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Displaying 476–500 of 22294

Person Title
Avery, Benjamin A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1718. Vol. III. With a preface; and a table of contents.
Avery, Benjamin [Vol 1:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1716 with a Preface [Vol 2:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1717 with a Preface; and a Table of Contents, to both Volumes [Vol 3:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1718 with a Preface; and a Table of Contents.
Avery, Benjamin A collection of the occasional papers for the year 1717. Vol. II. With a preface; and a table of contents, to both volumes.
Avery, Sarah Divine hymns, composed on several occasions, by Sarah Avery, of Lyme Regis, Dorset.
Ayre, William Truth. A counterpart to Mr. Pope’s Essay on man. Epistle the second, Opposing his opinions of Man as an Individual. By Mr. Ayre
Ayscough, Francis A proper answer to a late abusive pamphlet entitled, The Winchester converts, In a Letter to the Author. By a Member of the University.
Ayscough, James A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Are laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. The third edition. By James Ayscough, optician.
Ayscough, James A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Are laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular Kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. By James Ayscough, optician. The Fifth Edition.
Ayscough, James A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Is laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. The second edition. By James Ayscough, optician.
Ayscough, James A short account of the eye and nature of vision. Chiefly designed to illustrate the use and advantage of spectacles. Wherein Are laid down Rules for chusing Glasses proper for remedying all the different Defects of sight. As also Some reasons for preferring a particular Kind of Glass, fitter than any other made Use of for that Purpose. By James Ayscough, optician. The Fourth Edition.
Ayscough, Samuel A general index to the first fifty-six volumes of the Gentleman's Magazine, From its Commencement in the Year 1731, to the End of 1786. Compiled by Samuel Ayscough, Clerk, Assistant Librarian of the British Museum. In two volumes. ... : containing An index to the essays, dissertations, and historical passages.
Ayton, Richard Cumberland's British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, London.
B, Miss Extracted from the memoirs of the conversion and dying experience of Miss B*****, late of B----, now with God.
B-----le, Madam The Fifteen plagues of a Maiden-Head. Written by Madam B-----le.
B-----le, Madam The fifteen pleasures of a virgin. Written by the suppos'd author of The fifteen plagues of a maidenhead.
B--ch--rd, Miss Polly The adventures of Miss Polly Bchrd, and Samuel Tyrrel, Esquire. Written by the lady herself. Wherein are introduced the amours of Los Cardos and Zaphsharrak.
B., E. The highland rogue: Or, The memorable actions of the celebrated Robert Mac-Gregor, commonly called Rob-Roy. Containing a genuine account of his education, grandeur, and sudden misfortune; his commencing robber, and being elected captain of a formidable gang; his exploits on the highway, breaking upon houses, taking prisoners, commencing judge, and levying taxes; his defence of his manner of living; his dispute with a Scotch parson open predestination; his joining with the Earl of Marr in the rebellion; his being decoy'd and imprison'd by the Duke of --------, with the manner of his escape, &c. Introduc'd with a relation of the unequal'd villanies of the clan of the Mac-gregors for several years past. The whole impartially digested from the memorandums of an authentick Scotch MS.
B., F. H. An Address to the Right Hon. Lord Byron, with an Opinion on Some of his Writings. By FHB
B., F. H. An Address to the Right Hon. Lord Byron: With an Opinion on some of his Writings. By FHB. Sonnets and Odes, Elegies, Ballads, and Sketches, on Various Subjects, Chiefly Descriptive. By William Linley, Esq. Late in the Civil Service of the East India Company; And the Late Mr. Charles Leftley, Parliamentary Reporter of the Times Newspaper; Both Educated at St. Paul's School.
B., I. The Parnassian Garland; or, beauties of modern poetry : consisting of upwards of two hundred pieces, selected from the works of the most distinguished poets of the present age. With introductory lines to each article. Designed for the use of schools and the admirers of poetry in general. By John Evans, A. M. Master of a seminary for a limited number of pupils, Pullin's Row, Islington.
B., L. M. Poems. By a Young Lady.
B., Mrs. Poems on Various Subjects. By Mrs. B.
B., R. The hell-Fire-Club: kept by a society of blasphemers. A satyr. Most humbly inscrib'd to the Right Honourable Thomas Baron Macclesfield, Lord High-Chancellor of Great Britain. With the King's order in council, for suppressing immorality and prophaneness.
B., S. The experiences of Mrs. Mary Dustin, wife of the Rev. Caleb Dustin, of Enfield, New-Hampshire, who died December 21, 1806. Written by herself. Also, a brief account of her life and death. With a poem on the occasion.
B., W. An epistle to His Grace the Duke of Grafton. With stanza's on the marriage of the Prince of Wales with the Princess of Saxe-Gotha.