ID 8560
Last Name Franklin
First Name Ann Smith
Gender Female
Date of Birth 1696-10-02
Date of Death 1763-04-16
Place of Birth Boston
Place of Death Newport
Related Firms Ann and James Franklin
Ann Franklin (nee Smith)
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Displaying 1–25 of 30

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Printer John Walton's religion, proved not to be the religion of Jesus. Or A confutation of sundry errors published by John Walton, gent. in his book entituled, The religion of Jesus vindicated. By John Aplin. 1737
Printer The remonstrance of Richard Ward Esq; concerning the mortgage. 1737
Printer The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1737. ... Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. By Joseph Stafford. 1737
Bookseller The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1737. ... Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. By Joseph Stafford. 1737
Printer Advertisement. To be sold by John Thornton, of Providence, in the colony of Rhode Island, several farms and lots of land. 1738
Printer The Christians daily exercise: or Directions, shewing how every day of our lives may be spent, that our accounts to God at death will be both safe and unspeakably comfortable. [Five lines of quotations] Composed for the glory of God, and the common good of men, by Mordecai Matthews, Minister of God's Word at Roinolston, in Glamorganshire. [Six lines of quotations] 1738
Printer The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1738. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. but may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Joseph Stafford. 1738
Bookseller The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1738. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. but may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Joseph Stafford. 1738
Printer The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1739. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, &c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New-Found-Land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. 1739
Bookseller The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1739. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, &c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New-Found-Land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. 1739
Printer The duty of all Christians, urged, in a discourse on I Cor. XV. 58. delivered in a congregation at Newport, on Rhode-Island. By Nathaniel Clap. 1740
Printer The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1740. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. 1740
Bookseller The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1740. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. 1740
Printer [The espousals or A passionate perswasive to a marriage with the Lamb of God, wherein the sinners misery and the redeemers glory is unvailed in. A sermon upon Gen. 24 49. Preach'd at N. Brunswyck, June the 22d, 1735. By Gilbert Tennent, A.M. and Minister of the Gospel there. ...] 1741
Printer A sermon preached at Naraganset. March 15th. A.D. 1740. By James MacSparran, D.D 1741
Printer The Reverend Mr. Jonathan Mitchel's letter to his friend in New-England. 1741
Printer The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1741. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. 1741
Bookseller The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1741. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. 1741
Printer Whereas John Rogers yesterday at Deacon Snows, read a printed letter of mine ... June 8, 1742. 1742
Printer A sermon, shewing, that eternal life is God's free gift, bestowed upon men according to their moral behaviour. And that free grace and free will concur, in the affair of man's salvation. By John Beach, A.M. 1745
Printer The true nature and method of Christian preaching, examined and stated. In a discourse delivered at Newport, June xiith, 1745. By Henry Caner, A. M. Published at the desire of the hearers. 1745
Printer At the General Assembly of the governor and Company of the English colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in New-England in America, begun and held at South-Kingstown within and for said colony, on the last Wednesday in October, in the twenty first year of the reign of His Most Sacred Majesty, George the Second, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. 1747
Printer Dr. MacSparran's sermon preached at the covention of the Episcopal clergy in Trinity Church in Newport on Rhode-Island. 1747
Printer Ministers of the Gospel workers together with Christ. A sermon preached at Tiverton October. 1, 1746. By the Reverend Mr. Othniel Campbell, at his instalment to the pastoral office in the church of Christ lately gathered there. 1747
Printer At the General Assembly of the governor and Company of the English colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in New-England in America, begun and held at South-Kingstown in said colony, by adjournment, on the last Monday of February, in the twenty first year of the reign of His Most Sacred Majesty, George the Second, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, &c. 1748

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"Franklin, Ann Smith" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 8560, Accessed 2025-02-15.

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