Signed Author |
Vol. 1: By William Shakespeare; By Oliver Goldsmith; By William Shakespeare; By Richard Brinsley Sheridan; By William Shakespeare; By John Home; By Dr. Hoadly; Vol. 2: By William Shakespeare; By Richard Brinsley Sheridan, author of The Critic, A Trip to Scarborough, The School for Scandal, The Rivals, &c.; By Richard Brinsley Sheridan, author of The Critic, A Trip to Scarborough, The School for Scandal, St. Patrick's Day, The Duenna, The Camp, &c.; By Mrs. Cowley; By William Shakespeare; By Thomas Otway; By Richard Cumberland; Vol. 3: By William Shakespeare; By Isaac Bickerstaff; By William Shakespeare; By Sir J. Vanbrugh and Colley Cibber; By John Gay; By Arthur Murphy; By Isaac Bickerstaff; Vol. 4: By William Shakespeare; By William Shakespeare; By Mrs. Centlivre; By William Shakespeare; By Richard Brinsley Sheridan; By Thomas Holcroft; By Edward Moore; Vol. 5: By William Shakspeare; By Charles Macklin; By George Farquhar; By Isaac Bickerstaff; By Nicholas Rowe; By William Shakspeare; By William Shakspeare; Vol. 6: By William Shakspeare; By William Shakspeare; By James Sheridan Knowles, author of William Tell, Caius Gracchus, &c.; By James Sheridan Knowles, Esq. author of Virginius, William Tell, &c.; By Arthur Murphy; By William Shakspeare; By Joseph Addison Vol. 7: By Philip Massinger; By William Shakspeare; By George Colman; By William Shakspeare; By Geo. Colman and David Garrick; By William Shakspeare; By Mrs. Inchbald; Vol. 8: By James Kenney, Esq. author of The Illustrious Stranger, Raising the Wind, Love, Law, and Physic, Ella Rosenburgh, Matrimony, &c.; By Mrs. Centlivre; By Thomas Holcroft; By Arthur Murphy, Esq.; By Samuel Foote; By W. Rowley, with alterations and editions by J. R. Planche, author of The Mason of Buda, Merchant's Wedding, Amoreso, London & Paris, &c.; By Isaac Bickerstaff Vol. 9 & 10 missing Vol. 11: By John Howard Payne, Esq. Author of The Lancers, Love in Humble Life, Charles the Second, Ali Pacha, &c.; By John Howard Payne, Esq. Author of The Lancers, Charles the Second, Brutus. &c.; By William Shakspeare; By William Shakspeare; By John Howard Payne, Esq.; Author of The Lancers, Charles the Second, Ali Pacha, Brutus, &c.; By Mrs. Inchbald; By W. C. Oulton; Vol. 12: By Peter Bayley, Esq.; By Joseph Lunn, Esq.; By John Poole, Esq. Author of Paul Pry; By Joseph Ebsworth; By Joseph Lunn, Esq.; By Kane O'Hara; By Beaumont and Fletcher; Vol. 13: By Mrs. Centlivre; By Oliver Goldsmith, M. B.; Anonymous; By General Burgoyne; By John Tobin, Esq.; By George Daniel, author of The Disagreeable Surprise, &c.; By the Rev. James Townley; Vol. 14: By George Daniel, Author of Dr. Bolus, &c.; By Benjamin Thompson, Esq.; Anonymous; By Richard Brinsley Sheridan, author of The Critic, A Trip to Scarborough, The Rivals, Pizarro, The Duenna, &c.; Anonymous; By Mrs. Inchbald; By Richard Cumberland; Vol. 15: By Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Author of Pizarro, The Rivals, School for Scandal, Trip to Scarborough, &c.; Taken from the French of M. Bouilly, and adapted to the English stage, by Thomas Holcroft; By M. G. Lewis; By Edward Young, LL. D., revised by J. P. Kemble; By Mrs. Inchbald; By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of A Cure for the Heart-Ache, Knight