ID 4965
Last Name Jacob
First Name Giles
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1686
Date of Death 1744-05-08
Place of Birth
Place of Death Middlesex
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Author The grand precedent: or, the conveyancer's guide and assistant. Containing the several distinct parts of all manner of instruments, writings, conveyances and assurances, in one grand deed; as, The Dates; the Parties how written in all Cases; Recitals of Deeds; Considerations; Grants and Premisses, and Bequests in Wills, &c. Exceptions, Habendums, Habendums in Trust to Uses, &c. Reddendums, Conditions and Proviso's; Covenants, Warranties, &c. Not only in all common matters, but upon the most extraordinary occasions, when Things of the greatest Difficulty and Variety have happened. By Giles Jacob, gent. 1716
Author A catalogue of all the writs and processes, that issue out of the several courts at Westminster, &c. With great variety of cases relating to the same. Together with a full and exact account of their nature and use. In An Alphabetical Order. 1717
Author The court-keeper's companion. Containing all common business of courts-leet and courts-baron: As the Charges to the Juries, Proceedings in Court, and Entries in the Rolls; with Precedents of Copies of Court-Roll, Grants, Admittances, Surrenders, Presentments, &c. of Copyhold-Estates for Lives and in Fee. To which are added, the general customs of copyhold-estates, and some Special Cases of Law concerning them, and the Business of Court-keeping. And also some necessary Precedents relating to Land-Stewardship, &c. 1717
Author An appendix to The modern justice: containing the particular business of the Quarter Sessions; viz. the Chairman's Charge; the Methods of Proceedings in Trials of Criminals; Motions and Trials of Causes relating to Settlements; Determinations of Justices, &c. with Variety of Cases thereupon. To which is added, the power of mayors of corporations, &c. given by Acts of Parliament. By G. Jacob, Gent. 1718
Author Lex mercatoria: or, the merchant's companion. Containing all the laws and statutes relating to merchandize. Wherein our trade with foreign nations is illustrated; Our Trade in general amongst our selves explained, with what belongs to particular Companies, and incorporated Bodies; the several Charters by which they are establish'd, and all Maritime Affairs, in the Way of Traffick, are concisely treated of, under the Heads of Merchants and Owners of Ships, Masters, Mariners, Pilots, Freight, and Charter-parties of Affreightment, Insurance, Bottomry, Customs, Ports of Loading and Unloading, Wrecks, Factors, Planters and Plantations, Letters of Marque and Reprisal, Privateers, Piracy, Treaties of Commerce, Exchange, &c. With an introduction, setting forth the Laws, of Nature and of Nations, Dominion of the Seas, &c. Some curious and useful History, and Variety of Special Cases and Determinations interspers'd thro' the Whole. To which is added, in proper places, the best adapted presidents of instruments and writings us'd in all cases relating to trade. 1718
Author The compleat Parish-officer; Containing I. The authority and proceedings of high-constables, petty-constables, headboroughs, and tithingmen, in every branch of their duties, pursuant to acts of Parliament; with the high constable's precepts, presentments, warrants, &c. II. Of churchwardens; how chosen, their particular business in repairing of churches, bells, &c. and assigning of seats: the manner of passing their accompts, and the laws and statutes concerning the church in all cases and also an abstract of the act for building fifty new churches. III. Of overseers of the poor, and their office; their power in relieving, employing, and settling, &c of poor persons; the laws relating to the poor and settlements, and the statutes concerning masters and servants. IV. Of surveyors of the highways and scavengers how elected, their business in amending the ways, &c. and the duty of others; with the methods of taxation, laws of the highways. To which are added, the statutes relating to hackney-coaches and chairs. 1718
Author The compleat sportsman. In three parts. Part I. Containing the nature and various kinds of game, under their several Denominations, with the best Methods of taking the same, by Shooting, Hunting, Dogs, Nets, and otherwise; and the Laws and Statutes made for Preservation of the Game, with Warrants to impower Game-Keepers, &c. Part II. Of the best Situations and Methods of erecting and Management of Parks, Warrens, &c. Of Hunting the Buck, Doe, &c. And a concise Abridgment of the Forest-Laws, and of all the Laws and Statutes relating to Deer: Methodically interspersed with Precedents of Warrants for Deer, &c. Part III. Of fish and fishing; the most successful Methods of Angling; the only proper Baits, Tackle and agreeable Seasons for taking all Sorts of Fish; and the Rivers wherein they are to be found; with the Statutes relating to Fishing, &c. 1718
