ID 4450
Last Name Rowley
First Name W.
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1585
Date of Death 1626-02
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Displaying 1–17 of 17

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Author A treatise on the cure of ulcerated legs without rest, and ulcers of various parts, arising from scorbutic and other impurities in the blood, &c. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. 1786
Author A treatise on female, nervous, hysterical, hypochondriacal, bilious, convulsive diseases; apoplexy and palsy; with thoughts on madness, suicide, &c. in which the principal disorders are explained from anatomical facts, and the treatment formed on several new principles. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. 1788
Author An essay on the malignant, ulcerated sore throat; Containing reflections on its causes and fatal effects in 1787. With a remarakable case, accompanied with large purple spots all over the body, a mortification of the leg, &c. &c. By William Rowley, M.D. member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. To which are added, animadversions on the present defects in treating the disorder, improved and successful methods of cure, and an account of a new species of temporary madness, &c. 1788
Author An essay on the malignant, ulcerated sore throat; containing reflections on its causes and fatal effects in 1787. With a remarkable case, ... By William Rowley, M.D. ... To which are added, animadversions on the present defects in treating the disorder, ... 1788
Author A treatise on one hundred and eighteen principal diseases of the eyes and eyelids, &c. In which are communicated several new discoveries relative to the cure of defects in vision; with many original prescriptions. By William Rowley, M.D. member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. To which are added, directions in the choice of spectacles. 1790
Author A treatise on the management of female breasts during childbed; and several new observations on cancerous diseases. With prescriptions. To which are added remarks on pretenders to the cure of the cancer. By William Rowley, M.D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. 1790
Author Truth vindicated or, the specific differences of mental diseases ascertained. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. 1790
Author Truth vindicated: or, the specific differences of mental diseases ascertained. Containing their numerous causes, the exact signs by which they may be distinguished, and questions proper for juries commissioned to examine these subjects; with facts extracted from the Parliamentary reports, and reasons for declaring the case of a great personage to have been only a feverish or symptomatic delirium. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. 1790
Author Two letters to Dr. William Hunter, Physician Extraordinary to the Queen, Professor of Anatomy in the Royal Academy, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies, on the dangerous tendency of medical vanity; occasioned by the death of a noble lady. With a remarkable cure of a Cancerous womb, &c. &c. 1790
Author A treatise on the regular, irregular, atonic, and flying gout: ... With the excellent effects of the muriatic acid on the relief of that disorder. By William Rowley, ... 1792
Author The causes of the great number of deaths amongst adults and children, in putrid, scarlet fevers, and ulcerated sore throats, explained; with more successful modes of treating those alarming disorders; as practised at the St. Mary-le-bone infirmary. By William Rowley, M.D ... 1793
Author The causes of the great number of deaths in putrid sore throats, scarlet fevers, and yellow fever of the West-Indies and America, explained; with more successful modes of treating those alarming disorders; as practised at the St. Mary-Le-Bone infirmary. By William Rowley, M. D. member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. and physician to the St. Mary-Le-Bone infirmary. 1793
Author The rational practice of physic of William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, The Royal College of Physicians in London, and Physician to the St. Mary-Le-Bone Infirmary, &c. &c. In four volumes. ... . Containing treatises on Female, Nervous, Hysterical, Hypochondriacal, and Cancerous Diseases, Letters on Medical Vanity, the Abuse of Hemlock, &c. &c. 1793
Author Important medical improvements for the contemplation of the faculty, the use of families, and the universal benefit of mankind. Just published ... The rational and improved practice, of physic, by William Rowley, M.D. 1794
Author A treatise on the causes and cure of swelled legs; on dropsies, and on the modes of retarding the decay of the constitution in the decline of life; ... by William Rowley, M.D. ... To which is added, a tract on the absolute necessity of encouraging the study of anatomy, &c. ... 1796
Author The translation into English of the principal references to the sixty-six anatomical plates of the Latin edition of Schola medicin? universalis nova, or, the new universal school of medicine. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, Physician to the St. Mary-le-Bone Infirmary, Author of the Rational and Improved Practice of Physic, &c. &c 1796
Author Cumberland's British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, London. 1829

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"Rowley, W." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 4450, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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