ID 4920
Last Name Manley
First Name Delarivier
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1670
Date of Death 1724-07-11
Place of Birth Jersey
Place of Death Lambeth
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Notes Died in Barber's Printing House on Lambeth Hill.


Displaying 76–91 of 91

Role Title Date
Author Bath-Intrigues. In four letters to a friend in London. The third edition. 1725
Author Bath-Intrigues. In four letters to a friend in London. The Third Edition. 1725
Author Bath-Intrigues: In four letters to a friend in London. 1725
Author Bath-intrigues: in four letters to a friend in London. 1725
Author Bath-Intrigues: in four letters to a friend in London. 1725
Author Bath-Intrigues: In four letters to a friend in London. The second edition. 1725
Author Mrs. Manley's history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript. The fourth edition. With a preface concerning the present publication. 1725
Author Mrs. Manley’s history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript. The fourth edition. With a preface concerning the present publication. The fourth edition. 1725
Author Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediterranean. In four volumes. Written originally in Italian. The seventh edition. 1736
Author Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediterranean. In four volumes. Written originally in Italian. The seventh edition. 1741
Author The power of love: in seven novels. Viz. I. The fair hypocrite. II. The physician's stratagem. III. The wife's resentment. IV.V. The husband's resentment, in two examples. VI. The happy fugitives. VII. The perjur'd beauty. By Mrs. Manley. 1741
Author The power of love: in seven novels. Viz. I. The fair hypocrite. II. The physician’s stratagem. III. The wife’s resentment. IV.V. The husband’s resentment, in two examples. VI. The happy fugitives. VII. The perjur’d beauty. By Mrs. Manley. 1741
Author The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians. Wherein the amours, intrigues, and gallantries of the court of Albigion (during her Reign) are pleasantly expos'd; and as surprizing a Scene of Love and Politicks, represented, as perhaps this, or any other Age or Country, has hitherto produc'd. Suppos'd to be translated from the Italian copy, now lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome, by the late ingenious Mrs. Manley: and design'd as looking-glass for an illustrious lady. 1743
Author The secret history of Queen Zarah, from her birth to the conclusion of her reign. Containing I. The whole Contrivance of her Marriage with Hippolito, which laid the Foundation of her future Greatness. II. The various Schemes and Stratagems she made use of, to engross the Sovereign Power. III. The Political Intrigues, and artful Management of Affairs, (both Ecclesiastical and Civil) during that memorable Period. Interspersed with Characters of her chief Favourites. The fourth edition. 1745
Author The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormond, in the campaign 1712. Under Her Late Majesty Queen Anne. I. His Grace undertook the Command of the Army in Flanders, with a fixed Resolution to fight the French. II. Copies of several Letters that pass’d between his Grace and Mr. Secretary St John; also between Marshal Villars and his Grace. III. The Substance of several Conferences and Conversations between his Grace, Prince Eugene, and the Generals and Deputies of their High Mightinesses the States and others of the Allies. IV. The Difficulties he labour’d under in obeying the Queen’s Orders to forbear Hostilities, and of secreting those Orders from the Knowledge of the Generals of the Allies. V. Some curious Anecdotes relating to the Separate Peace then carrying on betwixt the Courts of France and England. To which is prefix’d, A prefatory epistle, humbly addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. In which a Parallel is drawn betwixt the Management of that War and of the present; and an Argument to prove, that an indifferent Peace is preferable even to a Successful War. 1748
Author The secret history of Queen Zarah, from her birth, to the conclusion of her reign. 1749

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"Manley, Delarivier" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4920, Accessed 2025-02-15.

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