ID 12029
Last Name Henley
First Name John
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1692
Date of Death 1756
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Author Oratory transactions. No II. To be occasionally publish'd, by J. Henley, M.A. Containing, I. A compleat list of the theological subjects of the Oratory, Sermons and Lectures, &c. from July 3, 1726, to August 30, 1728. II. A compleat catalogue of the academical subjects of the Oratory, in the same Period; presenting Compositions of the utmost Choice and Variety in Divinity, and polite Learning; and under polite Learning; and under the latter Head, Humorous and Burlesque, as well as Serious, all done without the least Assistance, or particular Patron. These two dedicated to those who are unprejudic'd against the Oratory. III. A Dissertation on Nonsense, (address'd to those who do not like it;) discussing its Philology, History, Philosophy, and great Use in all Articles and Characters of Life; the Kingdom of Nonsense, Temporal, Spiritual, Civil, and Military; its Refinement, and ablest Professors; the Mischief and most real Nonsense of Sense, with the Secret of mastering it, and some prominent Example. IV. The discourse on action in the pulpit, 2d Edition. The Third Edition. The Oratorian Word, Liberty and Property, free [Unclear] and Plenty, Truth and Primitive Religion, Encore, spent of Wit and Sciences; no Grievances, no Impositions. 1729
Author Tom o' Bedlam's Dunciad: or, Pope, Alexander the pig. A poem 1729
Author Samuel sleeping in the tabernacle: or, the model of Christian preaching asserted, in vindication of the Reverend Mr. Guise's idea of preaching Christ, in his Two Sermons lately publish'd, from the Exceptions of the Reverend Mr. Chandler, in his Letter to him: Tracing historically the Difference of Preachers, on this Head; proving it by Instances, comparing the Reverend Mr. C's Conduct of the Point with his Motto from Erasmus, and proposing the most ready and sure Scheme to discuss and decide the Question. By John Henley, M.A. 1730
Author The sermon that shou'd have been preach'd before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, on Monday, January 17. 1731-2. II. A specimen of the sentiments and genius of the primitive church, in some discourses and devotions, Ordinary and Sacramental. By John Henley, M.A. 1732
Author The informer's winding-sheet: or, Nine oaths for a shilling. Being a parable, in five allegorical discourses: on I. St. Paul's treatment and apology, on a charge of preaching against the government. II. Gallio's prohibiting the prosecution of St. Paul, for words; and a sketch of words accused, in a manuscript paper, privately handed about the public, answered. III. The liberty of one Protestant dissenter's preaching in his own way, asserted; proving the words were for the government: and a reply to the censure of indecent or light expressions, pretense of religion, ridiculing religion, wicked purpose, sedition, treason, blasphemy, disorder, &c. IV. The justice's and counsellor's Vade-Mecum, a disquisition on false witness, by the laws of God, nature, nations, philosophy, the civil, canon, and common laws; and the validity or nullity of evidence of words decided. V. The right to free speaking and reasoning in all lights, on trustees of government, no sedition, but one weight in the people's choice on occasion between in English free Protestant authority, and a supposed French popish dominion: and sedition defin'd. By Sir Mawdcope Moreclarke, of Hull, in Coates's rents, Garrn-Street, opposite the sign of the seven affidavits. 1748

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"Henley, John" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12029, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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