ID 11975
Last Name Dodd I
First Name Anne
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1685
Date of Death 1739
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Displaying 426–450 of 813

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Bookseller A true collection of poems on the several birth-days of His Majesty King George, and of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. 1727
Bookseller An account of the ceremonies observed at the coronation of the kings and queens of England. I. A description of the royal crowns, scepters, &c, II. The Form of the Royal Letters of Summons sent to the Peers and Peeresses to assist at the Coronation. III. The Ceremony of presenting the Regalia to their Majesties in Westminster-Hall, and of the Grand Procession from thence to the Abbey. IV. The Ceremony of the Coronation, as it is performed in the Church, with the King's Oath, and the Homage of the Nobles to his Majesty. V. The Anointing, Crowning, and Inthronizing of a Queen Consort. VI. The Recess and Manner of their Majesties Return to Westminster-Hall. Vii. The Ceremony of the Services done by several Lords of Manors, and of the Champion's entering the Hall, with the Form of his Challenge, and the Heralds Proclaiming the King's Stile, &c. Extracted from several Antient and Modern Histories of the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, and from several publick Records, &c. 1727
Bookseller An exact and compleat list of both Houses of the sixth Parliament of Great Britain; or, second Parliament of King George I. As they stood at the demise of His late Majesty, of blessed memory, June 11th 1727. Wherein the Members, are Distinguish'd by their respective Titles, Honours, Dignities, Publick Employments, &c. (very useful at this present Juncture.) 1727
Printer An exact and compleat list of both Houses of the sixth Parliament of Great Britain; or, second Parliament of King George I. As they stood at the demise of His late Majesty, of blessed memory, June 11th 1727. Wherein the Members, are Distinguish'd by their respective Titles, Honours, Dignities, Publick Employments, &c. (very useful at this present Juncture.) 1727
Bookseller An exact and correct list of the lords spiritual and temporal. As likewise of the knights and commissioners of shires, citizens, and burgesses, chose to serve in the ensuing Parliament. Being the first Parliament of his majesty King George II. and the seventh of Great Britain since the union. Wherein every member is justly and properly describ'd by his title, honour, dignity, or publick employment, &c 1727
Bookseller An old maid's fortune: or, the bride at her wits-end. A burlesque poem, occasion'd by the reading of Hans Carvell. Humbly inscrib'd to the three sisters F---------ns. 1727
Publisher Articles of impeachment of high-treason and misdemeanors, against Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer. July 9. 1715. With his Lordship's answer, paragraph by paragraph. To which is added, A short state of the late war and peace. 1727
Bookseller London, what it is, not what it was: or, The citizen's complaint against publick nusances. To which is added, a remonstrance against the great number of shops, &c. that sell Geneva and other drams to the poor, and the evil consequences thereof; with some true causes of the increase of the poor. 1727
Printer Pudding and dumpling burnt to pot. Or, a compleat key to the dissertation on dumpling. Wherein all the mystery of that dark treatise is brought to light; in such a manner and method, that the meanest capacity may know who and who's together. Published for the general information of mankind. By J. W. author of 684 treatises. 1727
Bookseller Pudding and dumpling burnt to pot. Or, a compleat key to the dissertation on dumpling. Wherein all the mystery of that dark treatise is brought to light; in such a manner and method, that the meanest capacity may know who and who's together. Published for the general information of mankind. By J. W. author of 684 treatises. 1727
Publisher St. A-d-è's miscarriage: or, a Full and True account of the Rabbet-Woman. 1727
Bookseller The evident advantages to Great Britain and its allies from the approaching war: Especially in Matters of Trade. To which is Added Two Curious Plans, One of the Port and Bay of Havana; the other of Porto-Belo. 1727
Bookseller The evident approach of a war; and something of the necessity of it, in order to establish peace and preserve trade. Pax Quaeritur Bello. To which is added, an exact plan and description of the bay and city of Gibraltar. The Second Edition. 1727
Bookseller The evident approach of a war; and something of the necessity of it, in order to establish peace, and preserve trade. To which is added, an exact plan and description of the bay and city of Gibraltar. 1727
Bookseller The protestant monastery: or, a complaint against the brutality of the present age. Particularly the pertness and insolence of our youth to aged persons. With a Caution to People in Years, how they give the Staff out of their own Hands, and leave themselves at the Mercy of others. Concluding with a proposal for erecting a Protestant monastery, where persons of small fortunes may end their day in plenty, ease, and credit, without burthening their Relations, or accepting Publick Charities. By Andrew Moreton, Esq; Author of Every-Body's Business is No-Body's Business. 1727
Bookseller The weight of blood being the case of Major John Oneby for the murder of William Gower, Esq; in a letter to a member of Parliament. 1727
Bookseller A collection of the most celebrated prologues spoken at the theatres of Drury-Lane and Lincolns-Inn. By a Young lady. The Second Edition. 1728
Publisher A compleat key to the Dunciad. 1728
Publisher A disswasive from entring into holy orders; shewing, the nature of preaching, and that there is no want of such a number of lecturers, and frequent preaching. With observations on some parts of the liturgy, creeds, and articles of religion. A doubt on the present methods of establishing religion; and an enquiry whether the learned clergy are Athanasians or Calvinists. Also the difficulties in acquiring of benefices. The behaviour of the superior to the inferior clergy. The progress of parliament. The misery of curates; and a proposal for their applying for reliefs to the parliament; with a comparison between the Pluralist and the curate. With a copy of a writ to seize a bishop's temporalities for non-residence. By a clergyman. In a letter to a young gentleman. 1728
Bookseller A learned dissertation on dumpling: its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding. ... To which is added, Namby pamby: a panegyric on the new versification, address'd to A- P- Esq; The Seventh Edition. 1728
Bookseller A letter from a lady to her husband abroad. 1728
Publisher A method for the regular management of those societies, call'd Box-clubs: Laid down in such plan and easy Terms, as observ'd, will settle and preserve the tranquillity of the Society, and instruct the Ignorant, satisfy the Curious, and maintain a just Oeconomy among Friends and Acquaintance, who mutually agree in these Proceedings, which are no less an Advantage to the Publick, than a true Sign of the Spirit of Humanity. To which is added, a Copy of Orders abstracted from the most regular Societies in London, with proper Remarks, advantageous Proposals and Methods for Security for the Box: Forms of Bonds for Money lent out, and several useful Observations for the Benefit of Societies in general, and every Member in particular. 1728
Bookseller A method for the regular management of those societies, call'd Box-clubs: Laid down in such plan and easy Terms, as observ'd, will settle and preserve the tranquillity of the Society, and instruct the Ignorant, satisfy the Curious, and maintain a just Oeconomy among Friends and Acquaintance, who mutually agree in these Proceedings, which are no less an Advantage to the Publick, than a true Sign of the Spirit of Humanity. To which is added, a Copy of Orders abstracted from the most regular Societies in London, with proper Remarks, advantageous Proposals and Methods for Security for the Box: Forms of Bonds for Money lent out, and several useful Observations for the Benefit of Societies in general, and every Member in particular. 1728
Bookseller A new translation of Horace's art of poetry, attempted in rhyme. By Mr. Henry Ames. 1728
Bookseller A safe way to health, long life and happiness. Or, a brief discourse on all things necessary for the life of man, and which most conduce to the Preservation of Health. To which is added, some observations on windy diseases and surfeits, and certain means to prevent them. Published for the benefit of mankind. 1728

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"Dodd I, Anne" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 11975, Accessed 2025-03-06.

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