ID 6693
Name Tace Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde
Gender Female
Street Address Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street
City London
Start Date 1736
End Date 1749
Sources British Book Trade Index 56946
Related People Sowle Raylton, Tace
Related Firms Tace Sowle [Lombard St]
Tace Sowle [White Hart Court]


Displaying 1–5 of 5

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller Strength in weakness manifest: in the life, various trials, and Christian testimony of that faithful servant and handmaid of the Lord, Elizabeth Stirredge, Who departed this Life, at her House at Hempstead in Hertfordshire, in the 72d Year of her Age. Written by her own hand. Shewing her pious Care and Counsel to her Children, and according to their Desire, made Publick: Also for the Instruction and Benefit of many other Parents and Children concerned. The Second Edition. Stirredge , Elizabeth (Author)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Printer)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Bookseller)
Printer Strength in weakness manifest: in the life, various trials, and Christian testimony of that faithful servant and handmaid of the Lord, Elizabeth Stirredge, Who departed this Life, at her House at Hempstead in Hertfordshire, in the 72d Year of her Age. Written by her own hand. Shewing her pious Care and Counsel to her Children, and according to their Desire, made Publick: Also for the Instruction and Benefit of many other Parents and Children concerned. The Second Edition. Stirredge , Elizabeth (Author)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Printer)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Bookseller)
Publisher A plain path-way opened to the simple-hearted, for the answering all doubts and objections which do arise in them against the light and truth in the inward parts; by which many are kept from Obedience, and so from Peace to their painting Souls. By Stephen Crisp. To which is added, an invitation from the spirit of Christ. By Humphry Smith. Crisp , Stephen (Author)
Smith , Humphry (Author)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Publisher)
Bookseller A legacy, or widow's mite; left by Alice Hayes, to her children and others. Being a brief relation of her life; with an account of some of her dying sayings. The second edition. Hayes , Alice (Author)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Printer)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Bookseller)
Printer A legacy, or widow's mite; left by Alice Hayes, to her children and others. Being a brief relation of her life; with an account of some of her dying sayings. The second edition. Hayes , Alice (Author)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Printer)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Bookseller)

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"Tace Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6693, Accessed 2025-02-22.

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