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14898
  title={The D. of M--h’s vindication: in answer to a pamphlet lately publish’d, call’d Bouchain, or a dialogue between the Medley and the Examiner. The second edition, corrected.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22184
  title={A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: ...},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14874
  title={A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State. The third edition, corrected.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_21938
  title={John Bull still in his senses: being the third part of Law is a bottomless-pit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphry Polesworth: and publish'd, (as well as the two former parts) by the author of the New Atalantis.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22316
  title={Lewis Baboon turned honest, and John Bull politician. Being the fourth part of Law is a Bottomless-Pit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphry Polesworth: and publish'd (as well as the three former parts and appendix) by the Author of The new Atalantis.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& },
  address={Dublin},    }
@book{ wphp_24996
  title={The examiners for the year 1711. To which is prefix'd, A letter to the Examiner.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25012
  author={Carter,Richard and Ellers,Peter},
  title={A scheme for, an effectual method to prevent the exportation of wooll. By Richard Carter, and Peter Ellers. June 20. 1713.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25718
  title={An answer to the discourse on free-thinking: wherein the absurdity and infidelity of the sect of free-thinkers is undeniably demonstrated. By a gentleman of Cambridge.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24373
  title={Miscellany poems, on several occasions. Written by a lady.},
  publisher={John Barber \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22185
  title={Miscellany poems, on several occasions. Written by the Right Honble Anne, Countess of Winchilsea.},
  publisher={John Barber \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22375
  title={Miscellany poems, with a tragedy. By a lady, author of the poem on the spleen.},
  publisher={John Barber \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25480
  title={Electra, A Tragedy. Translated from the Greek of Sophocles.},
  publisher={John Watts \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25706
  title={The Cid: or, the heroick daughter. A tragedy.},
  publisher={J. W. \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25278
  title={The divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, proved to be the primitive and apostolick doctrine of the Catholick Church: with a curious remark on the validity of the Sibylline oracles. Translated from the Latin of the Right Reverend Dr. George Bull, late Lord Bishop of St. David's. By a presbyter of the Church of England.},
  publisher={J. W. \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25827
  title={The life and character of Jane Shore, collected from our best historians, chiefly from the writings of Sir Thomas More, Who was Her Cotemporary, and Personally knew Her. Humbly offer'd to the readers and spectators of her tragedy written by Mr. Rowe. Inscrib'd to Mrs. Old Field.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25617
  title={The life and character of Jane Shore. Collected from our best historians, chiefly from the writings of Sir Thomas More; who was her Cotemporary, and Personally knew Her. Humbly offer'd to the readers and spectators of her tragedy written by Mr. Rowe.  Inscrib'd to Mrs. Oldfield.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25344
  title={The life and character of Jane Shore. Collected from our best historians, chiefly from the writings of Sir Thomas More; Who was her Cotemporary, and Personally knew her. Humbly offer'd to the readers and spectators of her tragedy written by Mr. Rowe. Inscrib'd to Mrs. Oldfield. The Second Edition.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25656
  author={de Mandeville,Bernard},
  title={The mysteries of virginity: or, a full discovery of the difference between young maids and old ones. Set forth in several diverting dialogues of the female sex, ON Love and Gallantry, Marriage and single Life, Dress and Behaviour, Batchellorsand Husbands, Beauty and Courtship, Plays and Musick. With many other curious Subjects relating to Young Women not enter'd into the State of Matrimony.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25854
  title={The whigs unmask'd: or, the history of the Calf's-Head-Club farther expos'd; In a full account of the rise and progress of that impious society, since their horrid rebellion in forty-one. With all the treasonable ballads, sung by the villanous Whigs, as anthems, on the xxxth of January. Much enlarg'd, by an impartial account of all the plots and conspiracies form'd by the low-church faction, against the Queen and present ministry. With animadversions in prose and verse. Adorn'd with curious cuts, by the best hands. To which are added, several characters by that most ingenious poet, Sir John Denham. And the hellish mysteries of the old republicans, set forth in vindication of King Charles the First, by Mr. Samuel Butler, author of Hudthras. The ninth edition.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25801
  title={The history of the lives of the most noted highway-men, foot-pads, house-breakers, shop-lifts, and cheats, of both sexes, in and about London, and other Places of Great-Britain, for above fifty years last past. Wherein their most secret and barbarous Murders, unparallell'd Robberies, notorious Thefts, and unheard of Cheats, are expos'd to the Publick. By Capt. Alexander Smith.},
  publisher={Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14876
  title={A modest enquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people, upon the spreading of a report of Her Majesty’s death.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& },
  address={Dublin},    }
@book{ wphp_14877
  title={A modest enquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people, upon the spreading of a report of Her Majesty’s death.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22946
