Geoname ID 2650225
Name Edinburgh
Titles 328
Firms 327
People Born: 33, Died: 44


Displaying 1–25 of 327

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
6674 [Condescendence for Miss Charles Halkerston, only child and heir served and retoured, and executor decerned and confirmed to the deceased Helenus Halkerston, late of Rathillet, pursuer; against Capt. Ninian Imrie of Dunmuir, and William Lumsdaine, writer to the signet his attorney, defenders.] Halkerston , Miss
s.n. [sine nomine]
9913 A Bold Stroke for a Wife; A Comedy, in Five Acts. By Mrs. Centlivre. As Performed at The Theatres-Royal. Centlivre , Susanna
Thomas Oliver and George Boyd [High Street] (Edinburgh)
9965 A Bold Stroke for a Wife; A Comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. With Remarks. Centlivre , Susanna
Stirling and Kenney [George Street] (Edinburgh)
7672 A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. Centlivre , Susanna
24789 A brief reply to the letter from Edinburgh, relating to the case of Mrs. Anderson, Her Majesty's printer in Scotland. Campbell , Agnes
12401 A Collection of Miscellaneous Poems, By Mrs. B-----n, in the Parish of Carnock, near Dunfermline. Unknown , [Woman]
Caw and Elder (Edinburgh)
13419 A collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments performed on the British stage. Cibber , Susannah Maria Arne
Silvester Doig [1790-96] (Edinburgh)
William Anderson (Stirling)
13416 A collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments performed on the British stage. A new edition. Gay , John
Cibber , Colley
Colman , George (the elder)
Milton , John
Hawkesworth , John
Dibdin , Charles
Reed , Joseph
Villiers , George
Cibber , Susannah Maria Arne
Whitehead , William
Kelly , Hugh
Fielding , Henry
Shakespeare , William
Jackman , Isaac
Ravenscroft , Edward
Murphy , Arthur
Garrick , David
Centlivre , Susanna
Dodsley , Robert
O'Hara , Kane
Bickerstaff , Isaac
Foote , Samuel
Charles Elliot [Edin] (Edinburgh)
5530 A letter from a lady in town to her friend in the country, concerning the choice of a manager for the Edinburgh Theatre-Royal. Unknown ,
s.n. [sine nomine]
23168 A letter from Helen Hutton, who was Execute at Haddington, on Friday last, the 25th of February, written to her mother a few days before her execution. Hutton , Helen
s.n. [sine nomine]
14878 A modest enquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people, upon the spreading of a report of Her Majesty’s death. Manley , Delarivier
1714 1st Scottish Edition.
3283 A new and easy method of cookery, Treating, I. Of gravies, soups, broths, &c. II. Of fish, and their sauces. III. To pot and make hams, &c. IV. Of pies, pasties, &c. V. Of pickling and preserving. VI. Of made wines, distilling and brewing, &c. To which are added, by way of appendix, fifty-three new and useful receipts, and directions for carving. By Elizabeth Cleland. Chiefly intended for the benefit of the young ladies who attend her school. The third edition. Cleland , Elizabeth
William Gray (Edinburgh)
R. Fleming (Edinburgh)
1770 The third edition.
3444 A new and easy method of cookery. Treating, I. Of gravies, soups, broths, &c. II. Of fish, and their sauces. III. To pot and make hams, &c. IV. Of pies, pasties, &c. V. Of pickling and preserving. VI. Of made wines, distilling and brewing, &c. By Elizabeth Cleland. Chiefly intended for the benefit of the young ladies who attend her school. Cleland , Elizabeth
J. Bruce (London)
William Gordon [Upper Kirkgate] (Aberdeen)
Samuel Willison (Edinburgh)
Charles Wright (Edinburgh)
3168 A new and easy method of cookery. Treating, I. Of gravies, soups, broths, &c. II. Of fish, and their sauces. III. To Pot and Make Hams, &c. IV. Of Pies, Pasties, &c. V. Of Pickling and Preserving. VI. Of made wines, distilling and brewing, &c. to Which are Added, By Way of Appendix, Fifty-Three New and Useful Receipts, and Directions for Carving. By Elizabeth Cleland. Chiefly intended for the Benefit of the Young Ladies who attend Her School. The Second Edition. Cleland , Elizabeth
1759 The Second Edition.
5695 A new catalogue of books, consisting of several thousand volumes, upon the most useful and entertaining subjects, which are lent out, at ten shillings per year, ... By Margaret Yair, ... Yair , Margaret
s.n. [sine nomine]
405 A pairt of the life of Lady Margaret Cuninghame, daughter of the Earl of Glencairn, that she had with her first husband, the Master of Chandale. The just and true account thereof, as it was first written with her own hand; including a letter to her husband the Master of Evandale, and another to my Lady Marquess of Hamilton, with her last will sent to the said Lady Marquess, inclosed therein. Cunningham , Margaret
23205 A prophecie of the destruction of popery, and all its supporters, contained in two visions of Christiana Poniatavia, a prophetess in Germany, ... Seen by her on the 13th. and 20th, days of January 1628. Exactly translated from the original. Poniatowska , Krystyna
4814 A series of letters. By the author of Clarinda Cathcart; Alicia Montague; and the comedy of Sir Harry Gaylove. In two volumes. Marishall , Jean
4869 A series of letters. By the author of Clarinda Cathcart; Alicia Montague; and the comedy of Sir Harry Gaylove. In two volumes. ... Marishall , Jean
271 A Series of Popular Essays, Illustrative of Principles Essentially Connected with the Improvement of the Understanding, the Imagination, and the Heart. By Elizabeth Hamilton, author of Letters of the Elementary Principles of Education, Cottagers of Glenburie, & co. Hamilton , Elizabeth
Alexander Manners and Robert Miller [High Street] (Edinburgh)
7762 A short account of the life, experiences, and death of the Rev. Mr. F- S-. Campbell , Willielma
s.n. [sine nomine]
14872 A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State. Manley , Delarivier
John Morphew (London)
1711 Scottish 1st
9488 A Year in Canada, and Other Poems. By Ann Cuthbert Knight. Knight , Ann Cuthbert
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
Messrs. Doig and Sterling (Edinburgh)
24955 Act Adjourning the Session till the first of July. June 12 1702. Dalrymple , James
24956 Act Adjourning the Session to the fourth Day of February next to come. As Edinburgh, the 2d of January 1707. Murray , James