ID 5127
Last Name Vernor
First Name Ann
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1744
Date of Death 1807-11-09
Place of Birth
Place of Death Islington
Related Firms Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry]
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Birchin Lane]
Wikipedia Entry
Jackson Entry
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Notes Date of birth tentative.


Displaying 26–50 of 146

Role Title Date
Bookseller The Female Gamester; or, the pupil of fashion. A novel. In two volumes. 1796
Publisher The knights of the Swan, or, the court of Charlemagne: a romance, written by the Countess of Genlis, in continuation of The tales of the castle. In two volumes. 1796
Publisher A Grammar of the French Tongue. With a Preface, Containing An Essay on the Proper Method for Teaching and Learning that Language. By Lewis Chambaud. The Twelfth Edition, Revised and Corrected, agreeably to the Dictionary of the French Academy, By Mr. Des Carrieres. 1797
Publisher Avantures de Telemaque, corrigée par N. Wanostracht, L.L.D. 1797
Bookseller Easter holidays, or domestic conversations, designed for the instruction, and it is hoped for the amusement of young people. 1797
Publisher Obedience rewarded, and prejudice conquered; or, the history of Mortimer Lascells. Written for the instruction and amusement of young people. By Mrs. Pilkington. 1797
Publisher Paul and Virginia. Translated from the French of Bernardin Saint-Pierre; by Helen Maria Williams, author of letters on the French Revolution, Julia a novel, poems, &c. Third edition. 1797
Publisher Petrarch's View of Human Life. Translated from the Latin, by Mrs. Dobson. A New Edition. 1797
Bookseller Plutarch's Lives, Abridged from the Original Greek, illustrated with notes and reflections, and embellished with copper-plate prints. 1797
Bookseller The captive American; or a narrative of the sufferings of Mrs. Johnson, during four years captivity, with the Indians and French. Written by herself. 1797
Bookseller The Governess, or Courtland Abbey. A Novel. 1797
Publisher The New Children's Friend: or, Pleasing Incitements to Wisdom and Virtue; conveyed through the medium of anecdote, tale, and adventure. Calculated to entertain, fortify, and improve the juvenile mind. Translated chiefly from the German. 1797
Publisher The plays of William Shakspeare, accurately printed from the text of Mr. Steevens's last edition, with a selection of the most important notes. In eight volumes. 1797
Publisher A mirror for the female sex. Historical beauties for young ladies. Intended to lead the female mind to the love and practice of moral goodness. Designed principally for the use of ladies' schools. By Mrs. Pilkington. Ornamented with thirty-four engravings, beautifully cut on wood. 1798
Publisher A Short View of the Whole Scripture History: With a Continuation of the Jewish Affairs from the Old Testament, till the Time of Christ; and An Account of the chief Prophecies that relate to Him: Represented in a Way of Question and Answer. Illustrated with Various Remarks on the History and the Religion of the Patriarchs, Jews, and Christians, and on the Laws, Government, Sects, Customs, and Writings of the Jews; and adorned with Figures relating to their Camp, Tabernacle, and Worship. By I. Watts, D.D. The Eighteenth Edition. 1798
Publisher Amusing recreations; or a collection of charades and riddles on political characters, and various subjects. Dedicated to Lady Onslow. By Mrs. Pilkington. 1798
Publisher An introduction to botany: in a series of familiar letters, with illustrative engravings. By Priscilla Wakefield. 1798
Publisher Beauties of Sturm, in Lessons on the Works of God, and of His Providence. Rendered familiar to the Capacities of Youth. By Eliza Andrews, Author of Allegorical Miniatures, the Brothers, &c. 1798
Publisher Hawney's complete measurer: or, the whole art of measuring. Being a plain and comprehensive treatise on practical geometry and mensuration. Preceded by Decimal and Duodecimal Arithmetic, and the Extraction of the Square and cube Root. Adapted to the use of Schools, and Persons Concerned in Measuring, Gauging, Surveying, &c. A New Edition. Corrected and Greatly Improved by Thomas Keith, Private Teacher of Mathematics, Author of the Complete Practical Arithmetician, &c. 1798
Publisher Le Livre de Famille, ou Journal des Enfans; Contenant des Historiettes Morales et Amusantes, avec Figures. Par M. Berquin. 1798
Publisher Le livre des enfans, ou syllabaire franc̜ois. Auquel on a ajouté, des définitions abrégées des choses dont les enfans doivent être instruits, avec l'explication des mots anglois les plus difficiles; le tout servant d'introduction au recueil. Seconde édition. 1798
Publisher Moral amusement; or, a selection of tales, histories, and interesting anecdotes; intended to amuse and instruct young minds. 1798
Publisher Moral Amusement; or, A Selection of Tales, Histories, and Interesting Anecdotes; intended to amuse and instruct young minds. 1798
Publisher Paul and Virginia. Translated from the French of Bernardin Saint-Pierre; by Helen Maria Williams. Fourth edition. 1798
Publisher Scripture histories; or, interesting narratives extracted from the Old Testament, for the instruction and amusement of youth. By Mrs. Pilkington. 1798

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"Vernor, Ann" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 5127, Accessed 2025-03-29.

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