The surprising adventures of Almira Paul, a young woman, who, garbed as a male, has for three of the last preceding years actually served as a common sailor, on board of English and American armed vessels, without a discovery of her sex being made. : In 1812 (at 22 years of age) she shipped at Halifax, by the name of Jack Brown, as cook's mate, on board the revenue cutter--since which, she has been in active service on board a number of English privateers and ships of war &c.--once on board an Algerine corsair--and once on board the American ship Macedonian.--Has been in many engagements, and was once severely wounded. : The said Almira Paul is now in Boston--and in presenting the public with the particulars of her curious adventures, they may rest assured that we present them with facts, confirmed by a number of respectable gentlemen, now in this town.
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