There are 76 titles associated with this person.

Burney, Frances. Evelina, or, a young lady's entrance into the world. London: Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street], 1778.
Burney, Frances. Evelina; or, A young lady's entrance into the world. In Two Volumes. Dublin: Henry Whitestone [Capel Street], Samuel Price [Henry Street], Richard Cross, Thomas Walker, Caleb Jenkin [58 Dame Street], John Beatty [Skinner Row], William Colles [19 Dame Street], George Burnet [Abbey Street], Bartholomew Corcoran I [King's Inn Quay], Edward Cross, James Williams [21 Skinner Row], Richard Fitzsimons, Luke White [18 Crampton Street], James Hoey, Junior [Parliament Street], John Exshaw II [Dame Street], Dillon Chamberlaine [College Green], George Perrin [Fishamble Street], 1779.
Burney, Frances. Evelina; or, a young lady's entrance into the world. In two volumes. The second edition. Dublin: Henry Whitestone [Capel Street], Bartholomew Corcoran I [King's Inn Quay], Samuel Price [Henry Street], Richard Fitzsimons, Dillon Chamberlaine [College Green], 1780.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or memoirs of an heiress. By the author of Evelina. In five volumes. London: Thomas Cadell [London], Thomas Payne and Son, 1782.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or memoirs of an heiress. By the author of Evelina. The third edition. London: Thomas Cadell [London], Thomas Payne and Son, 1783.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia: or memoirs of an heiress. By Miss Burney. Author of Evelina. In three volumes. Dublin: Patrick Byrne II [South King Street], Thomas Walker, Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street], Samuel Price [Henry Street], William Wilson [6 Dame Street] [1763–66; 1768–95], 1783.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia: or Memoirs of an Heiress. By Miss Burney. Author of Evelina. In three volumes. Dublin: Patrick Byrne I [College Green], Thomas Walker, Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street], Samuel Price [Henry Street], William Wilson [6 Dame Street] [1763–66; 1768–95], 1784.
Burney, Frances. Evelina; or, A young lady's entrance into the world. In two volumes. The third edition. Dublin: Henry Whitestone [Capel Street], Thomas Walker, John Beatty [Skinner Row], George Burnet [Abbey Street], Bartholomew Corcoran I [King's Inn Quay], Peter Hoey [Skinner Row], Caleb Jenkin [58 Dame Street], Samuel Price [Henry Street], Richard Fitzsimons, James Williams [Dame Street], Hannah Chamberlaine, John Exshaw II [98 Grafton Street], William Colles [17 New Buildings, Dame Street], George Perrin [3 Castle Street], Luke White [Dame Street], 1784.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia: or memoirs of an heiress. By Miss Burney. Author of Evelina. In three volumes. Dublin: Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge], Patrick Byrne II [South King Street], William Jones I [Dame Street], John Boyce [Merchant's Quay], 1795.
Burney, Frances. Camilla: or, a picture of youth. By the author of Evelina and Cecilia. In five volumes. London: Thomas Cadell and William Davies, Thomas Payne II, 1796.
Burney, Frances. Camilla: or, a picture of youth. By the author of Evelina and Cecilia. In three volumes. Dublin: Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge], John Halpen (also Halpin) [Henry Street], Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street], William Jones I [Dame Street], Hugh Fitzpatrick [Ormond Quay], John Rice [Grafton Street], John Milliken [Grafton Street], Nicholas Kelly [St. George's Street], Richard Cross, John Archer [80 Dame Street], John Chambers [Abbey Street], George Burnet [Abbey Street], Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street], William McKenzie [College Green], George Folingsby [59 Dame Street], William Porter [Skinner Row], Charles Brown, William Watson and Son, Arabella Parker, William Corbet [Great Britain Street], Peter Moore, Richard Martin Butler [2 Grafton Street], Alexander Stewart [Bride Street], John Gough, George Johnson [New Sackville Street], John Exshaw II [98 Grafton Street], Thomas Stewart [Church Street], Vincent Dowling [Suffolk Street], Bennett Dugdale [Dame Street], 1796.
