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Displaying 951–975 of 22279

Person Title
Barber, Mary Apollo's edict.
Barber, Mary Poems on several occasions.
Barber, Mary A true tale to be added to Mr. Gay's fables[.]
Barber, Mary Poems on several occasions. By Mrs. Barber. To which is prefix'd, a recommendatory letter from the Revd Dr. Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, to the Right Honourable the Earl of Orrery.
Barber, Mary Poems on Several Occasions.
Barber, Mary A tale being an addition to Mr. Gay's fables.
Barber, Mary The widows address to the Rt: Hon. the Lady Carteret. By M. B. To the Honble. Miss Carteret.
Barber, Mary The prodigy: or, the silent woman, in a letter from a lady in town to a friend in the country.
Barber, Mary To His Excellency the Lord Carteret, occasion'd by seeing a poem intituled, The birth of manly virtue.
Barber, Mary Poems on several occasions.
Barclay, Mrs. A letter from Mrs Barclay to her son, on the subject of a difference presently subsisting between her and the Roman-Catholic clergy of Aberdeen.
Barclay, Robert Reasons for the necessity of silent waiting, in order to the solemn worship of God. To which are added, several quotations from Robert Barclay's Apology. By Mary Brook. The sixth edition.
Barclay, Robert Reasons for the necessity of silent waiting, in order to the solemn worship of God. To which are added, several quotations from Robert Barclay's Apology. By Mary Brook. The seventh edition.
Barclay, Robert Preuves de la nécessité de s'attendre en silence, pour rendre un hommage solemnel a Dieu. Auxquelles sont ajoutés quelques passages tirés de l'apologie de Robert Barclay. Par Marie Brook. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois par E.P. Bridel.
Barclay, Robert Reasons for the necessity of silent waiting, in order to the solemn worship of God. To which are added, several quotations from Robert Barclay's Apology. By Mary Brook.
Baring, Ann Painting: A Poem, in Four Cantos. With Biographical Notes.
Baring, Ann Painting: A Poem, in Four Cantos. With Biographical Notes. The second edition. With corrections and additional notes.
Barker, Anne The complete servant maid: or young woman's best companion. Containing full, plain, and easy directions for qualifying them for service in general, but more especially for the Places of Lady's Woman, Housekeeper, Chambermaid, Nursery Maid, Housemaid, Laundry Maid, Cook Maid, Kitchen, or Scullery Maid, Dairy Maid. To which are added, Useful Instructions for discharging the Duties of each Character, with Reputation to themselves, and Satisfaction to their Employers. Including A Variety of useful Receipts (proper to be known by all Young Persons) particularly for cleaning Household Furniture, Silks, Laces, Gold, Silver, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c. By Mrs. Anne Barker, Who having for many Years discharged the Office of Housekeeper in the most respectable Families, wishes to communicate her Experience to those of her own Sex, whose Circumstances oblige them to live in Servitude.
Barker, Jane The entertaining novels of Mrs. Jane Barker, of Wilsthorp in Northamptonshire. I. Exilius: or the banish'd Roman. Written for the improvement of some Young Ladies of Quality. II. Clelia and Marcellus: or, The constant Lovers. III. The Reward of Virtue: or, The Adventures of Clarinthia and Lysander. IV. The lucky Escape: or, The Fate of Ismenus. V. Clodius and Scipiana: or, The beautiful Captive. VI. Piso: or, The lewd Courtier. VII. The happy Recluse: or, The Charms of Liberty. VIII. The fair Widow: or, False Friend. IX. The amours of Bosvil and Galesia. The Third Edition.
Barker, Jane The entertaining novels of Mrs. Jane Barker. In two volumes. I. Exilius; or the banish'd Roman. Written (after the Manner of Telemachus) for the Instruction of some Young Ladies of Quality. II. Clelia and Marcellus; or, The constant Lovers. III. The Reward of Virtue; or, The Adventures of Clarinthia and Lysander. IV. The lucky Escape; or, The Fate of Ismenus. V. Clodius and Scipiana; or, The beautiful Captive. VI. Piso; or, The lewd Courtier. VII. The happy Recluse; or, The Charms of Liberty. VIII. The fair Widow; or, False Friend. IX. The amours of Bosvil and Galesia. The Second Edition.
Barker, Jane A patch-Work screen for the ladies; or, Love and virtue recommended: in a collection of instructive novels. Related after a manner intirely new, and interspersed with rural poems, describing the innocence of a country-life. By Mrs. Jane Barker, of Wilsthorp, near Stamford, in Lincolnshire.
Barker, Jane Exilius: or, the banish'd Roman. A new romance. In two parts: written after the manner of Telemachus, for the instruction of some young ladies of quality. By Mrs. Jane Barker.
Barker, Jane Exilius: or, The banish'd Roman. A new romance. In two parts: written after the manner of Telemachus, for the instruction of some young ladies of quality. By Mrs. Jane Barker.
Barker, Jemima Poems, on Miscellaneous Subjects
Barker, Mary A welsh story. In three volumes.