of Snowdown, School of Reform, Secrets Worth Knowing, Education, Zorinski, Columbus, The Slave, &c.; By Mrs. Brooke; Vol. 16: By W. T. Moncrieffe, Esq. Author of The Spectre Bridegroom, Giovanni in London, &c.; By William Shakspeare; By W. T. Moncrieffe, Esq. Author of Monsieur Tonson, Giovanni in London, &c.; By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of The Way to Get Married, Town and Country, School of Reform, Education, Knight of Snowdown, Zorinski, Columbus, The Slave, Speed the Plough, &c.; By Richard Brinsley Peake, Esq. Author of The Duel, "Master's Rival," &c.; By George Colman, Esq. Author of Who Wants a Guinea, Ways and Means, &c.; By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of The Way to Get Married, Town and Country, School of Reform, The Slave, Knight of Snowdown, Zorinski, Columbus, Speed the Plough, &c.; Vol. 17: By Thomas Morton, Esq. A Cure for the Hart-Ache, Knight of Snowdown, School of Reform, Education, Zorinski, Columbus, The Slave, &c. ; By Richard Ayton; By John Brown, D. D.; Founded on the popular French play of "La Vie d'un Jouer," by Charles Thompson; By W. T. Moncrieff, Esq. Author of The Spectre Bridegroom, and Monsieur Tonson; By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of The Way to Get Married, Town and Country, Speed the Plough, A Care for the Heart-Ache, Education, Knight of Snowdown, Zorinski, Columbus, The Slave, &c.; By Mrs. Inchbald, Authoress of The Child of Nature, Wives as They Were and Maids as They Are, The Midnight Hour, &c.; Vol. 18: By John O'Keeffe, Esq. Author of Modern Antiques, The Poor Soldier, The Prisoner at Large, &c.; By William Shakspeare, revised by J.P. Kemble; By William Shakspeare, altered by David Garrick, and revised by J.P. Kemble; By Thomas Morton, Esq. Author of "Columbus," "Zorinski," "Children in the Wood," "Way to Get Married," "Cure for the Heart-Ache," "Knight of Snowdown," "Town and Country," "School of Reform," "Speed the Plough," "Education," &c.; By J. T. Allingham; By W. T. Moncrieffe, Esq. Author of Monsieur Tonson, The Spectre Bridegroom, Giovanni in London, &c.; By William Shakspeare; Vol. 19: By T. A. Arne, M.D.; Altered from the German of Raupach, and adapted to the English stage, by R. Talbot, Esq.; By John Howard Payne, Esq. Author of Brutus, Ali Pacha, Love in Humble Life, Charles the Second, &c.; By W. Congreve; Principally founded on Jasper Mayne's "City Match," and W. Rowley's "Match at Midnight," by J.R. Planche; By J. Thomas G. Rodwell, Esq.; By James Kenney, Esq. Author of Matrimony, The Illustrious Stranger, Love, Law, and Physic, The Alcaid, Ella Rosenburgh, &c.; Vol. 20: By Thomas Dibdin, Esq. Author of The Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Jew and the Doctor, The Sixes, The English Fleet, Suil Dhuv the Coiner, Family Quarrels, Paul Jones, Ivanhoe, Don Giovanni, The Birth Day, &c.; By Charles Shannon, Esq.; By J. R. Planche, author of The Merchants' Wedding, The Mason of Buda, A Woman Never Vext, A Daughter to Marry, London and Paris, Amoroso, &c.; Altered from Wycherley, by David Garrick; By the Earl of Glengall; By George Farquhar, Esq.; By Frederick Reynolds, Esq. Author of The Dramatist, The Delinquent, The Caravan, Laugh When You Can, Folly as it Flies, &c.; Vol. 22: By