Author Lex constitutionis: or, the gentleman's law being, a compleat treatise of all the laws and statutes relating to the King, and the Prerogative of the Crown; the Nobility, and House of Lords; House of Commons; Officers of State; the Exchequer and Treasury; Commissioners and Officers of the Customs; of the Excise; of the Post-Office; Stamp-Office; Forfeited Estates; Publick Accounts; the Navy-Office; War-Office; Lieutenancy of Counties; Justices of Peace, &c. Wherein near one hundred authors of the best Reputation, both ancient and modern, on the Subject, have been consulted, and are referr'd to. And also, an introduction to the common law of England, with Respect to Tenures of Lands, Descents, Marriage-Contracts, Coverture, &c. Of Property, Creation and Forfeiture of Estates; Trials of Offenders, Courts at Westminster, &c. To which are added, under their proper Heads, The Manner of Passing Bills in both Houses of Parliament, the Judicature of the Lords; Variety of adjudg'd Cases; and some curious History of Antiquity. By G. Jacob, Gent. 1719
Author The law military; or a methodical collection of all the laws and statutes relating to the armies and soldiery of Great Britain: and also to the Navy-Royal, Cruisers, Convoys, Privateers, &c. under proper Hands, down to this Time. With an introduction to the art of war, both in the Camp and the Siege: Articles for the better Government of the British Government of the British Forces by Land and Sea, &c. and the statutes concerning Greenwich Hospital. The whole contained in two parts. 1719
Author The laws of appeals and murder: containing I. The nature of appeals in general; ... II. Of appeals and murder, ... III. Of maihem, rape, &c. ... IV. Latin precedents in the whole course of appeals, ... Compil'd from the manuscripts of an eminent practicer late of Lincoln's Inn, deceased. By G. Jacob, Gent. 1719
Author The laws of appeals and murder: containing I. The nature of appeals in general; how commenced, and by whom prosecured in all Cases. II. Of Appeals and Murder, Manslaughter, &c. wherein are explained in numerous Instances, and adjudged Cases, Malice prepensed, the Laws of Duelling, Murder in Arrests, Riots, &c. Commanding to Kill, Intentions of Killing, Poisoning, Petit Treason, Stabbing, Justifiable Homicide, Homicide Excusable, &c. And also of Indictments for Murder, with a very great Variety of Select Precedents. III. Of Maihem, Rape, &c. The Laws and Statutes concerning them, and Appeals on those Heads; illustrated in several extraordinary Modern Cases, particularly of Rape: And Proceedings on Appeals of Murder, &c. With particular Directions for the entire Management of that Business. IV. Latin precedents in the whole course of appeals, (viz.) Original Writs. Declarations, Pleadings, Certiorars's ad Removend. &c. The Pleadings perused and approved by Sir Peter King, present Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Mr. Eyre, now one of the Justices of the King's Bench, and other celebrated Counsels. Compil'd from the manuscripts of an eminent practiser late of Lincoln's Inn, deceased. deceased. By G. Jacob, Gent. To which is added, an appeal of murder brough by Henry Young against Christopher Slaterford for the Murder of his Sister, tried at the Queen's Bench Bar, where the Defendant was convicted, and was afterwards executed at Guilford in the County of Surrey. Anno 8 Annae Reg. 1709. Also An Appeal brought by Reeves against Trindle who was Accessary to the Murder of a Custom-House-Officer on the Coast of Sussex and convicted. 1719
Author The statute-Law common-plac'd: or, a second general table to the statutes. Containing the purport and effect of all the acts of Parliament in force from Magna Charta down to this time, in a Method perfectly New and Regular; with the numerous Proviso's and additional Clauses inserted under their proper Titles. The Whole Very useful to Counsellors, Attorneys, Sollicitors, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Coroners, Clergymen, Merchants, and all Trading Persons. By G. Jacob, Gent. 1719
Author The compleat Parish-officer; Containing I. The authority and proceedings of high-constables, petty-constables, headboroughs, and tithingmen, in every branch of their duties, pursuant to acts of Parliament; with the high constable's precepts, presentments, warrants, &c. II. Of churchwardens; how chosen, their particular business in repairing of churches, bells, &c. and assigning of seats: the manner of passing their accompts, and the laws and statutes concerning the churchin all cases and also an abstract of the act for building fifty new churches in London and Westminister, &c. III. Of overseers of the poor, and their office; their power in relieving, employing, and settling, &c of poor persons; the laws relating to the poor and settlements, and the statutes concerning masters and servants. IV. Of surveyors of the highways and scavengers how elected, their business in amending the ways, &c. and the duty of others; with the methods of taxation, laws of the highways, &c. To which are added, the statutes relating to hackney-coaches and chairs, &c. The Second Edition with Additions. 1720
Author The laws of taxation: being a concise treatise of all the acts of Parliament now in force, ... relating to the taxes of England, ... Wherein are set forth, the power and authority of the Senate in levying of taxes; the particular duties ... on the subject, ... the adequate penalties for defaults in payment, ... To which are prefix'd, several new schemes for establishing of funds, ... towards satisfying the national debts: ... 1720
