ID 1096
Last Name Dutton
First Name Anne
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1691
Date of Death 1765-11-17
Place of Birth Northampton
Place of Death Great Gransden
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Displaying 1–22 of 22

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Author A Narration of the Wonders of Grace in Verse. Divided into Six Parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant-Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ's Ascension to his second Coming. V. Of Christ's glorious Appearing and Kingdom VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, A Poem on the special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. As also, Sixty One Hymns composed on several Subjects. With an alphabetical table. By Anne Dutton. 1734
Bookseller A Narration of the Wonders of Grace in Verse. Divided into Six Parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant-Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ's Ascension to his second Coming. V. Of Christ's glorious Appearing and Kingdom VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, A Poem on the special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. As also, Sixty One Hymns composed on several Subjects. With an alphabetical table. By Anne Dutton. 1734
Publisher A Narration of the Wonders of Grace in Verse. Divided into Six Parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant-Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ's Ascension to his second Coming. V. Of Christ's glorious Appearing and Kingdom VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, A Poem on the special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. As also, Sixty One Hymns composed on several Subjects. With an alphabetical table. By Anne Dutton. 1734
Author A narration of the wonders of grace. In verse. Divided into six parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God's Election and Covenant Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ's Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ's Ascension, to his second Coming. V. Of Christ's glorious Appearing and Kingdom. VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, a poem on the special work of the spirit in the hearts of the elect. As also, sixty one hymns composed on several subjects. With An alphabetical table. 1734
Author A discourse concerning God's act of adoption. To which is added, a discourse upon the inheritance of the Adopted Sons of God. 1737
Author A discourse upon justification: shewing the matter, manner, time and effects of it. By the author of The discourse concerning the new-birth. 1740
Author Letters on spiritual subjects, and divers occasions; sent to relations and friends. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1740
Author A letter to all the saints, on the general duty of love: humbly presented, by one that is less than the least of them all, and unworthy to be of their happy Number. 1742
Author A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley. In vindication of the doctrines of absolute, unconditional election, particular redemption, special vocation, and final perseverance. Occasioned chiefly By some Things in his Dialogue between a Predestinarian and his Friend; and In his Hymns on God's Everlasting Love. 1742
Author A brief account of the gracious dealings of God, with a poor, sinful, unworthy creature, relating to the work of divine grace on the heart, in a saving conversion to Christ, and to some establishment in Him. Part I. By A.D 1743
Author A discourse concerning the new-birth: to which are added, sixty-four hymns; compos'd on several subjects. With an epistle recommendatory, by the Reverend Mr. Jacob Rogers, A.B. 1743
Author A letter to all the saints, on the general duty of love: Humbly presented, By one that is less than the least of them all, and unworthy to be their happy number. 1743
Author A letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley: In vindication of the doctrines of absolute, unconditional election, particular redemption, special vocation, and final perseverance. Occasioned chiefly by some things in his dialogue between a predestinarian and his friend; and in his hymns on God's everlasting love. 1743
Author Letters sent to an honourable gentleman, for the encouragement of faith. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1743
Author Letters on spiritual subjects, and divers occasions, sent to the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, and others of his friends and acquaintance. To which is added, A letter on the being and working of sin, in the soul of a justify'd man, as consistent with his state of justification in Christ, and sanctification through Him: with the nature of his obedience, and of his comfort, consider'd: as the one is from God, and the other to Him; notwithstanding his corruptions may be great, and his graces small in his own sight. As also, A letter on the duty and privilege of a believer, to live by faith, and to improve his faith unto holiness. By one who has tasted that the Lord is Gracious. 1745
Author A postscript to a letter lately published, on the duty and privilege of a believer, ... Directed to the Society at the Tabernacle in London. ... As also, some of the mistakes of the Moravian brethren. ... By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1746
Author Letters on spiritual subjects, and divers occasions; sent to relations and friends. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1747
Author Hints of the glory of Christ; as the friend and bridegroom of the Church: from the Seven last Verses of the Fifth Chapter of Solomon's Song. In a letter to a friend. By A. Dutton. 1748
Author A brief account of the gracious dealings of God, with a poor, sinful, unworthy creature, in three parts. Relating to Part I. The Work of Divine Grace on the Heart, in a Saving Conversion to Christ, and to some Establishment in Him. Part II. A Train of Special Providences attending Life, by which the Work of Faith was carried on with Power. Part III. Some particular Experiences of the Lord's Goodness in bringing out several little Tracts, to the Furtherance and Joy of Faith. With an appendix. And a letter prefixed, on the lawfulness of a woman's appearing in print. By A.D. 1750
Author A letter on the divine eternal sonship of Jesus Christ: As the Second Person in the Ever-Blessed Three-One God. occasioned by the perusal of Mr. Romaine's sermon on John viii. 24. entitled, A discourse upon the self-existence of Jesus Christ. With three letters on assurance of interest in Christ: As that which belongs unto the Reflex, and not to the Direct Act of Faith; and rather unto the Spirit's Sealing, than to the Soul's first Act of Believing. Written as the author's thoughts, o n part of Mr. Marshal's Book, Entitled, The gospel-mystery of sanctification. And two letters on the gift of the Holy Spirit to believers, as a Sealer, and his being to them as such, the Earnest of their Inheritance. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1757
Author Three letters on I. The marks of a child of God. II. The Soul-Diseases of God's Children; and their Soul-Remedies. And III. God's Prohibition of his Peoples unbelieving Fear; and his great Promise given for the Support of their Faith, unto their Time-Joy, and Eternal Glory. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1761
Author A treatise on justification: showing the matter, manner, time, and effects of it. By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Dutton, Late Minister in London, and Author of the Discourse on the New-Birth, and Religious Letters. The third edition. 1778

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"Dutton, Anne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 1096, Accessed 2024-10-22.

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