William Macready, Esq.; By George Farquhar; By Thomas Morton, Esq.; Author of Education, Town and Country, School of Reform, Speed the Plough, Zorinski, Columbus, A Cure for the Heart-Ache, &c.; By Edward Fitz-Ball, Esq. Author of The Pilot, The Earthquake, The Inchcape Bell, The Flying Dutchman, &c.; By R. B. Peake, Esq. Author of Amateurs and Actors, The Duel, Jonathan in England, Before Breakfast, Comfortable Lodgings, The Haunted Inn, &c.; By R. B. Peake, Esq. Author of Amateurs and Actors, "Master's Rival," Hundred Pound Note, Comfortable Lodgings, The Haunted Inn, Before Breakfast, The Bottle Imp, &c.; By James Sheridan Knowles, Esq. Author of Virginius, Caius Gracchus, &c.; Vol. 23: By Kane O'Hara, altered from Henry Fielding; BY J. B. Buckstone, Esq. Author of A Husband at Sight, Snakes in the Grass, Popping the Question, 28, John Street, Adelphi, Luke the Labourer, Billy Taylor, &c.; By Caroline Boaden, author of Quite Correct, and William Thompson; By Frederick Reynolds, Esq., author of The Will, Notoriety, Folly as it Flies, How to Grow Rich, Life, The Caravan, &c.; By Caroline Boaden, author of Quite Correct, and Fatality; By James Kenney, Esq., author of Matrimony, Raising the Wind, Love, Law, and Physic, The Alcaid, Ella Rosenbergh, &c.; By Andrew Cherry; By James Dibdin; By Thomas Morton, Esq., author of Secrets Worth Knowing, Speed the Plough, Education, Zorinski, Way to Get Married, A Cure for the Heart-Ache, Children in the Wood, &c.; Vol. 24: By Prince Hoare, Esq., author of Lock and Key, Three and the Deuce, My Grandmother, &c.; By Prince Hoare, Esq.; By J. B. Buckstone, Esq., author of Luke the Labourer, The Happiest Day of My Life, Billy Taylor, &c.; By James Kenney, Esq., author of Matrimony, Raising the Wind, The Alcaid, Illustrious Stranger, Ella Rosenburg, The Blind Boy, &c.; By Mary Russell Mitford; By John Howard Payne, Esq., author of Brutus, The Lancers, Love in Humble Life, Ali Pacha, Charles the Second, &c.; By J. R. Planche, author of Charles the XII, The Merchants' Wedding, A Woman Never Vext, The Mason of Buda, A Daughter to Marry, &c.; Founded on Massinger's City Madam, by Sir James Bland Burges, Bart.; By Arthur Murphy; Vol. 25: By Arthur Murphy, revised by J. P. Kemble; By J. R. Planche, author of The Brigand, The Merchants' Wedding, A Woman Never Vext, The Mason of Buda, A Daughter to Marry, &c.; By G. Herbert Rodwell, Esq.; By J. B. Buckstone, Esq., author of Luke the Labourer, Snakes in the Grass, The Happiest Day of My Life, &c.; Dramatised from Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, by M. Rophino Lacy, Esq. Author of the Turkish Lovers, the Two Friends, and Love in Wrinkles; By George Colman, Esq. author of Inkle and Yariceo, Who Wants a Guinea? &c.; By Thomas Southern; By Thomas Knight; By James Kenney, Esq. author of Matrimony, Raising the Wind, The Alcaid, Illustrious Strangers, Ella Rosenburg, Love, Law, and Physic, &c.; Vol. 26: By Frederick Reynolds, Esq. Author of Laugh When You Can, Folly as it Flies, The Blind Bargain, The Caravan, &c.; By James Kenney, Esq. author of Raising the Wind, The Illustrious Stranger, Ella Rosenberg, The Alcaid, Love, Law, and Physic, &c.; By J. B. Buckstone, Esq. author of The Happiest Day of My Life, Snakes in the Grass, Popping