ID 12030
Last Name Graves
First Name Jane
Gender Female
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Displaying 1–9 of 9

Role Title Date
Bookseller A new translation of Horace's art of poetry, Attempted in Rhyme. By Mr. Henry Ames. 1727
Bookseller A collection of the most celebrated prologues spoken at the theatres of Drury-Lane and Lincolns-Inn. By a Young lady. The Second Edition. 1728
Bookseller A new translation of Horace's art of poetry, attempted in rhyme. By Mr. Henry Ames. 1728
Bookseller A safe way to health, long life and happiness. Or, a brief discourse on all things necessary for the life of man, and which most conduce to the Preservation of Health. To which is added, some observations on windy diseases and surfeits, and certain means to prevent them. Published for the benefit of mankind. 1728
Bookseller A timely caution; or, good advice to the ladies. By a true Briton. The second edition. 1728
Bookseller The elogium of His Imperial Majesty Peter I. Czar of Muscovy. By Mons. de Fontenelle, Secretary to the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris: Whereof the Czar was a Member. Translated by C. R. Esq; 1728
Publisher A compleat system of magick: or, The history of the black-art. Shewing, I. The original of magicians; and how some of them were made kings, as Zoroafter, Cadmus, and many others. II. How the ancient magi, who study'd philosophy, astronomy, &c. were induc'd to turn wizards and sorcers, and deal with the devil; and how their conversation began. III. The different shapes assum'd by the devil in his first appearances to magicians; and whether he is, or has been, allow'd to assume a human-shape. IV. Who first practised magick as a diabolical art, and its progress among the Egyptians and Phoenicians; by whom it was first openly encourag'd, and of its present state. V. What the black-art, really is, the various manner of its practice in different parts of the world, and of the doctrine of spirits. VI. How far it may be suppos'd there can be an intercourse between superiour and insernal beings, and whether the magick-art now subsists. VII. How far the devil may be raised by magical operations; and whether it is by their own power, or by mutual concert with the devil. The whole compiled from the best authorities ancient and modern 1729
Publisher A letter from the people to Caleb D'Anvers Esq; 1729
Publisher Oratory transactions. No II. To be occasionally publish'd, by J. Henley, M.A. Containing, I. A compleat list of the theological subjects of the Oratory, Sermons and Lectures, &c. from July 3, 1726, to August 30, 1728. II. A compleat catalogue of the academical subjects of the Oratory, in the same Period; presenting Compositions of the utmost Choice and Variety in Divinity, and polite Learning; and under polite Learning; and under the latter Head, Humorous and Burlesque, as well as Serious, all done without the least Assistance, or particular Patron. These two dedicated to those who are unprejudic'd against the Oratory. III. A Dissertation on Nonsense, (address'd to those who do not like it;) discussing its Philology, History, Philosophy, and great Use in all Articles and Characters of Life; the Kingdom of Nonsense, Temporal, Spiritual, Civil, and Military; its Refinement, and ablest Professors; the Mischief and most real Nonsense of Sense, with the Secret of mastering it, and some prominent Example. IV. The discourse on action in the pulpit, 2d Edition. The Third Edition. The Oratorian Word, Liberty and Property, free [Unclear] and Plenty, Truth and Primitive Religion, Encore, spent of Wit and Sciences; no Grievances, no Impositions. 1729

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"Graves, Jane" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12030, Accessed 2025-01-19.

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