There are 15 titles associated with this firm.

@book{ wphp_12009
  title={The juvenile speaker: or dialogues, and miscellaneous pieces in prose and verse; for the instruction of youth, in the art of reading. By the author of The Polite Reasoner.},
  publisher={R. Scholey \& William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] \& John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] \& P. Wynne and Son \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_11345
  author={Gregory,John and Chapone,Hester Mulso},
  title={Letters on the improvement of the mind: addressed to a lady. By Mrs. Chapone; and A father's legacy to his daughters. By Dr. Gregory.},
  publisher={Joseph Johnson \& Joseph Booker \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& R. Scholey \& George Wilkie and John Robinson \& Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] \& Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] \& Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme \& James Asperne \& James Nunn \& Lane, Newman, and Co. \& Robert Faulder and Son \& Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] \& Edward Jeffery [Warwick Street] \& Hannah Black, Parry, and Kingsbury \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& Lackington, Allen and Co. \& Cuthell and Martin \& James and John Richardson \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_12024
  author={Sturm,Cristoph Christian},
  title={Reflections on the Works of God; and of His Providence throughout All Nature. Translated by a lady, from the German of C.C. Sturm.},
  publisher={John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] \& James and John Richardson \& Joseph Johnson \& Robert Faulder and Son \& Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe \& Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] \& James Nunn \& Cuthell and Martin \& Edward Jeffery [opposite Canton House] \& Lackington, Allen and Co. \& Lane, Newman, and Co. \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& George Wilkie and John Robinson \& Joseph Booker \& Hannah Black, Parry, and Kingsbury \& Sherwood, Neely, and Jones \& James Asperne \& R. Scholey},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_10443
  author={Chapone,Hester Mulso and Gregory,John},
  title={Letters on the improvement of the mind: addressed to a lady. By Mrs. Chapone; and A father's legacy to his daughters. By Dr. Gregory.},
  publisher={Joseph Johnson \& Joseph Booker \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& R. Scholey \& Sherwood, Neely, and Jones \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& George Wilkie and John Robinson \& Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] \& Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe \& John Richardson [Royal Exchange] \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme \& James Asperne \& James Nunn \& Robert Faulder and Son \& Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] \& Edward Jeffery [Warwick Street] \& Hannah Black, Parry, and Kingsbury \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& Lackington, Allen and Co. \& Cuthell and Martin \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_8377
  title={Translation Of The Letters Of A Hindoo Rajah; Written Previous To, And During The Period Of His Residence In England. To Which Is Prefixed, A Preliminary Dissertation On The History, Religion, And Manners, Of The Hindoos. By Elizabeth Hamilton, Author Of Letters On The Elementary Principles Of Education, Cottagers Of Glenburnie, &c. &c. Fifth Edition.},
  publisher={Joseph Johnson and Co. \& R. Scholey \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& George Wilkie and John Robinson \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825]},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_11302
  author={du Crest de Saint-Aubin,Stéphanie Félicité},
  title={Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes. Par Madame la comtesse Genlis.},
  publisher={George and Samuel Robinson \& R. Scholey \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& George Wilkie and John Robinson \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& Armand Bertrand Dulau and Co. (B. Dulau and Co.) [Soho Square] \& Charles Law \& Thomas Boosey \& John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_14222
  author={Cicero,Marcus Tullius and the Consul,Pliny and Shenstone,William},
