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Displaying 26–50 of 22291

Person Title
Ovid The Fable of Phaeton, Translated from Ovid
Philip His Catholick Majesty’s manifesto, justifying his conduct in relation to the late convention. With his reasons for not paying the ninety five thousand pounds
Plutarch Plutarch's Lives, Abridged from the Original Greek, illustrated with notes and reflections, and embellished with copper-plate prints.
Sabina Laurentia. A novel. In two volumes.
Sophia Woman not Inferior to Man: or, a short and modest vindication of the natural right of the fair-sex to a perfect equality of power, dignity, and esteem, with the men. By Sophia, a person of quality.
Sophia Beauty's Triumph: or, the Superiority of the Fair Sex Invincibly Proved. Wherein the arguments for the natural right of man to a sovereign authority over the woman are fairly urged and undeniably refuted; and the undoubted title of the ladies, even to a superiority over the men, both in head and heart, is clearly evinced; shewing their minds to be as much more beautiful than the mens as their bodies; and that, if they had the same advantages of education, they would excel their tyrants as much in sense as they do in virtue. In three parts.
Sophia Woman not Inferior to Man: or, a short and modest vindication of the natural right of the fair-sex to a perfect equality of power, dignity, and esteem, with the men. By Sophia, a person of quality. The second edition corrected.
Sophia Beauty's Triumph: or, the Superiority of the Fair Sex Invincibly Proved. Wherein the arguments for the natural right of man to a sovereign authority over the woman are fairly urged and undeniably refuted; and the undoubted title of the ladies, even to a superiority over the men, both in head and heart, is clearly evinced; shewing their minds to be as much more beautiful than the mens as their bodies; and that, if they had the same advantages of education, they would excel their tyrants as much in sense as they do in virtue. In three parts.
Sophia Woman not Inferior to Man: or, a short and modest vindication of the natural right of the fair-sex to a perfect equality of power, dignity, and esteem, with the men. By Sophia, a person of quality.
Sophia Woman's Superior Excellence over Man: or, A reply to the author of a late treatise, entitled, Man Superior to Woman. In which, the excessive weakness of that Gentleman's answer to Woman not Inferior to Man is exposed; with a plain demonstration of woman's natural right even to superiority over the men in head and heart; proving their minds as much more beautiful than the men's as their bodies are, and that, had they the same advantages of education, they would excel them as much in sense as they do in virtue. The whole interspersed with a variety of mannish characters, which some of the most noted heroes of the present age had the goodness to sit for. By Sophia, a person of quality, author of Woman not Inferior to Man.
Sophia Woman's Superior Excellence over Man: or, A reply to the author of a late treatise, entitled, Man Superior to Woman. In which, the excessive weakness of that Gentleman's answer to Woman not Inferior to Man is exposed; with a plain demonstration of woman's natural right even to superiority over the men in head and heart; proving their minds as much more beautiful than the men's as their bodies are, and that, had they the same advantages of education, they would excel them as much in sense as they do in virtue. The whole interspersed with a variety of mannish characters, which some of the most noted heroes of the present age had the goodness to sit for. By Sophia, a person of quality, author of Woman not Inferior to Man.
Susanna Poems, by Susanna.
Synod of New York and Philadelphia A list of the presbyteries, ministers, probationers, and congregations, both settled and vacant, within the bounds of the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia. Made in the year 1788. The presbyteries are placed in the order in which they lie from New-York to Georgia inclusive.--The Ministers according to their seniority in the ministry, in their respective Presbyteries with the Congregations in which they are settled annexed to their names--And the collections annexed to the congregations which contributed in the year 1787, for the purpose of printing the Draught of a Form of Government and Discipline, and defraying of other Synodical expences. With an Account of the Disbursements.
Terence Terence's comedies made English, with his life, and some remarks. By Mr. Laurence Echard, and others. Revi'd and corrected by Dr. Echard, and Sir R. L'Estrange. The tenth edition.
A. C. Advice to youths, to which is added a short sketch, and a warning to scolding wives: written by a young woman in Philadelphia, for the good of such sex. (by A.C.)
A. E. A Brief Account of the Religious Experience, Sickness and Death, of the late pious Miss Mary M. Tooker: taken from her own mouth by two female friends, A. E. and P. B. a few weeks before her departure.
A. M. My Brother, a Poem
A. M. My Brother, a Poem.
A. M. My Brother, a Poem.
A. M. My Brother, a Poem.
Abbot, Priscilla Priscilla Abbot, at her shop, Main-Street, Salem, imports and sells, a general assortment of European & India goods, cheap for cash
Abbott a Beckett, Gilbert Cumberland's British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, London.
Abdy, Maria Rhymes, & Reason: or, Mirth & Morality for the Young: A Selection of Poetic Pieces, Chiefly Humourous. By Clara Hall, Editress of "Affection's Offering," "Parlour Stories," &c. &c.
Abdy, Maria Poetry by Mrs. Abdy. The Greater Part of These Verses have Appeared at Various Times, in Different Magazines and Annuals. (For Private Circulation.)
Abdy, Maria The Poetic Present; a Collection of Superior Pieces from the Best Authors. Calculated to Interest and Improve the Minds of Young People. Selected by Clara Hall.