ID 12472
Last Name Great Britain
First Name Court of Common Pleas
Gender Unknown
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Author The reports and entries of Sir Edward Lutwyche, Serjeant at Law, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The several cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries, in English. Also Every Citation in the Report is carefully examin'd by the Law-Books to which they refer, and where they agree, and where they differ from the Point in Question made appear; and those ranged in that Order as in many Places to form an Argument where there was none before; with large Observations. Likewise Many obsolete Words and difficult Sentences are explain'd; which are printed in a different Character. Composed in a plain and easy method, and made very useful for Students and Practisers of the Common Law. By W. Nelson of the Middle-Temple, Esq; 1717
Author The reports and entries of Sir Edward Lutwyche, Serjeant at Law, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The several cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries, in English. Also Every Citation in the Report is carefully examin'd by the Law-Books to which they refer, and where they agree, and where they differ from the Point in Question made appear; and those ranged in that Order as in many Places to form an Argument where there was none before; with large Observations. Likewise Many obsolete Words and difficult Sentences are explain'd; which are printed in a different Character. Composed in a plain and easy method, and made very useful for Students and Practisers of the Common Law. By W. Nelson of the Middle-Temple, Esq; 1718
Author The reports of the resolutions of the court on divers exceptions taken to pleadings, and other matters in law ; arising (for the most part) in the Court of Common Pleas, between the 34th year of King Charles II. and the 2d year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne. And some Observations on several of the precedents, as well as those which were never debated in court, as on many others. With Two tables: One of the names of the cases, and the other of the Matters contain'd in them. Printed in French by Sir Edward Lutwyche, late one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas; and allow'd and approv'd of the Lord Keeper, and by all the Reverend Judges. Now faithfully translated into English: Together with an abstract of the Pleadings to which the said Reports and Observations relate, with references to the Pages in the Original. In two volumes. 1718
Author Rules and orders of the Courts of King's Bench and common pleas from the 3d. of Queen Anne to Trinity term the 6th. and 7th. of King George the second, inclusive. With an abstract of the acts of Parliament relating both to the practice and practicers of the law. 1733
Author Rules and orders of the courts of King's-bench and common-pleas. From the 1st. of King William, to trinity term the 10th. of King George the second. Together with an abstract of the acts of parliament. Relating to the practice and practicers of the law. 1736
Author Rules and orders of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas from the 1st of Queen Anne to Hillary term the 13th. of King George II. Together with an abstract of the acts of parliament, Relating to the Practice of the Law. 1740

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"Great Britain, Court of Common Pleas" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12472, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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