ID 12371
Last Name Gentlewoman at the Two Blue Posts
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Gender Female
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Related Firms Two Blue Posts
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Bookseller A rational account of the natural weaknesses of women, and of the secret distempers peculiarly incident to them. Plainly discovering their nature, true cause, and best method of cure, so as Women or Maids of the meanest Capacity may perfectly understand, and Cure their own Illnesses: With a clear and very particular Account of Conception and Generation; Also of Barrenness and Miscarriage, directing how to certainly Cure the Former, and absolutely prevent hte Latter. To which are added, Prescriptions in English of admirable and long Experienc'd Medicines, for the Cure of each Private Distemper Women and Maids are subject to, by which they may safely cure themselves, without Trouble, the Advice, or Knowledge of other Person. Shewing Also, The great Danger Women are in from the Slightest Weakness, if let alone, and the Imminent Hazard they run, or becoming incurably Barren, and of losing their lives by following the Advice of Ignorant Persons, Unskillful Widwives, &c. Undeniably proving, That the most difficult Indispositions Women labour under may be easily and quickly remedied, if rightfully managed according to the Method and Medicines herein Faithfully revealed. To whole Illustrated with Various Caese of Persons Cured, Proper Hints, Useful Cautions, Observations and Intractions; the like for General Benefit to the Female Sex, never before published. Necessary to be read by all Women, in order to prevent, as well as Cure, and Weaknesses and Distempers they are lyable to. By a physician. The second edition, with several additions, and amendments. 1716

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"Gentlewoman at the Two Blue Posts" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12371, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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