ID 4920
Last Name Manley
First Name Delarivier
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1670
Date of Death 1724-07-11
Place of Birth Jersey
Place of Death Lambeth
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Notes Died in Barber's Printing House on Lambeth Hill.


Displaying 1–25 of 91

Role Title Date
Author Letters writen by Mrs. Manley. To which is added a letter from a supposed nun in Portugal, to a gentleman in France, in imitation of the nun’s five letters in print, by Colonel Pack. 1696
Author The lost lover; or, the jealous husband: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesty’s Servants. Written by Mrs. Manley. 1698
Author The royal mischief. A tragedy. A tragedy. As it is acted by His Majesties servants. By Mrs Manley. 1698
Author The nine muses, or, Poems written by nine several ladies upon the death of the late famous John Dryden, Esq; 1700
Author The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians; Being a looking-glass for ----- -------- in the kingdom of Albigion. Faithfully translated from the Italian copy now lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome and never before printed in any language. 1705
Author Almyna: or, the Arabian vow. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market, by her Majesty's Servants. Humbly inscrib'd to the right honourable the Countess of Sandwich. 1707
Author Memoirs of the court of England. In two parts. By the Countess of Dunois, Author of the ingenious and diverting Letters of The Lady's Travels into Spain. Writ during Her Residence in that Court. Now made English. To which is added, The lady's pacquet of letters, Taken from her by a French Privateer in her Passage to Holland. Suppos'd to be Written by several Men of Quality. Brought over from St. Malo's by an English Officer at the last Exchange of Prisoners. 1707
Author Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah, et des Zaraziens, pour servir de miroir au --- dans le royaume D'Albigion. Exactement traduit, de l'original Italien qui se trouve à present dans le Vatican de Rome. Seconde Edition Corrigée. 1708
Author Memoirs of the Court of England: in the reign of King Charles II. Containing the amours of that Prince, The Duke of Monmouth, Earl of Argyle. - of Buckingham, - of A - n Earl of Oxford - Lord Grey, &c. - St. Albans. In two parts. By the Countess of Dunois, Author of the Ingenious Diverting Letters of The Lady's Travels into Spain. Writ during her residence in that Court. The second edition, corrected. To which is added, The lady's packet of letters, Taken from her by a French Privateer in her Passage to Holland. Suppos'd to be Written by several Men of Quality. Brought over from St. Malo's by an English Officer at the last Exchange of Prisoners. 1708
Author A key to the first volume of Atalantis. 1709
Author A key to the second part of the Atalantis. 1709
Author Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian, and translated from the third edition of the French. 1709
Author Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian. The second edition. 1709
Author The Female tatler. By Mrs. Crackenthorpe, the lady who knows every thing. 1709
Author The Key to Atalantis. Part I. 1709
Author The Key to atalantis. Part II. 1709
Author Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Vol.II. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne; and done into English by the translator of the New Atalantis. 1710
Author Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne; and done into English by the translator of The new Atalantis. 1710
Author A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710/11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard. 1711
Author A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard. At the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710-11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the Life of the said Guisgard. 1711
Author A true narrative of what pass’d at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710-11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard. 1711
Author A true narrative of what pass’d at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, at the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710/11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the life of the said Guiscard. 1711
Author A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in church and state. 1711
Author A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State. 1711
Author A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State. 1711

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"Manley, Delarivier" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4920, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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