ID 3378
Last Name Johnson
First Name Richard
Gender Male
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Displaying 1–25 of 36

Role Title Date
Author False Alarms; or The Mischievous Doctrine of Ghosts and Apparitions, of Spectres and Hobgoblins, Exploded from the Minds of Every Miss and Master. To which is added, The Little Prisoner, A Moral Tale.
Author The Juvenile Biographer; Containing the Lives of Little Masters and Misses; including a variety of good and bad characters. By a little biographer.
Author The Juvenile Biographer; Containing the Lives of Little Masters and Misses; including a variety of good and bad characters. By a little biographer.
Editor The New English Theatre in Twelve Volumes, containing the most valuable plays which have been acted on the London stage. 1776
Author Juvenile Rambles through the Paths of Nature; in which many parts of the wonderful works of the creation are brought forward, and made familiar to the capacity of every little miss and master, who wishes to become wise and good. Embellished with cuts. 1780
Author The Juvenile Biographer; Containing the Lives of Little Masters and Misses; including a variety of good and bad characters. By a little biographer. 1780
Author A new Roman history, from the foundation of Rome to the end of the common-wealth. Embellished with copper-plate cuts. Designed for the Use of Young Ladies and Gentlemen. 1784
Author A New History of England. From the earliest period to the present time. On a plan recommended by the Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper-plates, elegantly engraved from the designs of Mr. Wale. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. A new edition. 1785
Author A New History of England. From the earliest period to the present time. On a plan recommended by the Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper-plates, elegantly engraved from the designs of Mr. Wale. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. 1786
Author Juvenile Rambles through the Paths of Nature; in which many parts of the wonderful works of the creation are brought forward, and made familiar to the capacity of every little miss and master, who wishes to become wise and good. Embellished with cuts. 1786
Author The History of France, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Comprehending every interesting and remarkable occurrence in the annals of that monarchy. Embellished with copper-plate cuts. Designed for the use of young ladies and gentlemen. 1786
Author False Alarms; or The Mischievous Doctrine of Ghosts and Apparitions, of Spectres and Hobgoblins, Exploded from the Minds of Every Miss and Master. To which is added, The Little Prisoner, A Moral Tale. 1787
Author The Foundling; or, the History of Lucius Stanhope. Embellished with cuts. 1787
Author The mountain piper; or, the history of Edgar and Matilda. To which is added, A journey to London, a moral tale. Embellished with cuts. 1787
Author The mountain piper; or, the history of Edgar and Matilda. To which is added, A journey to London. A moral tale. Embellished with cuts. 1787
Author A New History of England. From the earliest period to the present time. On a plan recommended by the Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper-plates, elegantly engraved from the designs of Mr. Wale. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. A new edition. 1788
Author Nouvelle histoire d'Angleterre. Depuis les premiers periodes, jusqu'au temps present. Sur un plan recommandé par le comte de Chesterfield. Traduit de l'anglois par le S. L. B. de St. Amand. 1788
Author Rural felicity; or, the history of Tommy and Sally. Embellished with cuts. 1788
Author Rural felicity; or, the history of Tommy and Sally. Embellished with cuts. 1788
Author The History of North America. Containing, a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants; the First Settlement of the British Colonies, their Rise and Progress, by the Rev. Mr. Cooper. Embellished with Copper-Plate Cuts. 1789
Author The History of South America. Containing the discoveries of Columbus, the conquest of Mexico and Peru, and the other transactions of the Spaniards in the new world. By the Rev. Mr. Cooper. Embellished with copper-plate cuts. 1789
Author The Little Wanderers; or The Surprising History and Miraculous Adventures of Two Pretty Orphans. Embellished with cuts. 1790
Author A New History of England. From the earliest period to the present time. On a plan recommended by the Earl of Chesterfield. Embellished with copper-plates, elegantly engraved from the designs of Mr. Wale. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper. The eighth edition, with additions. 1791
Author The History of France, from the Earliest Period, comprehending every interesting and Remarkable occurrence in the annals of that monarchy to its abolition in September, 1792. By the Rev. Mr. Cooper. Embellished with copper-plate cuts, and designed principally for the use of young Ladies and Gentlemen. Second edition. 1792
Author The Little Wanderers; or The Surprising History and Miraculous Adventures of Two Pretty Orphans. Embellished with cuts. 1792

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"Johnson, Richard" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 3378, Accessed 2025-03-26.

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