the Question, 28, John Street, Adelphi, Luke the Labourer, Billy Taylor, &c.; By Caroline Boaden, author of William Thompson, Quite Correct, Fatality, &c.; By I. Pocock, Esq.; author of The Miller and his Men, the Magpie, or the Maid? Robinson Crusoe, &c.; By I. Pocock, Esq.; Author of John of Paris, The Magpie, or the Maid? Robinson Crusoe, &c.; By John O'Keeffe, Esq. author of Modern Antiquities, The Poor Soldier, Love in a Camp, The Farmer, The Highland Reel, &c.; By William Shakspeare; By Prince Hoare, Esq. author of No Song No Supper, The Three and the Deuce, My Grandmother, &c.; Vol. 27: By William Shakspeare, revised by J.P. Kemble; Anonymous; By Prince Hoare, Esq. author of No Song, No Supper, The Three and the Deuce, The Prize, &c.; By J.R. Planche, author of Charles the XII., The Merchants' Wedding, A Woman Never Vext, The Mason of Buda, The Brigand, A Daughter to Marry, &c.; By John O'Keeffe, Esq. author of Modern Antiquities, The Poor Soldier, Love in a Camp, The Prisoner at Large, The Highland Reel, &c.; By James Kenney, Esq. author of Raising the Wind, The Illustrious Stranger, The Alcaid, Love, Law, and Physic, &c.; By M. Rophino Lacy, Esq. author of The Maid of Judah, The Turkish Lovers, and Love in Wrinkles; By Thomas Dibdin, Esq. author of The Cabinet, The Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Lady of the Lake, The English Fleet, The Jew and the Doctor, Suil Dhuv the Coiner, Ivanhoe, Don Giovanni, &c.; By Frederick Reynolds, Esq. author of Notoriety, Laugh When You Can, The Blind Bargain, &c.; Vol. 28: By I. Pocock, Esq. author of John of Paris, The Miller and his Men, Hit or Miss, The Magpie, or the Maid? Robinson Crusoe, &c.; By I. Pocock, Esq. author of John of Paris, The Miller and his Men, Hit or Miss, The Libertine, The Robbers Wife, &c.; By C.A. Somerset, author of Sylvana, A Day After the Fair, Crazy Jane, Yes, &c.; By Charles Kemble, Esq.; By Benjamin Webster, Esq.; By J.B. Buckstone, Esq. author of Luke the Labourer, Popping the Question, Happiest Day of My Life, Billy Taylor, Mischief-Making, A Husband at Sight, &c.; By R.B. Sheridan, author of The Critic, A Trip to Scarborough, The Rivals, Pizarro, The Duenna, &c.; By Frederick Reynolds, Esq. author of Notoriety, Laugh When You Can, Folly as it Flies, How to Grow Rich, &c.; By I. Pocock, Esq. author of John of Paris, The Miller and his Men, Hit or Miss, The Magpie, or the Maid? The Robber's Wife, &c.; Vol. 29: By Philip Massinger; By S. Penley; By M.G. Lewis, author of the Castle Spectre; By John O'Keeffe, author of The Poor Soldier, Love in a Camp, The Prisoner at Large, The Highland Reel, &c.; By William Shakspeare; By J.T. Allingham, author of The Weathercock; By Richard Brinsley Peake, Esq. author of The Haunted Inn, Amateurs and Actors, "Master's Rival," The Duel, &c.; By Frederick Reynolds, Esq. author of How to Grow Rich, Folly as it Flies, Laugh When You Can, The Will, &c.; By Marie-Therese Kemble; By Samuel Birch, Esq.; Vol. 30: By Douglas Jerrold, author of The Devil's Ducat, The Mutiny at the Nore, Sally in our Alley, &c.; By Theo. Edward Hook, Esq. author of Killing No Murder, Exchange No Robbery, Catch Him Who Can, &c.; Anonymous; By J.V. Millingen, M.D. Author of the Illustrious Stranger, Spring and Autumn, &c.; By