Name Copyright Holder

The person who is identified in the Copyright Statement as owning the copyright. This data has come from the American Antiquarian Society catalogue; titles published outside of the United States usually do not indicate the copyright holder.


Displaying 76–100 of 139

Person Title
Judson, Elnathan A particular relation of the American Baptist mission to the Burman empire. In a series of letters, addressed to Joseph Butterworth, Esq. M.P. London. By Ann H. Judson
Larkin, Ebenezer The coquette; or, The history of Eliza Wharton: a novel; founded on fact. By a lady of Massachusetts.
Larned, W. The American nun; or The effects of romance. By Mrs. L. Larned. Author of the "Sanford's, or Home scenes;" "Proselyte;" "True fairy tale," &c. &c. ; [Ten lines of quotations
Leavitt, Joshua Easy lessons in reading; for the use of the younger classes in common schools, by Joshua Leavitt
Leavitt, Joshua Easy lessons in reading; for the use of the younger classes in common schools, by Joshua Leavitt
Loring, James Memoir of James Jackson, the attentive, and obedient scholar, who died in Boston, October 31, 1833, aged six years and eleven months. By his teacher, Miss Susan Paul
Marshall, Samuel A portraiture of Shakerism, exhibiting a general view of their character and conduct, from the first appearance of Ann Lee in New-England, down to the present time. And certified by many respectable authorities. Drawn up by Mary M. Dyer. : [Two lines of quotation] : The author has endeavored, while exposing to the world the dark side of the picture, to give it no deeper shade than the light of truth will warrent. And although she has endured innumerable wrongs, she can say in conscious truth, that her only object in giving the world this history, is, that the unsuspecting may not be entrapped by the apparent virtue and rectitude of the people called Shakers
Marshall, Samuel A portraiture of Shakerism, exhibiting a general view of their character and conduct, from the first appearance of Ann Lee in New-England, down to the present time. And certified by many respectable authorities. Drawn up by Mary M. Dyer. : [Two lines of quotation] : The author has endeavored, while exposing to the world the dark side of the picture, to give it no deeper shade than the light of truth will warrent. And although she has endured innumerable wrongs, she can say in conscious truth, that her only object in giving the world this history, is, that the unsuspecting may not be entrapped by the apparent virtue and rectitude of the people called Shakers
Moore, Daniel The trial of Robert W. Houston, versus General John Dicks, and others, members of a court martial, Nathaniel W. Sample, brigade inspector, Molton C. Rogers, Esq. judge advocate, and Daniel Moore, Deputy Marshal. Being an action of trespass, instituted in the Court of Common Pleas, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. : Containing the proceedings and opinion of the said court. Also, the arguments of counsel before the Supreme Court, at a special session, held at Lancaster, on the 6th March, 1817. And the opinions of the judges of said court, delivered on the 19th May, 1817, reversing the opinion of the court below. By George B. Porter, Esq.
Nealy, Benjamin Franklin Memoir of Mrs. Sally Fornis, who died at Beverly, Massachusetts, July 31, 1817, aet. 19. Compiled from private manuscripts written at the time by her mother. With remarks by H. Bingham.
Newell, Ebenezer Francis Memoirs of Fanny Newell, written by herself; and published at her particular request, and the desire of numerous friends. ; [Two lines from Luke
Newell, Ebenezer Francis Memoirs of Fanny Newell; written by herself, and published at her particular request, and the desire of numerous friends. ; [Two lines from Luke] ; To which are now added, numerous interesting letters, and a particular account of her last sickness and death
Newell, Ebenezer Francis Memoirs of Fanny Newell; written by herself, and published by the desire and request of numerous friends. ; [Two lines from Luke] ; To which are now added, numerous interesting letters, and a particular account of her last sickness and death
Packard, Frederick Adolphus The Life and Writings of Mrs. Harriet Newell. Revised by the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday School Union.
Packard, Henry R. The choice: a tragedy; : with other miscellaneous poems. By Hannah J. Packard
Parker, George G. Piratical barbarity or The female captive. Comprising the particulars of the capture of the English sloop Eiza-Ann, on her passage from St. Johns to Antigua, and the horrid massacre of the unfortunate crew by the pirates, March 12, 1825. And of the unparalleled sufferings of Miss Lucretia Parker, a passenger on board said sloop--who after being retained a prisoner eleven days by the pirates, was miraculously delivered from their cruel hands. : The work is concluded with some well written and interesting moral reflections of Miss Parker, who attributes the preservation of her life and deliverance from captivity, to the interposition of Divine Providence--which renders it a very valuable and interesting work to all moral and serious minded persons, of whatever denomination. : [Two lines of quotation
Payson, Ann Louisa A memoir of the Rev. Edward Payson, D.D. late Pastor of the Second Church in Portland. By Asa Cummings, editor of the Christian mirror. ; [One line in Latin from Luther
Payson, Ann Louisa A memoir of the Rev. Edward Payson, D.D. late Pastor of the Second Church in Portland. By Asa Cummings, editor of the Christian mirror. ; [One line in Latin from Luther
Peck, Daniel L. The Pennsylvania spelling book. By an association of teachers.
Peirce, William Memoir of Charles Lathrop Winslow, Who Was Born in Ceylon, January 12, 1821, and Died in New York, May 24, 1832. With an Appendix, Containing Brief Notices of his Grandfathers and Parents.
Perkins and Marvin Memoir of Mary Lothrop, who died in Boston, March 18, 1831, aged six years and three months.
Perkins and Marvin Memoir of Mary Lothrop, who died in Boston, March 18th, 1831, aged six years and three months. Second Edition.
Phelps, Almira Hart Lincoln The child's geology. By the author of "The child's botany." ; Revised and enlarged, by Mrs. Almira H.L. Phelps, author of Familiar lectures on botany, Dictionary of chemistry, Lectures on education, &c
Phelps, Almira Hart Lincoln Familiar lectures on botany. Including practical and elementary botany, with generic and specific descriptions of the most common native and foreign plants, and a vocabulary of botanical terms. : For the use of schools and academies. By Mrs. Almira H. Lincoln, vice-principal of Troy Female Seminary
Pleasants, Deborah Lownes A Collection of All Such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public & permanent nature, as are now in force: comprising the first volume of the revised code. The second edition, with copious notes of reference to subsequent acts, and a new and much enlarged index. To which are prefixed the Declaration of Rights, and Constitution, or Form of Government. Published pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, passed on the tenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.