ID 5170
Last Name Anderson
First Name Alexander
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1775-04-21
Date of Death 1870-01-17
Place of Birth New York City
Place of Death
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Displaying 1–25 of 194

Role Title Date
Engraver Lectures to young ladies. To which are added, short hymns, suited to the subjects. By a lady. 1801
Engraver The Dutchess of C--. By Madame la Comtesse de Genlis. 1801
Engraver Evening recreations, a collection of original stories. Written by a lady, for the amusement of her young friends 1802
Engraver Historical sketches for juvenile minds, ornamented with engravings. Written by a lady. 1802
Engraver Tales of the Hermitage. Embellished with cuts. Written by a lady, for the improvement of youth. 1802
Engraver Charlotte, or The pleasing companion, for young misses. Written by a lady. With beautiful engravings. 1803
Engraver Charlotte, or, The pleasing companion, for young misses. Written by a lady. With beautiful engravings. 1803
Engraver Choice tales, for the improvement of youth of both sexes 1803
Engraver The economy of human life. By Dodsley: A picture of the female character, as it ought to appear. By G. Horne, D.D. &c. 1803
Engraver The Enchanted Plants; Fables in Verse. Inscribed to Miss Montolieu, and Miss Julia Montolieu. 1803
Engraver The happy family; or, Winter evenings' employment. Consisting of reading and conversations, in seven parts. By a friend of youth. With cuts by Anderson. 1803
Engraver The village maid; or, Dame Burton's moral stories for the instruction and amusement of youth. By Elizabeth Somerville. 1803
Engraver Village tales, or, Juvenile amusements. With cuts. 1803
Engraver The happy family; or, Winter evenings' employment. Consisting of reading and conversations, in seven parts. By a friend of youth. With cuts by Anderson. 1804
Engraver Sermons to children. To which are added, short hymns, suited to the subjects. By a lady. 1805
Engraver The History of Fortunio, and His Famous Companions. Also, The Wishes, an Arabian Tale. Adorned with Plates. 1805
Engraver Hymns in prose, for children. By Mrs. Barbauld. 1806
Engraver The Farm-Yard Journal. Also, the Histories of the Dog--Cat--Mouse--Marten--and Squirrel. Ornamented with Plates. 1806
Engraver The happy family: or, Winter evening's employment: Consisting of readings and conversations. To which is added, select fables of Esop. 1806
Engraver The way to get married: and the advantages and disadvantages of the marriage state; represented under the similitude of a dream. To which is added A father's legacy to his daughters. 1806
Engraver Martin and James; or, The reward of integrity: a moral tale, designed for the improvement of youth. 1807
Engraver The happy family; or, Winter evenings' employment. Consisting of reading and conversations, in seven parts. By a friend of youth. With cuts by Anderson. 1807
Engraver To-Morrow; or, The Dangers of Delay. By Maria Edgeworth. 1807
Engraver Hymns in prose for children. By Mrs. Barbauld. 1808
Engraver The history of little Phoebe, the reclaimed child. And The old woman's story. 1808

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"Anderson, Alexander" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 5170, Accessed 2025-03-26.

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