William Pearce; By Robert Jephson; By Richard Brinsley Peake, Esq. author of Comfortable Lodgings, Amateurs and Actors, "Master's Rival," The Duel, &c.; By Frederick Reynolds, Esq. author of The Exile, Folly as it Flies, Laugh When You Can, The Will, &c.; By J.T. Allingham, author of The Weathercock, &c.; By James Cobb, author of The Siege of Belgrade, &c.; Vol. 31: By Theodore Edward Hook, Esq. author of Tekeli, &c.; By Don. T. de Trueba Cosio, author of The Castilian, The Exquisite, &c.; From Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; By John O'Keeffe, author of The Poor Soldier, Highland Reel, Wild Oats, Love in a Camp, The Prisoner at Large, &c.; By John O'Keeffe, author of The Poor Soldier, Highland Reel, Wild Oats, Love in a Camp, The Prisoner at Large, &c.; By John Baldwin Buckstone, Esq. author of Snakes in the Grass, Winning a Husband, Luke the Labourer, Billy Taylor, A Husband at Sight, The Ice Witch, Happiest Day of My Life, &c.; By George Soane, A.B. author of Faustus, der Freischutz, &c.; Anonymous; By John O'Keeffe, author of The Agreeable Surprise, Highland Reel, Son in Law, Poor Soldier, The Prisoner at Large, Wild Oats, Love in a Camp, The Farmer, &c.; Vol. 32: By John O'Keeffe, author of The Agreeable Surprise, Highland Reel, Son in Law, Poor Soldier, The Prisoner at Large, Wild Oats, Love in a Camp, The Farmer, &c.; By Mathew Gregory Lewis, author of The Castle Spectre, &c.; By Mary Russell Mitford, author of Foscari, Rienzi, &c.; By John Milton; By John O'Keeffe, author of The Agreeable Surprise, Highland Reel, Son in Law, Poor Soldier, The Prisoner at Large, Wild Oats, Love in a Camp, The Farmer, &c.; By Thomas Dibdin, Esq. author of The Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Jew and the Doctor, The Sixes, Suil Dhuv the Coiner, Family Quarrels, Ivanhoe, Don Giovanni, Valentine and Orson, The Two Gregories, &c.; By John Till Allingham, author of Fortune's Frolic, Mrs. Wiggins, and The Weathercock; By Richard Brinsley Sheridan, author of The Critic, A Trip to Scarborough, Pizarro, St. Patrick's Day, The Duenna, The School for Scandal, &c.; By Mrs. Charles Kemble; Vol. 33: By Barham Linus, Esq.; By Henry Hartwell; By George Soane, A.B. author of Der Freischultz, The Falls of Clyde, Rob Roy, &c.; By W. T. Moncrieffe, Esq. author of Eugene Aram, Monsieur Tonson, Tom and Jerry, Lear of Private Life, Giovanni in London, Rochester, Shipwreck of the Medusa, The Somnambulist, Spectre Bridegroom, Diamond Arrow, The Cataract of the Ganges, &c.; By W. T. Moncrieffe, Esq. author of Eugene Aram, The Lear of Private Life, All at Coventry, Cataract of the Ganges, Giovanni in London, Rochester, Shipwreck of the Medusa, The Somnambulist, Spectre Bridegroom, Diamond Arrow, &c.; By R. J. Raymond, author of The Castle of Paluzzi, and The Spectre Boat; By George MacFarren, author of Guy Faux, My Old Woman, Winning a Husband, &c.; By W. T. Moncrieffe, Esq. author of Eugene Aram, The Lear of Private Life, All at Coventry, Tom and Jerry, Giovanni in London, Rochester, Shipwreck of the Medusa, The Somnambulist, Spectre Bridegroom, Diamond Arrow, &c.; By William Baile Bernard; Vol. 34: By John Baldwin Buckstone, Esq. author of Luke the Labourer, Popping the Question, John Street, Adelphi, Happiest Day