ID 12501
Last Name Lilly
First Name John
Gender Male
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Author Reports and pleadings of cases in assise, for offices, nusances, lands and tenements; shewing the manner of proceeding in assises of novel disseisin, from the Original to the Judgment and Execution; as well where the Demandant and Tenant appear, as where either of them makes Default: Nothing of this Kind being ever before published. With Observations on every Case, very necessary for all Clerks of Assise, Attorneys, &c. To which are added writs of assise, By John Lilly Gent. Author of the Practical Conveyancer. To which is added, a prefatory discourse, shewing the nature of this action, and reasons for putting it in practice. 1719
Author The practical conveyancer: in two parts. Part I. Containing rules and instructions for drawing all sorts of conveyances of estates and interests, whether Real or Personal, in Possession or Expectancy. Also Particular Rules for the Exposition of Deeds, Wills, &c. and of Words used in Conveyances. Together With The Resolutions of the several Courts at Westminster, in Cases wherein Difficulties have arisen touching the Words and Clauses in Deeds, Devises, &c. The whole extracted by Way of Abridgment from the Reports at large of the said Cases, and alphabetically digested under proper Heads. Part II. Being the first part reduced into practice, in a select collection of precedents, viz. Marriage-Settlements, Bargains and Sales, Leases, Leases and Releases, Deeds of Copartnership, of Exchange, of Release and Confirmation; Mortgages, Surrenders, Wills, Letters of Attorney, Assignments of Stocks and Exchequer Annuities, Ecclesiastical Instruments, &c. By John Lilly, Gent. 1719
Author The practical register: or, a general abridgment of the law, as it is now practised in the several courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, digested by way of Common-place, under Alphabetical heads, with a great variety of Cases extracted from the Reports. Together with all the modern rules of court brought down to this present year 1719. In two volumes. To which are added, Two TABLES: One of the several Acts of Parliament mention'd and explain'd throughout this whole Work. The Other, of the Names of the several Heads contained in each Volume. By John Lilly, Gent, 1719

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"Lilly, John" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12501, Accessed 2024-10-23.

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