Author The modern justice: containing the business of a justice of peace, in all its parts. As an Abridgment of the Common Law, and of all the Acts of Parliament relating to Justices of Peace, Constables, and other Parish Officers under them, compleat down to this Time; and some Special Law-Cases to illustrate the same. With great Variety of the most Authentick Precedents of Precepts, Summons, Warrants, Examinations, Commitments, Indictments, &c. regularly Interspersed, fitting all Occasions for putting of the Laws in Force. Also the Chairman's Charge in the Quarter-Sessions; Proceedings in Trying of Criminals, Motions and Trials of Causes relating to Settlements, &c. And the particular Power of Mayers, given by Statute, with Precedents of Warrants, &c. in all Cases. To which are added, A concise Account of the Constitution and Government of a considerable Workhouse for employing of the Poor within the City of Bristol. An Alphabetical Table shewing what Acts of Parliament do concern the Business of a Justice. And a compleat Table to the whole. The third edition, corrected, improv'd, and continued to this present year, 1720. By Giles Jacob, Gent. 1720
Author A treatise of laws: or, a general introduction to the common, civil, and canon law. In three parts. I. The Common Law of England; illustrated in great Variety of Maxims, &c. Also the Use of this Law; with References to Statutes, in all Cases. II. Of the Civil Law, intermix'd with the Law of Nations, and its Use here in England; and a Parallel between the Civil Law and Common Law. III. The Canon Law, and Laws Ecclesiastical; containing the Authority, and Rights of the English Clergy; Of Patrons of Churches; Courts Ecclesiastical, Trials, &c. The Whole Adapted To the Use of Students, and Practisers of the Law; Students of the Universities; Civilians, Proctors, Ecclesiasticks, and all young Gentlemen. By Giles Jacob. gent. 1721
Author The compleat parish-officer; containing, I. The authority and proceedings of high constables, petty constables, headboroughs and tithingmen, in every branch of their duties, pursuant to Acts of Parliament: with the high constables precepts, presentments, warrants, &c. II. Of church-wardens, how chosen, their business in repairing of churches, bells, &c. and assigning of seats; the manner of passing their accounts, and the laws concerning the church in all cases; and an abstract of the Act for building fifty new churches in London and Westminster. III. Of overseers of the poor, and their office; their power in relieving, employing, and settling, &c. of poor persons; the laws relating to the poor, and settlements, and the [statutes] concerning masters and servants. IV. Of surveyors of the high[ways,] and scavengers, how elected, their business in amending the ways, &c. and the duty of others; with the methods of taxation, and laws of the highways. Together with the statutes relating to hackney coaches and chairs, &c. The fourth edition. To which is added, The office of constables, written by Sir Francis Bacon, Knt. in the year 1610. declaring what power they have, and how they ought to be cherished in their office 1726
Author Every man his own lawyer: or, a summary of the laws of England in a new and instructive method, under the following Heads, Viz. I. Of Actions and Remedies, Writs, Process, Arrest, and Bail. II. Of Courts, Attornies and Solicitors therein, Juries, Witnesses, Trials, Executions, &c. III. Of Estates and Property in Lands and Goods, and how acquired; Ancestors, Heirs, Executors and Administrators. IV. Of the Laws relating to Marriage, Bastardy, Infants, Ideots, Lunaticks. V. Of the Liberty of the Subject, Magna Charta, and Habeas Corpus Act, and other Statutes. VI. Of the King and his Prerogative, the Queen and Prince, Peers, Judges, Sheriffs, Coroners, Justices of Peace, Constables, &c. Vii. Of publick Offences, Treason, Murder, Felony, Burglary, Robbery, Rape, Sodomy, Forgery, Perjury, &c. And their Punishment. All of them so plainly treated of, that all Manner of Persons may be particularly acquainted with our Laws and Statutes, concerning Civil and Criminal Affairs, and know how to defend Themselves and their Estates and Fortunes; In All Cases Whatsoever. 1784
Author The law-dictionary: explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, in theory and practice; defining and interpreting the terms or words of art; and comprising copious information, historical, political, and commercial, of the subjects of our law, trade, and government. Originally compiled by Giles Jacob; and continued by him, and other editors, through ten editions: now greatly enlarged and improved, by many material corrections and additions, from the latest statutes, reports, and other accurate publications; by T. E. Tomlins, of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. In two volumes. ... 1797
Compiler The law-dictionary: explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, in theory and practice; defining and interpreting the terms or words of art; and comprising copious information, historical, political, and commercial, of the subjects of our law, trade, and government. Originally compiled by Giles Jacob; and continued by him, and other editors, through ten editions: now greatly enlarged and improved, by many material corrections and additions, from the latest statutes, reports, and other accurate publications; by T. E. Tomlins, of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. In two volumes. ... 1797

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"Jacob, Giles" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4965, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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