  title={Elegant Epistles: Being a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters, selected for the improvement of young persons, and for general entertainment, from Cicero, Pliny, Sydney, Bacon, Raleigh, Howel, Russell, Clarendon, Temple, Locke, Shaftesbury, Pope, Swift, Addison, Steele, Arbuthnot, Gay, Atterbury, Tillotson, Herring, Rundle, Secker, Watts, Shenstone, Somerset, Gray, Luxborough, West, Sterne, Chatham, Johnson, Lyttleton, Hoadly, Chesterfield, Gibbon, Cowper, Beattie, Jones, Richardson, Young, Lady M. W. Montague, Eliz. Montagu, Seward, Warburton, Hurd, Fox, and others. A new edition, improved and enlarged.},
  publisher={Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& George Wilkie [Paternoster Row] \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& James Nunn \& John Cuthell [1811-1828] \& William Lowndes [Bedford Street] \& William Clarke and Sons \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman] \& Charles Law \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& Lackington, Allen and Co. \& Thomas Boosey \& John and Arthur Arch [Cornhill] \& John Richardson [Royal Exchange] \& Benjamin and Richard Crosby and Co. \& White, Cochrane, and Co. \& Francis Wingrave \& Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. \& Edmund Lloyd [23 Harley Street] \& Joseph Booker \& Samuel Bagster [Strand] \& William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton \& William Baynes [1796–1820; 1828–1832] \& Edward Williams [Red Lion Court] \& William Stewart \& Joseph Mawman [Ludgate] \& H. T. Hodgson [Marylebone] \& John Booth \& Robert Dutton [Gracechurch Street] \& John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] \& William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830] \& James Asperne \& John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] \& John Murray [32 Prince's Street] \& R. Scholey \& Thomas Tegg [111 Cheapside] \& Charles Cradock and William Joy \& Robert Baldwin III \& Sherwood, Neely, and Jones \& Joseph Johnson and Co. \& Gale, Curtis, and Fenner \& John Taylor and James Augustus Hessey \& J. Faulder \& David Walker \& George and Samuel Robinson \& Robert Saunders \& C. Brown \& William Hone [Fleet Street] \& Thomas Underwood [West Smithfield] \& Richard Rees \& Robert Ogle, James Duncan and Cochran \& Messrs. Doig and Sterling},
  address={Surrey},    }
@book{ wphp_13289
  author={du Crest de Saint-Aubin,Stéphanie Félicité},
  title={Les veillées du château, ou cours de morale, à l'usage des enfans. Par l'auteur d'Adèle et Théodore.},
  publisher={George and Samuel Robinson \& R. Scholey \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& Charles Law \& Thomas Boosey \& John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] \& Armand Bertrand Dulau and Co. [Wardour Street] \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& George Wilkie [Paternoster Row] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_10092
  title={Fairy tales and novels by the Countess d'Anois; translated from the French, with a biographical preface. In two volumes.},
  publisher={Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& R. Scholey \& Sherwood, Neely, and Jones \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& Walker and Edwards \& John Richardson [Royal Exchange] \& Charles Law and George B. Whittaker \& John Robinson \& Gale and Fenner \& James Nunn \& B. Reynolds \& Lackington and Co. \& Hannah Black and Co. \& James Black [Maiden Lane] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_13453
  author={Cottin,Sophie Ristaud and de Saint-Pierre,Jacques-Henri Bernardin},
  title={Paul and Virginia: translated from the French of Bernardin Saint-Pierre; By Helen Maria Williams. Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia. A tale, founded upon facts: from the French of Madame Cottin.},
  publisher={Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& R. Scholey \& Sherwood, Neely, and Jones \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& Walker and Edwards \& Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor & Jones \& John Richardson [Royal Exchange] \& Charles Law and George B. Whittaker \& Gale and Fenner \& Hannah Black, Charles Parbury, and William Houghton Allen \& James Nunn \& B. Reynolds \& J. Robinson \& James Black and Son [Tavistock Street]},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15588
  author={Burney,Frances and Edgeworth,Maria and Inchbald,Elizabeth and Radcliffe,Ann and Richardson,Samuel and Lennox,Charlotte and Goldsmith,Oliver and Smith,Charlotte and Walpole,Horace and Hawkesworth,John and Moore,John and Coventry,Francis and Fielding,Henry and Johnson,Samuel and Graves,Richard and Defoe,Daniel and Reeve,Clara},
  title={The British Novelists; with an Essay, and Prefaces Biographical and Critical, by Mrs. Barbauld. A New Edition.},
