There are 13 titles associated with this person.

Lamb, Caroline. Glenarvon. In Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn [Conduit Street], 1816.
Lamb, Caroline. Glenarvon. In Three Volumes. Second Edition. London: Henry Colburn [Conduit Street], 1816.
Lamb, Caroline. Glenarvon. In Three Volumes. Third Edition. London: Henry Colburn [Conduit Street], 1816.
Lamb, Caroline. Glenarvon. In two volumes. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas, 1816.
Lamb, Caroline. Glenarvon. In Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn [Conduit Street], 1817.
Lamb, Caroline. A New Canto. London: William Wright, 1819.
Lamb, Caroline. Gordon. A Tale. A Poetical Review of Don Juan. London: Thomas and Joseph Allman [Princes St], 1821.
Lamb, Caroline. Graham Hamilton. London: Henry Colburn [Conduit Street], 1822.
Lamb, Caroline. Ada Reis, A Tale. In Three Volumes. London: John Murray II [Albemarle], 1823.
Lamb, Caroline. Graham Hamilton. Second Edition. London: Henry Colburn [Conduit Street], 1823.