ID 7406
Name John Lewis [Bartholomew Close]
Gender Male
Street Address Bartholomew Close
City London
Start Date 1741
End Date 1753
Sources British Book Trade Index 42551
Related Firms John Lewis [Paternoster Row]


Displaying 1–9 of 9

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller A brief account of the gracious dealings of God, with a poor, sinful, unworthy creature, relating to the work of divine grace on the heart, in a saving conversion to Christ, and to some establishment in Him. Part I. By A.D Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller A discourse concerning the new-birth: to which are added, sixty-four hymns; compos'd on several subjects. With an epistle recommendatory, by the Reverend Mr. Jacob Rogers, A.B. Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller A letter to all the saints, on the general duty of love: Humbly presented, By one that is less than the least of them all, and unworthy to be their happy number. Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley: In vindication of the doctrines of absolute, unconditional election, particular redemption, special vocation, and final perseverance. Occasioned chiefly by some things in his dialogue between a predestinarian and his friend; and in his hymns on God's everlasting love. Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller Letters sent to an honourable gentleman, for the encouragement of faith. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller Letters on spiritual subjects, and divers occasions, sent to the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, and others of his friends and acquaintance. To which is added, A letter on the being and working of sin, in the soul of a justify'd man, as consistent with his state of justification in Christ, and sanctification through Him: with the nature of his obedience, and of his comfort, consider'd: as the one is from God, and the other to Him; notwithstanding his corruptions may be great, and his graces small in his own sight. As also, A letter on the duty and privilege of a believer, to live by faith, and to improve his faith unto holiness. By one who has tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller A postscript to a letter lately published, on the duty and privilege of a believer, ... Directed to the Society at the Tabernacle in London. ... As also, some of the mistakes of the Moravian brethren. ... By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller Letters on spiritual subjects, and divers occasions; sent to relations and friends. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. Dutton , Anne (Author)
Bookseller Hints of the glory of Christ; as the friend and bridegroom of the Church: from the Seven last Verses of the Fifth Chapter of Solomon's Song. In a letter to a friend. By A. Dutton. Dutton , Anne (Author)

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"John Lewis [Bartholomew Close]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 7406, Accessed 2024-10-22.

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