of My Life, Mischief Making, Open House, A Husband at Sight, A New Don Juan, Billy Taylor, Snakes in the Grass, &c.; By John O'Keeffe, author of The Son-in-Law, Agreeable Surprise, Poor Soldier, Highland Reel, Prisoner at Large, Fontainbleau, Love in a Camp, The Farmer, &c.; By I. Pocock, Esq. author of The Miller and his Men, The Robber's Wife, The Libertine, "Yes or No!", John of Paris, Zembuca, The Magpie, or the Maid? Robinson Crusoe, &c.; By Thomas Mayhew; By Thomas Dibdin, Esq. author of The Cabinet, The Sixes, Suil Dhuv the Coiner, Don Giovanni, The Man and the Marquis, The Fate of Calas, The Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Banks of the Hudson, The Lady of the Lake, &c.; From Sir Walter Scott, Bart. By the author of The Steward, Hints for Husbands, The Lottery Ticket, Is he Jealous? &c.; By the author of Hints for Husbands, The Steward, The Lottery Ticket, The Knights of the Cross, The Scapegrace, &c.; By Richard Brinsley Peake, Esq. author of The Duel, Amateurs and Actors, "Master's Rival", The Haunted Inn, Comfortable Lodgings, &c.; By Matthew Gregory Lewis, author of One O'Clock, The Castle Spectre, Adelgitha, &c.; By the author of Hints for Husbands, Is he Jealous?, The Lottery Ticket, The Knights of the Cross, The Scapegrace, &c.; Vol. 35: By George Soane, A.B. author of The Falls of Clyde, Faustus, Der Freischultz, Grey the Collter, The Young Reefer, &c.; By Henry Fielding; By Georg Colman, Esq. author of Who Wants a Guinea? Incle and Yarico, The Mountaineers, The Dramatist, etc.; Anonymous; By George Colman, Esq. author of Who Wants a Guinea? Incle and Yarico, The Iron Chest, The Dramatist, &c.; By the author of The Steward, Is He Jealous? Hints for Husbands, The Knights of the Cross, The Scapegrace, &c.; By C. M. Westmacott, Esq.; By Richard Ryan, author of Everybody's Husband, Le Pauvre Jaques, The Invisible Witness, &c.; By Edward Mayhew and G. Smith; By John Maddison Morton, Esq.; Vol. 36: By Mrs. Cowley; By George Colman, the younger, author of John Bull, The Mountaineers, The Iron Chest, Incle and Yarico, Who Wants a Guinea? Heir at Law, The Poor Gentleman, &c.; By George MacFarren, author of Winning a Husband, Guy Fawkes, Malvina, Oberon, Lestoq, "My Old Woman," The Danish Wife, &c.; Anonymous; By George Colman, the younger, author of John Bull, The Mountaineers, The Iron Chest, Incle and Yarico, Who Wants a Guinea? Sylvester Daggerwood, &c. Vol. 40: By James Sheridan Knowles, Esq., author of Virginius, Caius Gracchus, William Tell, The Hunchback, The Love-Chase, &c.; By George Colman, the younger, author of John Bull, the Mountaineer, Heir at Law, Sylvester Daggerwood, Who Wants a Guinea? Blue Beard, Incle and Yarico, X.Y.Z., The Poor Gentleman, The Review, The Battle of Hexham, Love Laughs at Locksmiths, Iron Chest, &c.; By John Howard Payne, Esq. Author of the Lancers, Ali Pacha, Love in Humble Life, Charles the Second, Brutus, &c.; By William Dimond, author of The Young Hussar, The Hunter of the Alps, The Peasant Boy, Youth, love, and Folly, The Broken Sword, &c.; By William Shakspeare; Anonymous; By Frederick Reynolds, Esq. author of The Exile, The Will, Laugh When You Can, How to Grow Rich, Speculation, Folly as it Flies, The Dramatist, &c.; By Theodore Edward Hook, Esq., author