  title={A Modest Enquiry into the reasons of the joy Expressed by a Certain Sett of People, upon the Spreading of a Rerort [sic] of Her Majesty's death.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14852
  title={L’Atlantis de Madame Manley, Contenant les intrigues politiques, et amoureuses, de la noblesse d’Angleterre. Et où l’on découvre le secrèt de la derniere revolution. Seconde edition, où on a mis la clef en marge, & ajouté une table des matiéres.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25388
  title={The history of the lives of the most noted highway-men, foot-pads, house-breakers, shop-lifts and cheats, of both sexes, in and about London, and other Places of Great-Britain, for above fifty years last past. Wherein their most secret and barbarous Murders, unparallel'd Robberies, notorious Thefts, and unheard of Cheats, are expos'd to the Publick. By Capt. Alexander Smith. In two volumes. The Second Edition.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25697
  title={The history of the rise and growth of schism in Europe, to the great scandal of the Christian religion: exemplified in the lives of some false prophets, Teachers and Preachers amongst the Dissenters, Viz. Papists, Anabaptists, Quakers, Brownists, Muggletonians, French Prophets, Deists, Blasphemers, Presbyterians, Independants, &c. To which are added, the lives and tryals of several blasphemers of late, before the Lord Chief Justice at the Old-Baily, with Observations on the Three Grand Impostors. The Tenets of the late Mohocks, who they were; and the Alamode Religion of a Covent-Garden Libertine, just Converted from Atheism: Occasionally Written upon the Glorious Design of the British Parliament's Suppression of Schism.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25839
  title={The second volume of the Examiners: beginning on Thursday the 6th of December, 1711, and ending on Monday the 29th of December, 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25774
  title={The second volume of The history of the lives of the most notorious high-way men, foot-pads, and other thieves, and murderers, of both sexes, for above fifty years last past; Continu'd from Du Vall, and the German Princess, which compleats the History to the present time. Wherein their Thefts, Cheats, and Murders, committed in Great-Britain, and Ireland, are farther are farther expos'd. By Capt. Alexander Smith.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25715
  title={The third volume of the Examiners: beginning on Friday the 2d of January, 1712, and ending on Monday the 11th of May, 1713.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22101
  title={La conduite de milord Duc d'Ormonde, pendant la campagne de l'année, 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14861
  title={La conduite de milord Duc d’Ormonde, pendant la campagne de l’année, 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14855
  title={The conduct of his Grace the D. of Ormonde, in the campaign of 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={Dublin},    }
@book{ wphp_14857
  title={The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormond, in the campaign 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22027
  title={The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormonde, in the campagne of 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22856
  title={The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormonde, in the campagne of 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23036
  title={The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormonde, in the campagne of 1712.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14860
  title={The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormonde, in the campaign 1712. The second edition.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14858
  title={The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormonde, in the campaign 1712. The third edition.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_26015
  title={A compleat history of the Holy Bible, Contain'd in the Old and New Testaments in which are inserted the occurences that happen'd during the space of about five hundred years from the days of the Prophet Malachi to the birth of our blessed savior  and that have been omitted in all or most of the former works of this nature. And with notes, explaining several difficult texts, and reconciling maning seeming contradictions in the translations, as well English as others, of the  Sacred Scriptures. Adorn'd with above 150 cuts, engraved by J. Stuart. The Second Edition.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25820
  title={A Plain discovery what they would be at, in some seasonable reflections on a late pamphlet, Entitul'd The Protestant dissenters hopes from the present government, freely declar'd; and the grounds that support them offered to the consideration of such as are, or should be, their friends; and of others, who would have their hopes suppress'd, &c. In a letter to the citizen of London, to whom that pamphlet is also inscrib'd.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25833
  title={A plain discovery what they would be at, in some seasonable relections on a late pamphlet, entitul'd The Protestant dissenters hopes from the present government, freely declar'd; and the Grounds that Support them offered to the Consideration of such as are, or should be, their Friends; and of Others, who would have their Hopes Suppress'd, &c. In a Letter to the Citizen of London, to whom that Pamphlet is also Inscrib'd.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25886
  title={Particular men not to be injur'd for the publick good. A sermon on the thirtieth of January. Found among the papers of learned divine. And now first published, as proper to bind up with Mr. Tho. Burnet's essay upon government.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25820
  title={A Plain discovery what they would be at, in some seasonable reflections on a late pamphlet, Entitul'd The Protestant dissenters hopes from the present government, freely declar'd; and the grounds that support them offered to the consideration of such as are, or should be, their friends; and of others, who would have their hopes suppress'd, &c. In a letter to the citizen of London, to whom that pamphlet is also inscrib'd.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25833