  publisher={Joseph Booker \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& Joseph Mawman [Poultry] \& James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman] \& Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& John Richardson [Royal Exchange] \& John Miller [69 Fleet Street] \& James Asperne \& Samuel Bagster [Strand] \& James Nunn \& Lackington and Co. \& James Carpenter [14 Old Bond Street] \& William Lowndes [Bedford Street] \& Cuthell and Martin \& John Murray II [Fleet Street] \& Edward Jeffery and Son \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Co. \& T. Wilkie \& J. and W. T. Clarke \& John Otridge [1816-21] \& James Black [York Street] \& Hannah Black and Co. \& John Richardson [Royal Exchange] \& James Malcott Richardson \& R. Scholey \& Robert Harding Evans [96 Pall Mall] \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& John Booth \& William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830] \& Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy \& Thomas Hodgson \& John Bohn \& John Ebers [27 Old Bond Street] \& Sherwood, Neely, and Jones \& G. and W. B. Whittaker \& Stirling & Slade \& Fairbairn and Anderson \& Henry Setchell and Son \& Whitmore and Fenn \& Rowland Hunter \& G. Cowir and Co. \& Robert Saunders \& Thomas and Joseph Allman [Princes St] \& J. Boone \& C. Brown \& J. Brumby \& Edwards and Co. \& Thomas Hamilton \& J. Lepard \& G. Mackie \& William Mason [London] \& Ogle, Duncan, and Co. \& John Rodwell and Martin \& Thomas Hurst, George Robinson and Co. [Cheapside] \& Thomas Wilson and Sons \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_650
  author={Klopstock,Friedrich Gottlieb},
  title={The Messiah: from the German of Klopstock. The first sixteen books by Mrs. Collyer, and the three last by Mrs. Meeke. To which is prefixed, an introduction on divine poetry},
  publisher={Francis, Charles and John Rivington \& James Nunn \& Thomas Cadell and William Davies \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& G. and W. B. Whittaker \& John Richardson [Bristol] \& John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& Lackington and Co. \& Hannah Black, Kingsbury, Charles Parbury & Allen \& Alexander Black, Young, and Young \& Sherwood, Neely, and Jones \& Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy \& John Robinson \& W. Simpkin and R. Marshall \& R. Scholey \& George Cowie \& Edward Edwards},
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_31
  title={Tales and Miscellaneous Pieces. By Maria Edgeworth. In fourteen volumes.},
  publisher={Rowland Hunter \& Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy \& Joseph Booker \& Harding, Triphook, and Lepard \& R. Scholey \& Robert Saunders \& Thomas Hamilton, William Adams, and Co. \& W. Simpkin and R. Marshall \& T. Mason [Great Russell Street] \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green \& James Duncan \& Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside] \& George Smith and Alexander Elder [Cornhill] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_15529
  title={Castle Rackrent, an Hibernian tale. Taken from facts, and from the manners of the Irish squires, before the year 1782. By Maria Edgeworth, author of Practical Education, Letters for Literary Ladies, The Parent's Assistant, &c. A New Edition.},
  publisher={Rowland Hunter \& Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock \& Longman Rees and Co. \& Joseph Booker \& John Murray [Coventry Street] \& Robert Benton Seeley and Co. \& Sherwood and Co. \& George B. Whittaker \& Harding and Lepard \& Anthony King Newman and Co. \& R. Scholey \& Thomas Hurst, Edward Chance, and Co. \& Robert Saunders and Edmund Hodgson \& Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside] \& Thomas Hamilton and William Adams \& W. Simpkin and R. Marshall \& T. Mason [Cambridge Street] \& James Duncan \& George Smith, Alexander Elder and Co. \& John Templeman [1822-9] \& },
  address={London},    }
@book{ wphp_13430
  title={The Looking-Glass for the Mind; or, Intellectual Mirror; Being an Elegant Collection of the Most Delightful Little Stories and interesting tales. Chiefly Translated from that Much Admired Work, L'Ami des Enfans. Illustrated with engravings on Wood, by George Baxter. Nineteenth Edition.},
  publisher={R. Scholey \& Thomas Hamilton, William Adams, and Co. \& Samuel Darton and Robert Harvey [1833-38] \& Whittaker and Co. \& Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman \& Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock \& Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] \& John, George, and Francis Rivington \& Thomas Cadell Jun. \& John Souter [St. Paul's Churchyard] \& Ralph Smith Kirby \& W. Edwards \& },
  address={London},    }