2584 |
Donald Bayne and John Mennons
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
1653 |
Dun. Stevenson & Co.
Edinburgh (GB) |
6824 |
Elizabeth and Issobell Anderson
Edinburgh (GB) |
3773 |
Elphinston Balfour [11 Buccleuch Place]
11 Buccleuch Place |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3772 |
Elphinston Balfour [9 Buccleuch Place]
9 Buccleuch Place |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3771 |
Elphinston Balfour [Adam's Square]
Adam's Square |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3778 |
Elphinston Balfour [Causewayside]
66 Causewayside |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
3776 |
Elphinston Balfour [Dalry Lane]
Dalry Lane |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3774 |
Elphinston Balfour [Frederick Street]
63 Frederick Street |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3777 |
Elphinston Balfour [Gilmore Place]
31 Gilmore Place |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3769 |
Elphinston Balfour [Opposite the Cross Well]
Opposite the Cross Well, North Side |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3770 |
Elphinston Balfour [South Bridge Street]
41 South Bridge Street |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3775 |
Elphinston Balfour [Union Street]
6 Union Street |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
940 |
Elphinstone Balfour [at the Cross]
at the Cross, North Side |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
2205 |
Fairbairn and Anderson
Edinburgh (GB) |
5703 |
Fraser and Co.
Edinburgh (GB) |
6175 |
G. Thomson
Edinburgh (GB) |
3817 |
G. W. Boyd and Co.
Old Assembly Close |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
5325 |
George and James Stillies
140 High Street |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3818 |
George Boyd [James Place]
9 James Place |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3819 |
George Boyd [Windsor Place]
14 Windsor Place |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
230 |
George Goldie
34 Princes Street |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
589 |
George R. Clarke [St. Andrew's Street]
6 South St. Andrew's Street |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |
3877 |
George R. Clarke [St. David's Street]
8 South St. David's Street |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
229 |
George Ramsay and Co.
Old Fishmarket Close |
Edinburgh (GB) |
1969 |
1969 |