ID 961
Name John Murray I [Fleet Street]
Gender Male
Street Address No. 32, Fleet Street
City London
Start Date 1768
End Date 1793


Displaying 1–12 of 12

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller Memoirs, anecdotes, and characters of the Court of Lewis XIV. Translated from Les Souvenirs, or, Recollections of Madame de Caylus, niece to Madame de Maintenon: by the translator of the life and writings of Ninon de l'Enclos. In two volumes. Le Valois de Villette de Mursay , Marthe-Marguerite (Author)
Griffith , Elizabeth (Translator)
Publisher A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation; Particularly The British And Irish; From the earliest Accounts of time to the present period. Wherein Their remarkable Actions and Sufferings, Their Virtues, Parts, and Learning, Are Accurately Displayed. With a Catalogue of their Literary Productions. A new edition in twelve volumes, greatly enlarged and improved. Unknown , (Author)
Publisher Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M----y W----y M----e: written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe. Which contain among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners o the Turks; Drawn from Sources that have been inaccessible to other Travellers. A new edition. To which are now first added, poems, by the same author. In two volumes. Montagu , Mary Wortley (Author)
Publisher The plays of William Shakspeare. In ten volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators; to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The third edition, revised and augmented by the editor of Dodsley's collection of old plays. Shakespeare , William (Author)
Reed , Isaac (Editor)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Bookseller Alan Fitz-Osborne, an Historical Tale. In two volumes. By Miss Fuller. Second Edition. Fuller , Anne (Author)
Publisher The arguments of counsel in the Ecclesiastical Court, in the cause of Inglefield. With the speech of Doctor Calvert; on the twenty-second of July, 1786, at giving judgment. Printed from an Authentic Copy of Mr. Gurney's Short Hand Notes. Inglefield , Ann (Author)
Publisher Poems on slavery: by Maria Falconar, aged 17, and Harriet Falconar, aged 14. Falconar , Maria (Author)
Falconar , Harriet (Author)
Publisher The Adventurer. Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Hawkesworth , John (Editor)
Publisher The male coquet. A novel. In two volumes. By Jane Timbury, ... Timbury , Jane (Author)
Bookseller Sydney and Eugenia. A novel. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Publisher Reponses à démêler: ou, essai d'une manière d'exercer l'attention. On y a joint divers morceaux, qui ont pour but d'instruire ou d'amuser les jeunes personnes. Par Madame de La Fite. de la Fite , Marie-Élisabeth (Author)
Publisher Questions to be resolved: or, a new method of exercising the attention of young people. Interspersed with various pieces, calculated for instruction and amusement. Translated from the French of Madame de La Fite. de la Fite , Marie-Élisabeth (Author)

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"John Murray I [Fleet Street]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 961, Accessed 2025-03-29.

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