  title={A plain discovery what they would be at, in some seasonable relections on a late pamphlet, entitul'd The Protestant dissenters hopes from the present government, freely declar'd; and the Grounds that Support them offered to the Consideration of such as are, or should be, their Friends; and of Others, who would have their Hopes Suppress'd, &c. In a Letter to the Citizen of London, to whom that Pamphlet is also Inscrib'd.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14879
  title={Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Vol. II. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne; and done into English by the translator of The new Atalantis.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_24315
  title={Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the New Atalantis, an island in the Mediterranean. In two volumes. Written originally in Italian.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25869
  title={The new key to The rehearsal. Presented to his Royal Highness the Prince. Written by his Grace George, late Duke of Buckingham.},
  publisher={Samuel Briscoe \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25459
  title={The way of the town: or, The sham-heiress. A burlesque poem. Being a satyr on the ladies of pleasure and the beaux's of the town. With the fable of the lady's silver piss-pot.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25916
  author={Butler,Samuel and Luke,Samuel},
  title={The third and last volume of posthumous works, written by Mr. Samuel Butler, Author of Hudibras. Part Written in the Time of the Usurpation and the rest in the Reign of King Charles II. To which is added, The coffin for the good old cause. Publish'd just before the Restoration. By Sir Samuel Luke.},
  publisher={Samuel Briscoe \& George Strahan \& Richard Smith \& Jonah Browne [Brown] \& Anne Dodd I \& John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25914
  author={Butler,Samuel and Luke,Samuel},
  title={The third and last volume of posthumous works, written by Mr. Samuel Butler, Author of Hudibras. Part written in the Time of the usurpation, and the rest in the Reign of King Charles II. To which is added, The coffin for the good old cause. Publish'd just before the restoration. By Sir Samuel Luke. The Second Edition.},
  publisher={Samuel Briscoe \& George Strahan \& Richard Smith \& Jonah Browne [Brown] \& Anne Dodd I \& John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_26016
  title={A compleat history of the Holy Bible, contain'd in the Old and New Testament: ... In three volumes. By Laurence Howel, ... The third edition, corrected ...},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_23373
  title={An apology for the clergy of the Church of England, in a letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor. Wherein some unjust insinuations against them, in his lordship's answer to the representation of the committee of the lower house of convocation are detected and confuted; and the necessity of learning, in order to a right understanding and exposition of the scriptures, demonstrated; contrary to what his lordship asserts, particularly in the 20th section of his first chapter; and to many other dangerous positions in the course of that book. By a clergyman of the Church of England.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25121
  title={The divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, proved to be the primitive and apostolick doctrine of the catholick church: with a curious remark on the validity of the Sibylline oracles. By the Rt. Rev. Dr. George Bull, Late Lord Bishop of St. David's.},
  publisher={John Morphew \& Anne Dodd I},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_25910
  author={Butler,Samuel and Luke,Samuel},
  title={The third and last volume of posthumous works, written by Mr. Samuel Butler, Author of Hudibras. Part written in the Time of the usurpation, and the rest in the Reign of King Charles II. To which is added, The coffin for the good old cause. Publish'd just before the restoration. By Sir Samuel Luke. The Third Edition, Corrected.},
  publisher={Samuel Briscoe \& Edward Symon \& George Strahan \& Richard Smith \& Anne Dodd I \& John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14883
  title={Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty’s servants. By Mrs. Manley. The second edition, corrected.},
  publisher={John Barber \& John Morphew \& William Rufus Chetwood},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14886
  title={Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediterranean. In four volumes. Written originally in Italian. The sixth edition.},
  publisher={John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14884
  title={The power of love: in seven novels viz. I. The fair hypocrite. II. The physician’s stratagem. III. The wife’s resentment. IV.V. The husband’s resentment. In two examples. VI. The happy fugitives. Vii. The perjur’d beauty. Never before published. By Mrs. Manley.},
  publisher={John Barber \& John Morphew},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_26008
  title={Magna Britannia et Hibernia, antiqua & nova. Or, a new survey of Great Britain, wherein to the Topographical Account given by Mr. Cambden, and the late Editors of his Britannia, is added a more large History, not only of the Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes mentioned by them, but also many other Places of Note, and Antiquities since discovered. Together with. The Chronology of the most remarkable actions of the Britains, Romans, Saxons, Danes, Normans. The Lives and Constitutions of the Bishops of all our Sees; Founders, and Benefactors to our Universities and Monasteries, the Sufferings of Martyrs, and many other Ecclesiastical Matters. The Acts and Laws of our Parliaments, with the Place of their Meeting. A Character of such eminent Statesmen and Churchmen as have signalized themselves by their wise Conduct and Writings. And the Pedigrees of all our noble, Families and Gentry, both Ancient and Modern, according to the best Relations extant. Collected and Composed by an impartial Hand.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22911
  title={A letter from a gentlewoman in the country, to the Lord Bishop of Bangor.},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_22911
  title={A letter from a gentlewoman in the country, to the Lord Bishop of Bangor.},
  address={London},    }