Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 701–725 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
21604 Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America: A. D. 1814. 1814
21605 Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America: A. D. 1815. 1815
21606 Extracts from the Minutes of the General Assembly, of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America: A. D. 1816. 1816
21110 Extracts from The Minutes of the Proceedings of the Ninth General Synod of the Associate Reformed Church in North America; Held at Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 15th May, 1812, and continued by adjournment. 1812
21111 Extracts from the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth General Synod of the Associate-Reformed Church, in North-America; Held at Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 30th May, 1810, and continued by adjournment. 1810
16004 Extracts in Prose and Verse, By a Lady of Maryland. Together with a Collection of Original Poetry, Never Before Published, By Citizens of Maryland. In Two Volumes. Unknown , [Woman]
6905 Extracts of letters; chiefly on religious subjects. With meditations on some select passages of scripture. By Mrs. L-re. Lefevre , Mrs.
3743 F. Chiswell's Dream, in the 11th month, 1786. I thought I was walking with a man Friend along a narrow lane, at the end of which stood a large and high building, about two yards from the end of it was build a single brick wall, rising gradually from the ground like the roof of an house, which was as high as the other building, and my road lay along it, which appeared very difficult to me as we drew nearer, I remembered that my sisters were going to the same place I was then going to, and I said to the Friend, though I have to go over that dangerous wall I am very desirous my sisters may not have so strait and difficult a path as I have to walk in, to which the Friend said, take no care for thy sisters, for we must all stand upon our own bottom; ... Chiswell , Fanny
s.n. [sine nomine]
14710 Faith in God and his word, the establishment and prosperity of his people. A sermon preached to the society which supported the Wednesday evening lecture in Great East-Cheap, December 27, 1753. And published at their Request. By John Gill, D.D. Gill , John
1793 The fifth edition.
25930 False zeal and Christian zeal distinguish'd, or, the essentials of popery describ'd. A sermon preach'd in The Parish Churches of Thornton and Pickering, In Yorkshire. On Occasion of the present Rebellion. By J. S. Hill, M. A. Rector of Thoruton, and Chaplain to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. Hill , John Samuel
John Hildyard (York)
20851 Familiar dialogues. Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street] (Philadelphia)
14418 Familiar letters to a gentleman, upon a variety of seasonable and important subjects in religion. By Jonathan Dickinson, ... Dickinson , Jonathan
Robert Johnson [Belfast] (Belfast)
24826 Family Lectures: or, a Copious Collection of Sermons, Selected from the Most Celebrated Divines, on Faith and Practice. Atterbury. Adams. Allen. Barrow. Balguy. Batty. Beveridge. Bentley. Bellamy, Blackall. Brown. Bull. Bundy. Burnet. Clarke. Calamy. Coney. Delaney. Duke. Gibson. Hort. Hoadley. Hopkins. Hickman. Horne. Hole. Harvest. Ibbot. Jortin. Kennet. Littleton. Lucas. Lupton. Moor. Moss. Orr. Porteus. Ridley. Sharpe. Sherlock. Swift. Stebbing. Stephens. Snape. Stillingfleet. Seed. Secker. Tillotson. Tilly. Terry. Trapp. Wake. Wilson. Webster. A New Volume. Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
Bedwell Law [13 Ave Maria Lane, 1767-1790, 1794-1795] (London)
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Charles Dilly (London)
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
William Richardson [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
Robert Baldwin I (London)
William Goldsmith [Warwick] (London)
William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street] (London)
Robert Faulder (London)
Samuel Hayes (London)
David Ogilvy and J. Speare (London)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Birchin Lane] (London)
C. Wynne (London)
George and Thomas Wilkie (London)
William Bent [55 Paternoster] (London)
James Scatcherd (London)
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
James Evans (London)
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (London)
H. Murray (London)
1795 A New Volume.
10844 Family Prayers for Every Day in the Week, Selected from Various Portions of the Holy Bible, with References. To Which are Added, a Few Prayers for Persons in Private; and Fourteen Original Hymns Whitmore , Lucy
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
25911 Fear God, and honour the King. A sermon preached At the Church of Saint Margaret in Ipswich, on Sunday the 29th Day of December, 1745. By the Rev. Mr. Gibbon Jones, Rector of Sudburn and Oreford, in the County of Suffolk; and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Radnor. Jones , Gibbon
Anne Dodd II (London)
18128 Female Scripture characters; exemplifying female virtues. By the author of the "Beneficial effects of the Christian temper on domestick happiness." From the third London edition. King , Frances Elizabeth
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
Andrew T. Goodrich (New York City)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
1816 From the third London edition.
25831 For God or the devil, or, just chastisement no persecution, being, the Christian's cry to the legislature for exemplary punishment of publick and pernicious blasphemers: particularly that wretch Woolston, Who has impudently and scurrilously turned the Miracles of our most Blessed Saviour into Ridicule, in Four Blasphemous Pamphlets lately Published. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25906 Frank Scammony: or, the restoring clergy detected, in their names, haunts, plots, heresies, and lewd conversation, in a sermon, Upon these Words, Her Priests have violated my Law-And I am profaned among them, Ezek. 22. 26. Occasion'd By a certain B-p's swearing, We'll have the Pretender by G-d. To which is added, The Pulpit Trumpeter; or the Substance of all The Treasonable Sermons that have been preach'd at Whitechappel, by that Passive Rebel, that drinks a Health to the Fatherless Child and the Widdow. Attested by Two of his constant Hearers. The Sermon (with all the Discoveries) dedicated to that Pious, Loyal, and Healing Prelate, Francis, Lord Bishop of Rochester. By Mr. John Dunton, Author of Neck or Nothing; and of those Four Sermous, Intitled,-The Hereditary Bastard, Ox-And Bull Bungey-And King Abigail. Dunton , John
3614 Friendship [in death] In twenty le[tter] from the dead to the [living] to which are added letters moral and entertainin[g] in prose and [verse]. In three parts. By Mrs. Elizabeth [Rowe]. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Henry Lintot (London)
13484 Friendship in death : in twenty letters, from the dead to the living. To which are added, Thoughts on death, translated from the Moral essays of Messieurs de Port-Royal; and Letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse, in three parts. By the late Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the author. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Nicole , Pierre
William Sharp (Romsey)
13485 Friendship in death : in twenty letters, from the dead to the living. To which are added, thoughts on death, translated from the moral essays of messieurs de port-royal; and letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse, in three parts. By the late Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. To which is prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the author. Nicole , Pierre
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
William Sharp (Romsey)
13483 Friendship in death, in letters from the dead to the living; with letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse : to which are added, devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise, and the life of the author. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Mackenzie and Dent (Newcastle upon Tyne)
13477 Friendship in death, in letters from the dead to the living; with letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse: to which are added, devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise, and the life of the author. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Eliz. Rowe. Reviewed and Published at her request, by I. Watts, D.D. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Mackenzie and Dent (Newcastle upon Tyne)
13487 Friendship in death, in letters from the dead to the living: with letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. To which are added, devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer, and praise; with the life of the author. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Reviewed, and published at her request, by Dr. Watts. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Thomas Kelly (London)
13488 Friendship in death, in letters from the dead to the living: with letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. To which are added, devout exercises of the heart, in meditation and soliloquy, prayer, and praise; with the life of the author. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Reviewed, and published at her request, by Dr. Watts. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Thomas Kelly (London)