Name Author

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Displaying 251–275 of 22279

Person Title
Althens, Margaret Magdalen The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A.......s, Late Wife of Mr. Frederick Charles A.....s, London. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth.
Althens, Margaret Magdalen The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A.......s, Late Wife of Mr. Frederick Charles A.....s, of Goodman Fields. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. From the London Second Edition.
Althens, Margaret Magdalen The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A.......s, Late Wife of Mr. Frederick Charles A.....s, of Goodman Fields. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth.
Althens, Margaret Magdalen The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Margaret Magdalen Althens.
Althens, Margaret Magdalen The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Margaret Magdalen Althens, Late Wife of Frederick Charles Althens, of Goodman's Fields. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth.
Ambross, Miss The life and memoirs of the late Miss Ann Catley, the celebrated actress: with biographical sketches of Sir Francis Blake Delaval, and the Hon. Isabella Pawlet, Daughter to the Earl of Thanet. By Miss Ambross.
Amelia A letter from Amelia to the inspector.
Ames, Jane Compositions, original and selected. By Mrs. Jane Ames.
Ames, Jane Original Compositions, in Prose and Verse. On Subjects Moral and Religious. By Miss. J. Fenno, of Boston
Ames, Jane Original compositions, in prose and verse. On subjects moral and religious. by Miss J. Fenno, of Boston.
Ames, Jane Compositions, original and selected. By Jane Ames. Part second.
Amhurst, Nicholas The test of love. An epistle to a friend.
Amphlett, Mr. William The Parnassian Garland; or, beauties of modern poetry : consisting of upwards of two hundred pieces, selected from the works of the most distinguished poets of the present age. With introductory lines to each article. Designed for the use of schools and the admirers of poetry in general. By John Evans, A. M. Master of a seminary for a limited number of pupils, Pullin's Row, Islington.
Amphlett, Mr. William The Parnassian Garland: Forming the Poetry of The Monthly Visitor, Vol. I. and II.
Amsinck, Paul Turnbridge Wells, and Its Neighbourhood, Illustrated by a Series of Etchings and Historical Descriptions. By Paul Amsinck, Esq. The Etchings Executed by Letitia Byrne.
Ancram, Georgianna The new estate; or, The young travellers in Wales and Ireland. By the author of 'Portugal,' &c.
Ancram, Georgianna Portugal; or, The young travellers: being some account of Lisbon and its environs, and of a tour in the Alemtéjo, in which the customs and manners of the inhabitants are faithfully detailed. From a journal kept by a lady during three years' actual residence.
Ancram, Georgianna Spain yesterday and to-day. By the author of 'Portugal,' 'The new estate,' &c. &c.
Ancram, Georgianna The East Indians at Selwood; or, The orphans' home. By the author of 'Portugal,' 'The new estate,' &c. &c.
Ancram, Georgianna The young baronet; or, The broken leg.
Ancram, Georgianna Gleanings from many fields. By the author of 'Portugal,' 'The new estate,' &c. &c.
Ancram, Georgianna Charles Ross; or, Truth and fiction. By the author of 'The new estate,' 'Spain yesterday and to-day,' &c.
Anderson, Alexander The Child's magazine. In two volumes.
Anderson, Alexander The Child's magazine. In two volumes.
Anderson, Eliza Hill Memoir of Mary Lothrop, who died in Boston, March 18, 1831, aged six years and three months.