Geoname ID 2652362
Name Cornhill
Titles 0
Firms 39
People Born: 1, Died: 0


Displaying 26–39 of 39

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End Date
774 Richardson and Urquhart 91 Royal Exchange, Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
7185 Robert Halsey Plough and Harrow near St. Michael’s Church in Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
4423 Sir William Domville [1786-90] Royal Exchange, 95 Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
6682 Thomas Cox Lamb under the Royal Exchange at Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
3804 Thomas Hamblin [Cornhill] 4 Castle Street, Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969
4512 Welles and Grosvenor Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
4422 William and Charles Domville Royal Exchange, 95 Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
3662 William Davenhill [19 Cornhill] 19 Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
3661 William Davenhill [8 Cornhill] 8 Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
772 William Davenhill [No. 30 Cornhill] No. 30 Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
3528 William Lewis & Son 21 Finch Lane Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
6769 William Meadows Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
880 William Richardson [Cornhill] 91 Royal Exchange, Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969
384 William, James and John Richardson 91 Royal Exchange, Cornhill Cornhill (GB) 1969 1969