Geoname ID 4930956
Name Boston
Titles 507
Firms 245
People Born: 31, Died: 40


Displaying 151–175 of 245

ID Name Street Address City Start Date End Date
6905 Nathaniel Wilis No. 76, State-Street. Boston (US)
6820 Nathaniel Willis Congress Street Boston (US)
7338 Oliver and Munroe Boston (US)
6875 Oliver Cromwell Greenleaf 3 Court Street Boston (US)
5342 Otis, Broaders, and Co. Boston (US)
6184 P.A. Von Hagen 3 Cornhill Boston (US)
6661 Perkins and Marvin Boston (US)
5819 Perkins, Marvin, & Co. Boston (US)
6387 Peter Albrecht Von Hagen No. 4 old Massachusetts Bank Boston (US)
8182 Peter Edes Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury-Street Boston (US)
5313 Putnam and Hunt 41 Washington Street Boston (US)
5432 R. P. and C. Williams Boston (US)
6944 Repertory Office Boston (US)
5721 Richardson & Lord No. 75 Cornhill Boston (US)
5429 Richardson, Lord, and Holbrook Boston (US)
5861 Robert Hodge Boston (US)
8226 Rogers Boston (US)
8426 Rogers and Fowle Queen Street Boston (US)
7030 Russell and Cutler Boston (US)
6295 Russell, Cutler & Co. Boston (US)
8303 S. Kneeland and T. Green Queen Street Boston (US) 1969 1969
5851 Samuel Griswold Goodrich Boston (US)
5867 Samuel Avery No. 91 Newbury Street Boston (US)
8228 Samuel Colman Boston (US)
5443 Samuel Etheridge Boston (US)