of Tekeli, Exchange no Robbery, Catch Him Who Can, &c.; By William Dimond, author of The Young Hussar, The Foundlings of the Forest, The Hunter of the Alps, Youth, Love, and Folly, The Broken Sowrd, &c.; By Theodore Edward Hook, Esq., author of Tekeli, Exchange no Robbery, The Invisible Girl, &c.; Vol. 41: By James Sheridan Knowles, Esq.; author of Viriginius, Caius Gracchus, William Tell, Love, The Hunchback, &c.; By William Dimond, author of The Peasant Boy, The Foundling of the Forest, The Hunter of the Alps, The Broken Sword, Youth, Love, and Folly, &c.; Anonymous; By James Cobb, author of The Siege of Belgrade, Fortune's Frolic, The Weathercock, The Haunted Tower, Doctor and Apothecary, The Wife of Two Husbands, Ramah Droog, &c.; By Andrew Cherry, author of The Soldier's Daughter; By Charles Kemble; By John Philip Kemble; By Charles Dibdin, author of The Wild Man, The Terrible Peak, Johnnie Armstrong, The Smuggler's Daughter, The Great Devil, &c.; By Henry Carey; Vol. 42: By James Sheridan Knowles, Esq. author of William Tell, Caius Gracchus, The Love-Chase, Virginius, Lover, &c.; By Richard Brinsley Peake, Esq. member of the Dramatic Authors' Society, author of The Duel, Amateurs and Actors, Comfortable Lodgings, Before Breakfast, Johnathan in England, "Master's Rival", The Hundred Pound Note, The Haunted Inn, The Evil Eye, &c.; By Samuel Jones Arnold, Esq., member of the Dramatic Authors' Society, author of The Devil's Bridge, &c.; By Charles Johnson; By Thomas Dibdin, author of The Jew and the Doctor, English Fleet, Ivanhoe, Don Giovanni, Heart of Mid-Lothian, Fate of Calais, The Two Gregories, The Sizes, Suil Dhuv the Coiner, The Cabinet, Of Age To-Morrow, The Lady of the Lake, Valentine and Orson, &c.; By Samuel James Arnold, Esq., member of the Dramatic Authors' Society, author of Free and Easy, &c.; By Richard Brinsley Peake, Esq., member of the Dramatic Authors' Society, author of Court and City, The Duel, Amateurs and Actors, Comfortable Lodgings, Before Breakfast, Jonathan in England, "Master's Rival", The Hundred Pound Note, The Haunted Inn, The Evil Eye, &c.; By the author of The Provost of Bridges, By John Maddison Morton, Esq. author of My Husband's Ghost, &c.; By Mrs. Inchbald, author of Wives as They Were, Animal Magnetism, Child of Nature, Lover's Vows, Midnight Hour, The Wedding Day, To Marry or Not to Marry, &c.; Vol. 43: By Gilbert Abbott A Beckett, Esq. author of The Roof Scrambler, Revolt of the Workhouse, Figaro in London, Unfortunate Miss Bailey, St. Mark's Eve, Man-Fred, &c.; By George Colman, the younger, author of John Bull, The Mountaineers, The Iron Chest, Inkle and Yarico, Who Wants a Guinea? Sylvester Daggerwood, Heir at Law, Blue Bear, The Poor Gentleman, The Battle of Hexham, Love Laughs at Locksmiths, Review, X.Y.Z., &c.; By Thomas Dibdin, author of The Jew and the Doctor, English Fleet, Ivanhoe, Don Giovanni, Heart of Mid-Lothian, Fates of Calais, The Two Gregories, The Sixes, Suil Dhuv the Coiner, The Cabinets, The Lady of the Lake, Valentine and Orson, &c.; By William Barnes Rhodes; By Colley Cibber; By Daniel Terry, author of The Antiquary; By J. R. Planche, Esq. author of Charles the XII, The Merchant's Wedding, A Woman Never Vext, The Brigand, The Mason of Buda, A Daughter