ID 6127
Name Cottom and Stewart
Gender Unknown
Street Address Royal Street
City Alexandria
Start Date
End Date


Displaying 1–10 of 10

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller A tale of the times. By the author of A gossip's story. Dedicated, by permission, to Mrs. Carter. In two volumes. West , Jane (Author)
Printer Charlotte Temple. Tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson, late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Two volumes in one. Sixth American edition. Rowson , Susanna (Author)
Printer The Beggar Boy. A Novel. In three volumes. By the late Mr. Thomas Bellamy. Bellamy , Thomas (Author)
Gooch , Elizabeth Sarah Villa-Real (Author)
Bookseller What has been. A novel. By Mrs. Mathews. Two volumes in one. Mathews , Mrs. Charles (Author)
Printer Letters on the elementary principles of education. By Elizabeth Hamilton, author of the Memoirs of modern philosophers, &c. In two volumes. First American, from the second London edition. Hamilton , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer What has been. A novel. By Mrs. Mathews. Two volumes in one. Mathews , Mrs. Charles (Author)
Printer An Easy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature, and the Holy Scriptures. Adapted to the Capacities of Children, and Intended for the Use of Schools and Families. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah (Author)
Printer The art of cookery made plain and easy; excelling any thing of the kind ever yet published. Containing directions how to market ; the seasons of the year for butchers' meat, poultry, fish, &c. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. Vegetables. Broiling. Frying. To dress fish. Made dishes. Poultry. Soups and broths. Puddings. Pies. Variety of Dishes for Lent, which may be made Use of any other time. Gravies. Sauces. Hashes. Fricassees. Ragouts. To cure Hams, Bacon, &c. Pickling. Making Cakes. Jellies. Preserving. &c. &c. &c. &c. Also, the order of a bill of fare for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition, with modern improvements. Glasse , Hannah (Author)
Printer The exile of Erin, a novel, three volumes in one. By Mrs. Plunkett, late Miss Gunning. Gunning , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer The art of cookery made plain and easy; excelling any thing of the kind ever yet published. Containing directions how to maket [sic]; the season of the year for butchers' meat, poultry, fish, &c. How to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be sent up to table. Vegetables. Broiling. Frying. To dress fish. Made Dishes. Poultry. Soups and Broths. Puddings. Pies. Variety of dishes for Lent, which may be made use of at any other time. Gravies. Sauces. Hashes. Fricassees. Ragouts. To cure hams, bacon, &c. Pickling. Making cakes. Jellies. Preserving. &c. &c. &c. &c. Also--the order of a bill of fare for each month, in the manner the dishes are to be placed upon the table, in the present taste. By Mrs. Glasse. A new edition, with modern improvements. Glasse , Hannah (Author)

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"Cottom and Stewart" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6127, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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