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Displaying 501–525 of 22294

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B., W. Modern cases, argued and adjudged in the Court of Queen's Bench at Westminster, in the second and third years of Queen Anne, in the time when Sir John Holt late Chief Justice there. With two tables: the first, of the names of the cases: And the Other, of the special Matter therein contained. By a careful hand. The Second Edition. Review'd and Corrected, and Many thousand New and Proper References added. By W. B. Esq;
Babié de Bercenay, François The political and confidential correspondence of Lewis XVI. With observations on each letter. By Helen Maria Williams.
Bacon, Francis Select edition of the British prose writers.
Bacon, Francis The Essays, or Councils, Civil and Moral, of Sir. Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. With a Table of the Colours of Good and Evil. And a Discourse of the Wisdom of the Ancients. To this edition is added the character of Queen Elizabeth; never before printed in English.
Bacon, Matthew A treatise on leases and terms for years. By Matthew Bacon, Of The Middle Temple, Esq.
Bacon, Matthew A new abridgment of the law. By a gentleman of the Middle Temple.
Bacon, Matthew A New Abridgment of the Law. By Matthew Bacon, of the Middle Temple, Esq. The Fifth Edition, Corrected; with considerable additions, including the latest authorities; by Henry Gwillim, of the Middle Temple, Esq. Barrister at Law. In Seven Volumes.
Baculard D'Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de Warbeck: a pathetic tale. Translated from the original French by the author of The Recess. In two volumes.
Baculard D'Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de Warbeck: a pathetic tale. In two volumes.
Bage, Robert Ballantyne's Novelist's Library
Bagot, Lewis A sermon preached in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London: on Thursday, June 5, 1788. being the time of the yearly meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools, in and about the cities of London and Westminster. By the Right Reverend Father in God Lewis, Lord Bishop of Norwich. Published at the Request of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, And the Trustees of the several Schools. To which is annexed, An account of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
Bailey, Abigail Abbot Memoirs of Mrs. Abigail Bailey, who had been the wife of Major Asa Bailey, formerly of Landaff, (N.H.) Written by herself. She died in Bath, N.H. February, 11, 1815. To which are added sundry original biographical sketches. Edited by Ethan Smith, A.M. Minister of the Gospel in Hopkinton, N.H.
Bailey, Anne Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Bailey, Containing a narrative of her various adventures in life; together with an authentic account of the sufferings she has undergone and is still experiencing from the cruel behaviour of Mr. John Steward, Mr. Macleane, and other false friends. Taken from her own mouth, and revised and corrected by herself.
Bailey, Anne An universal etymological English dictionary; Comprehending The Derivations of the Generality of Words in the English Tongue, either Ancient or Modern, from the Ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and Modern French, Teutonick, Dutch, Spanish, Italian; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters. And also A brief and clear Explication of all difficult Words, derived from any of the aforesaid Languages, and Terms of Art, relating to Anatomy, Botany, Physick, Pharmacy, Surgery, Chymistry, Philosophy, Divinity, Mathematicks, Grammar, Logick, Rhetorick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Affairs, Military Discipline, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, Gardening, Husbandry, Handicrafts, Confectionary, Carving, Cookery, &c. Together with A large Collection and Explication of Words and Phrases used in our Ancient Statutes, Charters, Writs, Old Records, and Processes in Law; and the Etymology, and Interpretation of the Proper Names of Men, Women, and remarkable Places in Great Britain: Also the Dialects of our different Countries. Containing many Thousand Words more than either Harris, Philips, Kersey, or any English Dictionary before extant. To which is added, A Collection of our most common Proverbs, with their Explication and Illustration. The whole Work compiled and methodically digested, as well for the Entertainment of the Curious, as the Information of the Ignorant; and for the Benefit of young Students, Artificers, Tradesmen, and Foreigners, who are desirous thoroughy to understand what they Speak, Read, or Write. By N. Bailey, [Greek]
Bailey, Mary The Months and Other Poems. By Mrs. Bailey.
Bailey, Mary The Months; and Other Poems
Bailey, Mary Palmyra: By Mrs. Bailey. Author of “The Months;” “Musæ Sacræ;” “The Sinless Human Nature of Christ;” “Reflections, Doctrinal, Practical, and Devotional, upon the Litany of the Church of England.” &c. &c. &c. Second Edition.
Bailey, Mary Musae Sacrae: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Poetry. By the author of "The Months" and "Palmyra."
Bailey, Mary Reflections, Doctrinal, Practical and Devotional, upon the Litany of the Church of England.
Baillie, Joanna Lines on the Death of Sir Walter Scott
Baillie, Joanna The Complete Poetical Works of Joanna Baillie
Baillie, Joanna Thomson's Collection of the Songs of Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Bart. and other Eminent Lyric Poets, ancient & modern, united to the select melodies of Scotland and of Ireland and Wales
Baillie, Joanna The Election. A Comedy, in Five Acts
Baillie, Joanna Constantine Paleologus; or, The Last of the Caesars.A Tragedy, in Five Acts
Baillie, Joanna Henriquez. A Tragedy, in Five Acts