ID 4142
Last Name Gurney
First Name Thomas
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1705-03-07
Date of Death 1770-06-22
Place of Birth Woburn
Place of Death Southwark
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Displaying 1–6 of 6

Role Title Date
Author Brachygraphy: or an easy and compendious system of short-hand, adapted to the various arts, sciences and professions; improved after more than Forty Years Practice & Experience by Thomas Gurney: and brought still nearer to perfection upon the present Method. by Joseph Gurney. 1778
Author The case of the East-India Company, as stated and proved At the Bar of the House of Lords, On the 15th and 16th Days of December, 1783, upon the hearing of two petitions against a bill, intituled ``an Act for establishing certain Regulations, for the better Management of the Territories, Revenues, and Commerce of this Kingdom in the East-Indies.’’ Containing the arguments of Mr. Rous and Mr. Dallas, For the Company; Mr. Hardinge and Mr. Plumer, For the Directors; As taken in Short-Hand by Mr. Gurney. Published by Order of the Committee of Proprietors appointed to watch over the Company’s Rights, and maintain their Privileges. 1784
Author Brachygraphy: or an easy and Compendious System of Short-Hand, Adapted to the Various Arts, Sciences and Professions. Improved after more than Forty Years Practice & Experience by Thomas Gurney: And brought still nearer to Perfection upon the present Method by Joseph Gurney. The Tenth Edition. 1785
Author Brachygraphy: or An easy and compendious system of short-hand, adapted to the various arts, sciences and professions; Improved after more than forty years practice & experience by Thomas Gurney: and brought still nearer to perfection upon the present method by Joseph Gurney. 1789
Author Brachygraphy: or an easy and Compendious System of Short-Hand, Adapted to the Various Arts, Sciences and Professions. Improved after more than Forty Years Practice & Experience by Thomas Gurney: And brought still nearer to Perfection upon the present Method by Joseph Gurney. The Twelfth Edition. 1795
Author Gurney's easy and compendious system of short hand; adapted to the arts and sciences, and to the learned professions. Improved by Thomas Sergeant. Third American Edition. 1813

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"Gurney, Thomas" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4142, Accessed 2025-03-31.

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