ID 12203
Last Name Rudd
First Name Sayer
Gender Male
Date of Birth
Date of Death 1757
Place of Birth
Place of Death
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Role Title Date
Author A letter to the reverend the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist persuasion, meeting at Blackwell's coffee-house, near Queen's-Street, London: remonstrating on the difference which has subsisted between that body and the author, since his professing the doctrine of one God and one mediator. Together with a proposal for accommodating that difference. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. 1735
Author A third letter to the reverend the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist Board: occasioned by their uncharitable, as well as false insinuations, concerning the author's application to the Quakers, and his Attempts of Conformity to The National Church. In which likewise are to be found, his reasons for making a tour to Paris, and his leaving The Congregation at Devonshire Square after his return. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. 1735
Author Impartial reflections on the minute which the author received, from the ministers of the Calvinistical Baptist board, by the hands of Mess. Gill and Brine, as an answer to his late proposal for an accommodation. In a letter to that reverend body. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. 1735
Author God's incouragement to his people under persecution from their brethren. A sermon delivered at the meeting house in Snow's Fields, Southwark: occasioned by the anniversary of that foundation, on the first of August MDCCXXXV. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. 1736
Author The doctrine of the divine being under his grand distinguishing characters of God, father and spirit. A sermon delivered at the meeting house in Snow's Fields, Southwark: occasioned by the anniversary of that foundation, on the first of August MDCCXXXV. By Sayer Rudd, M.D. 1737
Author Of our subjection to death by the offence of Adam, and our reigning in life thro' the righteousness of Christ. A funeral sermon for Mrs. Elizabeth Ginn, late of Newington Butts, widow: who deceased June the eleventh, 1738, in the 60th Year of Her Age. Published with large additions by Sayer Rudd, M. D. 1738

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"Rudd, Sayer" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12203, Accessed 2024-10-22.

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