Burney, Frances. Camilla: or, A picture of youth. By the author of Evelina and Cecilia. In three volumes. First Boston Edition. Boston: Samuel Hall, William Spotswood, James White & Co., Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer Andrews, David West [Marlborough Street], Ebenezer Larkin, W. P. and Lemuel Blake, John West [Boston], 1797.
Burney, Frances. Evelina: or, A young lady's entrance into the world. In two volumes. New York City: Evert Duyckinck [Water Street], 1797.
Burney, Frances. Evelina: Or, a Young Lady’s Entrance into the World. In Two Volumes. New York City: Cornelius Davis [No. 94 Water Street], John Harrisson, Gaine & Ten Eyck, Peter A. Mesier, John Tiebout [358 Pearl Street], Naphtali Judah, C. Smith, 1797.
Burney, Frances. Evelina. A new edition. London: s.n. [sine nomine], 1808.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. Birmingham: Martin and Hunter, 1809.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an Heiress. London: Thomas Cadell and William Davies, 1809.
Smith, Charlotte, et al. The British Novelists; with an Essay; and Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Mrs. Barbauld. London: Joseph Johnson and Co., Joseph Booker, Thomas Cadell and William Davies, Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Benjamin Crosby and Co., Joseph Mawman [Poultry], George Wilkie and John Robinson, James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman], Charles Law, James Malcott Richardson, Francis, Charles and John Rivington, Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831], Robert Baldwin I, William Creech, Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe, John Richardson [Royal Exchange], John Miller [69 Fleet Street], Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, James Asperne, Thomas Payne II, Samuel Bagster [Strand], Elizabeth Mathews and Samuel Leigh, Wilson and Son, James Nunn, Lackington and Co., Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho], Edward Jeffery [Warwick Street], Hannah Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, J.K. Newman, William Clarke and Son, William Otridge and Son, Thomas Booth, John Harding, J. Faulder, George Robinson [iii], James Carpenter [14 Old Bond Street], Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street], William Lowndes [Bedford Street], John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825], Cuthell and Martin, John Murray II [Fleet Street], Robert Baldwin III, 1810.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. London: William Emans [Newington], 1819.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. Liverpool: Henry Fisher [Liverpool], 1820.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. London: Thomas Payne II and Henry Foss, 1820.
Burney, Frances, et al. The British Novelists; with an Essay, and Prefaces Biographical and Critical, by Mrs. Barbauld. A New Edition. London: Joseph Booker, Thomas Cadell and William Davies, Joseph Mawman [Poultry], James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman], Francis, Charles and John Rivington, John Richardson [Royal Exchange], John Miller [69 Fleet Street], James Asperne, Samuel Bagster [Strand], James Nunn, Lackington and Co., James Carpenter [14 Old Bond Street], William Lowndes [Bedford Street], Cuthell and Martin, John Murray II [Fleet Street], Edward Jeffery and Son, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Co., T. Wilkie, J. and W. T. Clarke, John Otridge [1816-21], James Black [York Street], Hannah Black and Co., John Richardson [Royal Exchange], James Malcott Richardson, R. Scholey, Robert Harding Evans [96 Pall Mall], Anthony King Newman and Co., John Booth, William Ginger [1767-1792, 1805-1830], Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy, Thomas Hodgson, John Bohn, John Ebers [27 Old Bond Street], Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, G. and W. B. Whittaker, Stirling & Slade, Fairbairn and Anderson, Henry Setchell and Son, Whitmore and Fenn, Rowland Hunter, G. Cowir and Co., Robert Saunders, Thomas and Joseph Allman [Princes St], J. Boone, C. Brown, J. Brumby, Edwards and Co., Thomas Hamilton, J. Lepard, George Mackie, William Mason [London], Ogle, Duncan, and Co., John Rodwell and Martin, Thomas Hurst, George Robinson and Co. [Cheapside], Thomas Wilson and Sons, 1820.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia; or, Memoirs of an Heiress. By Miss Burney. London: Charles Stapleton Arnold, W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1823.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. London: Fisher [London], 1825.
Burney, Frances. Cecilia: or, Memoirs of an Heiress. By Miss Burney. In two volumes. London: John Fowler Dove [St. John's Square], 1826.