A brief essay on the number seven: often occuring [sic] in the Holy Scripture; or Of paradice [sic], lost and found. By a well wisher to truth [Seven lines of Scripture texts]
1735 |
A sermon, shewing, that eternal life is God's free gift, bestowed upon men according to their moral behaviour. And that free grace and free will concur, in the affair of man's salvation. By John Beach, A.M.
, John
1745 |
A summary view of God's gracious covenant with Abraham and his seed;-- of the right and design of the baptism of infants;-- and of the mode of baptism. In four discourses. By Caleb J. Tenney, A. M. Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Newport.
, Caleb Jewett
1808 |
Address of the authoress of the Newport female evangelical miscellany, to all the benevolent female associations, in the United States.
, [Woman]
1813 |
Advertisement. To be sold by John Thornton, of Providence, in the colony of Rhode Island, several farms and lots of land.
, John
1738 |
An Elegiac Poem, On the Death of that celebrated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the reverend and learned George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon, &c. &c. Who made his Exit from this transitory State, to dwell in the celestial Realms of Bliss, on Sunday, 30th of September, 1770, when he was seiz'd with a Fit of the Asthma, at Newbury-Port, near Boston, New-England. In which is a Condolatory Address to His truly noble Benefactress the worthy and pious Lady Huntingdon; and the Orphan Children in Georgia, who, with many Thousands are left, by the Death of this great Man, to lament the Loss of a Father, Friend, and Benefactor. By Phillis, A Servant Girl, of 17 Years of Age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston:–She has been but 9 Years in this Country from Africa.
Wheatley Peters
, Phillis
1770 |
An Elegiac Poem. On the Death of that Celebrated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the late reverend, and pious George Whitefield, Chaplain to the right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon.
Wheatley Peters
, Phillis
Solomon Southwick [Queen Street] (Newport)
1770 |
An Elegiac Poem. On the Death of that Celebrated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the late reverend, and pious George Whitefield, Chaplain to the right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon.
Wheatley Peters
, Phillis
Solomon Southwick [Queen Street] (Newport)
1770 |
At the General Assembly of the governor and Company of the English colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America, held at Providence, within and for the colony aforesaid, on the first Tuesday of January, being the third day of said month, i the twenty-second year of the reign of His Most Sacred Majesty George the Second, by the grace of God, king of Great-Britain, &c.
1749 |
Familiar letters, written by Mrs. Sarah Osborn, and Miss Susanna Anthony, late of Newport, Rhode-Island. Published according to act of Congress.
, Sarah
, Susanna
1807 |
John Walton's religion, proved not to be the religion of Jesus. Or A confutation of sundry errors published by John Walton, gent. in his book entituled, The religion of Jesus vindicated. By John Aplin.
, John
1737 |
Ministers of the Gospel workers together with Christ. A sermon preached at Tiverton October. 1, 1746. By the Reverend Mr. Othniel Campbell, at his instalment to the pastoral office in the church of Christ lately gathered there.
, Othniel
1747 |
New-Year's address.
Ann Barber (Newport)
1808 |
Richard Ward, Esq; gov. Samuel Clarke, Esq; dep. gov.
1744 |
The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1737. ... Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. By Joseph Stafford.
, Joseph
1737 |
The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1738. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. but may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Joseph Stafford.
, Joseph
1738 |
The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1739. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, &c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New-Found-Land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin.
1739 |
The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1740. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin.
1740 |
The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1741. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin.
1741 |
The true nature and method of Christian preaching, examined and stated. In a discourse delivered at Newport, June xiith, 1745. By Henry Caner, A. M. Published at the desire of the hearers.
, Henry
1745 |
Whereas John Rogers yesterday at Deacon Snows, read a printed letter of mine ... June 8, 1742.
, Moses
1742 |