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Displaying 9451–9475 of 9488

Firm Title
John Lewis [Bartholomew Close] Hints of the glory of Christ; as the friend and bridegroom of the Church: from the Seven last Verses of the Fifth Chapter of Solomon's Song. In a letter to a friend. By A. Dutton.
John Sprint An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her funeral sermon, preach'd at Bristol, May 22. 1720. By the Reverend Mr. William Tong, and her Elegy, by the Reverend Mr. J. Watts. The Third Edition, Corrected.
Emanuel Matthews An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her funeral sermon, preach'd at Bristol, May 22. 1720. By the Reverend Mr. William Tong, and her Elegy, by the Reverend Mr. J. Watts. The Third Edition, Corrected.
John Sprint An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th, 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her funeral sermon, preach'd at Bristol, May 22. 1720. By the Reverend Mr. William Tong, and her elegy by the Reverend Mr J. Watts.
Emanuel Matthews An account of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bury, who died, May the 11th, 1720. Aged 76. Chiefly collected out of her own diary. Together with her funeral sermon, preach'd at Bristol, May 22. 1720. By the Reverend Mr. William Tong, and her elegy by the Reverend Mr J. Watts.
Anna Catharina Zenger An Answer to the council of proprietor's two publications; sett forth at Perth-Amboy the 25th of March 1746, and the 25th of March 1747. As also some observations on Mr. Nevil's speech to the House of Assembly, in relation to a petition presented to the House of Assembly, met at Trentown in the province of New-Jersey, in May, 1746.
Thomas Hume An epistle in answer to Susan Sauce-Pan's, famous letter to Phil. Hor-k. Now cook-maid to Cardinal Alberoni, with a secret history of the houshold of faith, &c. By Jenny Tuck-Bed, chamber-maid to Phil Hor---k.
Jean-Louı̈s König Le sistème des anciens et des modernes, concilié par l'exposition des sentimens differens de quelques théologiens, sur l'état des âmes séparées des corps. En quatorze lettres. Nouvelle édition augmentée par des notes & quelques pièces nouvelles.
Elizabeth Boyd Glory to the highest, a thanksgiving poem, on the late victory at Dettingen. To which is subjoin'd a sacred hymn, on the same occasion, both done extempore. By E--------- Boyd.
Thomas Cooper The old fox chas'd: a new court-ballad. Humbly inscribed to His Grace the Duke of A-----l. By Humphry Doggrel, Esq;
James Roberts The opera of operas; or, Tom Thumb the Great. Alter'd from The life and death of Tom Thumb the Great. And set to musick after the Italian manner. By Mr. Lampe. As it is perform'd by His Majesty's company of comedians at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
William Davis The penitent lady: or reflections on the mercy of God, in form of prayers. Written by the Dutchess of La Valliere, in her retirement from the court of France. Translated from the French by Lewis Atterbury, L. L. D. The Third Edition Corrected
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] An essay of a character of the late Right Honourable Sir George Treby Kt Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Common-Pleas. By N. Tate, servant to His Majesty.
Awnsham and John Churchill M. T. Ciceronis epistolæ selectæ, et aliquot C. Plinii Cæcilii Secundi. In usum scholæ Westmonasteriensis.
Samuel Mason A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley. In vindication of the doctrines of absolute, unconditional election, particular redemption, special vocation, and final perseverance. Occasioned chiefly By some Things in his Dialogue between a Predestinarian and his Friend; and In his Hymns on God's Everlasting Love.
John Baker I [Pater-Noster-Row] More memoirs: or, the pretender what he really pretends to be: some explications of his birth reviv'd: and reasons for questioning his title set aside. In a letter to a Right Reverend L----.
Jeremiah Wilkins Queen Elizabeth her gracious speech to her last parliament, the 30th. day of November, 1601.
Elizabeth Boyd Truth, a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable William Lord Harrington. By E----. B----.
Charles Corbett Truth, a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable William Lord Harrington. By E----. B----.
Elizabeth Boyd Truth, a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable William Lord Harrington. By E----. Boyd.
John Oswald A narration of the wonders of grace. In verse. Divided into six parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ's Ascension, to his second Coming. V. Of Christ's glorious Appearing and Kingdom. VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, a poem on the special work of the spirit in the hearts of the elect. As also, sixty one hymns composed on several subjects. With An alphabetical table.
Joseph Fox I A new Parliamentary register, being exact lists of I. The Lords spiritual and temporal. II. The counties, cities and burghs in alphabetical order, and under each their representatives in Parliament, from the year 1660, to this present time; containing 18 Parliaments. III. The names in a curious index, referring to the cities &c. represented, and shewing at one view the Restoration and the present Parliament. IV. The peers, commissioners of shires and burghs for North-Britain since the Union. With a blank margin for any alterations, and for registering therein many succeeding Parliaments.
Anne Dodd I A new Parliamentary register, being exact lists of I. The Lords spiritual and temporal. II. The counties, cities and burghs in alphabetical order, and under each their representatives in Parliament, from the year 1660, to this present time; containing 18 Parliaments. III. The names in a curious index, referring to the cities &c. represented, and shewing at one view the Restoration and the present Parliament. IV. The peers, commissioners of shires and burghs for North-Britain since the Union. With a blank margin for any alterations, and for registering therein many succeeding Parliaments.
Francis Jefferies A new Parliamentary register, being exact lists of I. The Lords spiritual and temporal. II. The counties, cities and burghs in alphabetical order, and under each their representatives in Parliament, from the year 1660, to this present time; containing 18 Parliaments. III. The names in a curious index, referring to the cities &c. represented, and shewing at one view the Restoration and the present Parliament. IV. The peers, commissioners of shires and burghs for North-Britain since the Union. With a blank margin for any alterations, and for registering therein many succeeding Parliaments.
John Catterns A new Parliamentary register, being exact lists of I. The Lords spiritual and temporal. II. The counties, cities and burghs in alphabetical order, and under each their representatives in Parliament, from the year 1660, to this present time; containing 18 Parliaments. III. The names in a curious index, referring to the cities &c. represented, and shewing at one view the Restoration and the present Parliament. IV. The peers, commissioners of shires and burghs for North-Britain since the Union. With a blank margin for any alterations, and for registering therein many succeeding Parliaments.