ID 8353
Name Olive Payne
Gender Female
Street Address at Horace's Head in Round Court, opposite York-Buildings in the Strand
City London
Start Date 1731
End Date 1739
Sources ESTC (#T54217)
Related People Payne, Olive


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Bookseller A catalogue of part of the library of the Lord Londonderry, And of the Revd. and Learned Mr. Henry Bennet, Chaplain to the Lord Lovel: Both lately deceas'd. Containing a Curious and Useful Collection of books in all Parts of Learning, and almost all Languages. To which are added several hundred of scarce old Pamphlets; being the Remains of the Library of the Ingenious James Fraser, J. U. D. Likewise a Curious Parcel of Physical Books. Among which are the following. Folio. Eustathius's Homer, 4 vol. Ed. opt. Hickesii Thesaurus, 2 vol. Scriptores decem Matt. Paris. - Camdeni Anglia Normanica. - Sparke's Hist. Ang. &c. - Hist. England. Barnes's Euripides. Etymologicon Magn. Graecum, finely bound in Morocco, gilt Leaves. Harduin's Pliny, 3 vol. S. Chrysostomi Opera, 8 vol. Walton's Polyglot Bible, 6 vol. Coccei Opera, 10 vol. Johnson's Nat. Hist. fine Cuts. Bracton de Legibus. Foesii Hippocrates. Basket's Large Bible and Common-Prayer, large paper, both rul'd and finely bound in Blue Turkey, gilt Leaves. Wilkins's Real Character, large paper. Hammond's Works, 4 vol. Hakluyt's Voyages, 2 vol. Virgilii Opera, with Ogilby's fine Cuts. Atlas Maritimus & Comm. Speed's Chronicles, large paper. Dugdale's Monasticon, 3 vol. Several good Law Books. Quarto. Barnes's Homer, 2 vol. Pitisci Suetonius, 2 vol. Cumberland de Legibus. Alpini Opera, 3 vol. Pindari Opera, Gr. Edit. prima. Pliny, in Usum Delph. 5 vol. finely bound, and gilt on the Leaves. Hicks's Saxon Grammar. Hyde's Relig. Vet. Persarum. Ludwig's Engl. Germ. & Fr. Dict. 2 vol. Rowland's Antiq of the Isle of Anglesea. Octavo. Lucian, 2 Vol. - Quintilian, 2 vol. - And several, var. Manuscripts. With about 2000 more Articles. Which will begin to be sold very Cheap, on Monday the 27th of this Instant, March, and continue daily till all are sold, by Olive Payne, Bookseller, in Round-Court in the Strand, against York-Buildings. Catalogues to be had gratis at the Place of Sale; and the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books, in any Language or Faculty. N. B The Books are mostly finely bound, gilt, &c. Payne , Olive (Author)
Payne , Olive (Bookseller)
Bookseller A catalogue of a small but curious collection of books and manuscripts in several languages, being the library of that eminent historian James Tyrrell, esq; deceased: Author of the general history of England, in five volumes in folio. To which is added, some curious books collected abroad, the whole in excellent condition. Many bound in the most curious manner. Among which are the following, viz. Folio. The history of the Old and New Testament, represented in up-wards of 800 curious prints, double rul'd, and finely bound. Several books of prints. Walton's Polyglot Bible, with the lexicon complete. Dr. Hammond's works, 4 vol. Tyrrell's history of England, 5 vol. complete, with very large and curious manuscript notes of the author. Stukely's itinerary through Eng-land, with 100 cuts. Father Montfaucon's Antiquities, with the supplement comp. 6 vol. full of fine cuts. With many more equally good, in Folio, Quarto, Octavo, and Twelves. And will be sold very cheap, on Monday the 23d instant, 1735. By Olive Payne, Bookseller Payne , Olive (Author)
Payne , Olive (Bookseller)
Bookseller A catalogue of several thousand volumes, in most languages and faculties, to which are added, a large and curious parcel of manuscripts. Being the libraries of Thomas Bennet, Esq; and a rev divine, both deceas'd ; likewise a curious parcel of the famous Mr. John Tolland, among which are the following in folio. Plato 3 tom. Gr. Lat. H. Steph. Cowper on the Muscles, fine Cuts. Castell's Vista's of the Ancients, Antoniana Margarita, in Morocco. The General Atlas, Maps Colour'd. Ciceronis Opera, 2 Tom.—par. Medailles Lovis XV. Drake's Parker de Antiq. Britan. Eccles. Mede's Works. best Edit. Pozzo's Perspective, 105 cuts. Guillim's Heraldry, best Edit. Ashmole's Order of the Garter, with Cuts. Giannone's Hist. of Naples, 2 vols. large Paper. D'Achery Spicilegium, 3 tom. Demosthenis, Gr.——Par. Etat de la France——Par. Boullainvilliers, 3 tom. With many Hundreds now equally good, in excellent Condition ; for the generality very handsomely bound, and all Gilt on the Back or Letter'd. To be sold very Cheap, on Wednesday the 29th, and to continue daily By Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace's Head in Round-Court, in the Strand, Over-against York-Building. Payne , Olive (Author)
Payne , Olive (Bookseller)
Bookseller A catalogue of the libraries of Peter Baudoin, Esq; and the Reverend Mr. Brown, (both lately deceased) containing Near Ten Thousand Volumes in all Languages, Arts and Sciences; And will be sold very Cheap on Wednesday the 7th of this Instant May 1735; and continue selling daily till all are sold, By Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace's Head in Round-Court, opposite York-Buildings in the Strand. Catalogues to be had, with the Prices printed, at One Shilling each, of Mrs. Nutt at the Royal-Exchange; Mrs. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; Mr. Chrichley's, Charing-Cross; and at the Place of Sale: Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books in any Language or Faculty. N. B. The Books in general are in good Condion, many bound in the best Manner, and several printed by the most famous, eminent Printers. Payne , Olive (Author)
Bookseller A catalogue of several thousand volumes, Wherein are Many Useful and Curious Books in all Parts of Learning, in Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, and English: For the Generality in very good Condition, many Curiously Bound, and almost all Gilt on the Back, or Letter'd: Which will be sold very Cheap, On Wednesday the 7th of this Instant January, 1735, and to continue daily till all are sold, By Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace' ... Round Court, over against York-Buildings in the Strand. Catalogues may be had Gratis, Of Mr. Strahan, in Cornhill; Mr. Mears, on Ludgate-Hill; Mr. Stone, near Bedford Row, Mr. Bickerton, Temple-Bar; Mr. Lewis, Covent-Garden; Mr. Brindley, New Bond-Street; Mr. Jolliffe, St. James's; Mr. Stagg, and Mr. Fox, Westminster-Hall; and at the Place of Sale. Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books in any Language or Faculty. Payne , Olive (Author)
Payne , Olive (Bookseller)

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"Olive Payne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 8353, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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