to Marry, &c.; By the Rev. R.C. Maturin; By John Tobin, author of The Honey Moon; By John Poole, Esq.; author of The Tribulation, or the Unwelcome Visitors, Paul Pry, &c.; Vol. 44: By William Leman Rede, author of The Loves of the Angels, The Queen's Bench, Life's a Lottery, Sixteen-String Jack, An Affair of Honour, The Irish N----, Frolics of the Faeries, Hero and Leander, Our Village, &c.; By William Shakspeare; By William Leman Rede, author of The Loves of the Angels, The Queen's Bench, Life's a Lottery, Sixteen-String Jack, His First Champagne, The Irish N----, Frolics of the Faeries, Hero and Leander, Our Village, &c.; By G. W. Lovell, Esq., author of The Wife's Secret, Love's Sacrifice, &c.; By Thomas Morton, Esq.; author of A Cure for the Heart-Ache, The Way to Get Married, The School of Reform, Secrets Worth Knowing, Education, The Knight of Showdown, Zorinski, Columbus, The Children in the Wood, Speed the Plough, The Invincibles, &c.; By Arthur Murphy, Esq., author of The Way to Keep Him, All in the Wrong, The Grecian Daughter, Know Your Own Mind, The Apprentice, &c.; By William Leman Rede, author of Our Village, An Affair of Honour, His First Champagne, Sixteen-String Jack, Loves of the Angels, &c.; By John Banim; By G. A. a Beckett, author of Jack Brag, The Postilion, Revolt of the Workhouse, Man-fred, The Roof Scrambler, Unfortunate Miss Bailey, The Turned Head, Man with the Carpet Bag, Siamese Twins, Agnes Sorel Angelo, Echo of Westminster Bridge, Figaro in London, French Company, &c.; Anonymous; Vol. 45: By Gilbert Abbot a Beckett, author of The Mendicant, The Turned Head, The Postilion, Jack Brag, Man-fred, Siamese Twins, Unfortunate Miss Bailey, The Revolt of the Workhouse, The Roof Scrambler, A Clear Case; By Leman Rede, author of The Loves of Angels, Jack in the Water, Life's a Lottery, An Affair of Honour, His First Champagne, The Irish Negro, The Frolics of the Fairies, Hero and Leander, Our Village, Sixteen-String Jack, Queen's Bench, &c.; By Richard James, Esq.; From Sir Walter Scott, by John William Calcraft; Adapted to the English Stage, by Mark Lemon, Esq.; By George H. Boker; By Thomas Morton, author of A Cure for the Heart-Ache, The Way to Get Married, The School of Reform, Secrets Worth Knowing, Education, The Knights of Showdown, Zorinski, Columbus, The Children in the Wood, Speed the Plough, The Slave, The Slave, The Invincibles, &c.; By G. J. Bennett, Esq., author of 'The Justiza', and member of the Dramatic Authors' Society; By James Kenney, author of The Blind Boy, The Alcaid, Love, Law, and Physic, Ella Rosenberg, Matrimony, &c.; By William Dimon, author of The Broken Sword, The Young Hussar, The Peasant Boy, Youth, Love, and Folly, &c.; Vol. 46: From the French of Dumanoir and Dennery; By Leigh Hunt; From the French of M. Scribe, by Mrs. Davidson; Adapted from John Webster; By Lord Byron; By Mr. Murray, of The Theatre Royal, Edinburgh; By Nathaniel Lee; Translated and adapted from the French of M.M. Dennery and Marc Fournier, by Charles Webb, Esq., author of Life's Morning, The Usurer, Maud Harvey, &c.; By William Shakespeare, as adapted by Edmund Kean; By William Shakspeare |
Suggestions and Comments for Cumberland's British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, London.