Name Copyright Holder

The person who is identified in the Copyright Statement as owning the copyright. This data has come from the American Antiquarian Society catalogue; titles published outside of the United States usually do not indicate the copyright holder.


Displaying 51–75 of 139

Person Title
Dean, Christopher C. Letters on the Chickasaw and Osage missions. By the author of Conversations on the Sandwich Island, Bombay and Ceylon missions, Naval Chaplain, &c. ; Revised by the Publishing Committee
Dean, Christopher C. Prospective missions in the Indian Archipelago Sumatra, Bali, Nias, &c. By the author of Conversations on the Sandwich Islands mission, Naval chaplain, Hugh Clifford, Widow of Monmouth, African traveller, &c. &c. ; [Five lines of text from Malachi 1:11]. ; Written for the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, and revised by the Committee of Publication
Donohue, George W. Vie de George Washington. Traduit de l'anglais, et dédié a la jeunesse américaine, par A.N. Girault, maître de français
Follen, Charles The well-spent hour
Follen, Charles Words of truth. By the author of The well spent hour and The warning. [Two lines of quotation
Follen, Charles Hymns, songs and fables, for children. By the author of "The well-spent hour
Follen, Charles Hymns, songs and fables, for children. By the author of 'The well-spent hour
Follen, Charles Sequel to "The well-spent hour;" or The birth-day
Fowler, James Memoir of Frances Fowler. By a lady
French, Benjamin Franklin Memoirs of eminent female writers, of all ages and countries. By Anna Maria Lee
Gordon, P. Awful disclosures of Maria Monk, as exhibited in a narrative of her sufferings during a residence of five years as a novice, and two years as a black nun, in the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Montreal. : [Two lines from Revelation
Grigg, John Conversations on natural philosophy, in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained. : Illustrated with plates. By the author of Conversations on chemistry, &c. ; With corrections, improvements, and considerable additions in the body of the work; appropriate questions, and a glossary: by Dr. Thomas P. Jones, professor of mechanics, in the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania
Grigg, John The first lines of the practice of surgery: designed as an introduction for students, and a concise book of reference for practitioners. By Samuel Cooper, surgeon to the forces; member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and of the Medical and Chirurical Society of London; member of the Medical Society of Marseilles; Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Catania, &c., &c. ; with notes, by Alexander H. Stevens, M.D. professor of surgery in the University of New-York; surgeon of the New-York Hospital; consulting physician of the New-York Dispensary; member of the New-York Literary and Philosophical Society; of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; and of the Linnean Society of New-England. ; And additional notes, by Samuel M'Clellan, M.D. professor of anatomy in Jefferson Medical College, &c. ; In two volumes.--Volume I[-II
Grimshaw, William An etymological dictionary and expositor of the English language: containing the radicals and definitions of words derived from the Greek, Latin, and French, languages; and all the generally used technical and polite phrases, adopted from the French and Latin. By William Grimshaw, author of a History of the United States, History of England, &c
Hammond, Gervis S. The confession of Jereboam O. Beauchamp. Who was executed at Frankfort, Ky. on the 7th of July, 1826. For the murder of Col. Solomon P. Sharp, a member of the legislature, and late attorney general of Ky. Written by himself, and containing the only authentic account of the murder, and the causes which induced it. ; To which is added, some poetical pieces, written by Mrs. Ann Beauchamp, who voluntarily put an end to her existence, on the day of the execution of her husband, and was buried in the same grave with him
Hammond, Philip Miscellaneous poems on moral and religious subjects. By a lady
Harlan, Richard Ornithological biography, or An account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America; accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled The birds of America, and interspersed with delineations of American scenery and manners. By John James Audubon, F.R.SS.L. & E. fellow of the Linnean and Zoological societies of London; member of the Lyceum and Linnean Society of New York, of the Natural History Society of Paris, the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh; honorary member of the Society of Natural History of Manchester, and of the Scottish Academy of Painting, Architecture, and Sculpture; member of the philosophical societies of Cambridge, Liverpool, and New-Castle-Upon-Tyne, etc. etc
Hoxie, Joseph First lessons in the history of the United States: compiled for the use of the junior classes in Joseph Hoxie's Academy. By Mrs. C.M. Thayer, superintendent of the female department
Hunt, Uriah Biography for schools, or, Good examples for young persons. By the author of American popular lessons. ; [One line of quotation
Illman, Thomas The American juvenile keepsake. [Two lines from Young] Edited by Mrs. Hofland
Illman, Thomas The American juvenile keepsake, for 1835. [Two lines from Young] Edited by Mrs. Hofland
Illman, Thomas The American juvenile keepsake, for 1835. [Two lines from Young] Edited by Mrs. Hofland
Illman, Thomas The American juvenile keepsake, for 1836. [Two lines from Young] Edited by Mrs. Hofland
Jennings, George C. Turkish barbarity. An affecting narrative of the unparalleled sufferings of Mrs. Sophia Mazro, a Greek lady of Missolonghi. Who with her two daughters (at the capture of that fortress by the Turks) were made prisoners by the barbarians, by whom their once peaceable dwelling was reduced to ashes, and their unfortunate husband and parent, in his attempts to protect his family, inhumanly put to death in their presence. Taken from her own mouth, and translated by Mr. Kelch, the Greek agent in London. ; [Three lines of quotation
Jones, Elizabeth Cooper Dallas Harrison Memoirs of the life of Miss Caroline E. Smelt, who died on the 21st September, 1817, in the city of Augusta, Georgia, in the 17th year of her age. Compiled from authentic papers furnished by her friends, and published at their request. By Moses Waddel, D.D. Pastor of the United Churches of Willington and Hopewell, in the District of Abbeville, South-Carolina. Second edition.