The complete servant maid: or young woman's best companion. Containing full, plain, and easy directions for qualifying them for service in general, but more especially for the Places of Lady's Woman, Housekeeper, Chambermaid, Nursery Maid, Housemaid, Laundry Maid, Cook Maid, Kitchen, or Scullery Maid, Dairy Maid. To which are added, Useful Instructions for discharging the Duties of each Character, with Reputation to themselves, and Satisfaction to their Employers. Including A Variety of useful Receipts (proper to be known by all Young Persons) particularly for cleaning Household Furniture, Silks, Laces, Gold, Silver, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c. By Mrs. Anne Barker, Who having for many Years discharged the Office of Housekeeper in the most respectable Families, wishes to communicate her Experience to those of her own Sex, whose Circumstances oblige them to live in Servitude.
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Barker, Anne. The complete servant maid: or young woman's best companion. Containing full, plain, and easy directions for qualifying them for service in general, but more especially for the Places of Lady's Woman, Housekeeper, Chambermaid, Nursery Maid, Housemaid, Laundry Maid, Cook Maid, Kitchen, or Scullery Maid, Dairy Maid. To which are added, Useful Instructions for discharging the Duties of each Character, with Reputation to themselves, and Satisfaction to their Employers. Including A Variety of useful Receipts (proper to be known by all Young Persons) particularly for cleaning Household Furniture, Silks, Laces, Gold, Silver, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c. By Mrs. Anne Barker, Who having for many Years discharged the Office of Housekeeper in the most respectable Families, wishes to communicate her Experience to those of her own Sex, whose Circumstances oblige them to live in Servitude.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 2142, Accessed 2025-03-08.
Barker, Anne. The complete servant maid: or young woman's best companion. Containing full, plain, and easy directions for qualifying them for service in general, but more especially for the Places of Lady's Woman, Housekeeper, Chambermaid, Nursery Maid, Housemaid, Laundry Maid, Cook Maid, Kitchen, or Scullery Maid, Dairy Maid. To which are added, Useful Instructions for discharging the Duties of each Character, with Reputation to themselves, and Satisfaction to their Employers. Including A Variety of useful Receipts (proper to be known by all Young Persons) particularly for cleaning Household Furniture, Silks, Laces, Gold, Silver, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c. By Mrs. Anne Barker, Who having for many Years discharged the Office of Housekeeper in the most respectable Families, wishes to communicate her Experience to those of her own Sex, whose Circumstances oblige them to live in Servitude. London: John Cooke [Oxford], 1770.
Barker , A. (1770). The complete servant maid: or young woman's best companion. containing full, plain, and easy directions for qualifying them for service in general, but more especially for the places of lady's woman, housekeeper, chambermaid, nursery maid, housemaid, laundry maid, cook maid, kitchen, or scullery maid, dairy maid. to which are added, useful instructions for discharging the duties of each character, with reputation to themselves, and satisfaction to their employers. including a variety of useful receipts (proper to be known by all young persons) particularly for cleaning household furniture, silks, laces, gold, silver, wearing apparel, &c. &c. by mrs. anne barker, who having for many years discharged the office of housekeeper in the most respectable families, wishes to communicate her experience to those of her own sex, whose circumstances oblige them to live in servitude. London: John Cooke [Oxford]
@book{ wphp_2142 author={Barker,Anne}, year={1770}, title={The complete servant maid: or young woman's best companion. Containing full, plain, and easy directions for qualifying them for service in general, but more especially for the Places of Lady's Woman, Housekeeper, Chambermaid, Nursery Maid, Housemaid, Laundry Maid, Cook Maid, Kitchen, or Scullery Maid, Dairy Maid. To which are added, Useful Instructions for discharging the Duties of each Character, with Reputation to themselves, and Satisfaction to their Employers. Including A Variety of useful Receipts (proper to be known by all Young Persons) particularly for cleaning Household Furniture, Silks, Laces, Gold, Silver, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c. By Mrs. Anne Barker, Who having for many Years discharged the Office of Housekeeper in the most respectable Families, wishes to communicate her Experience to those of her own Sex, whose Circumstances oblige them to live in Servitude.}, publisher={John Cooke [Oxford]}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The complete servant maid: or young woman's best companion. Containing full, plain, and easy directions for qualifying them for service in general, but more especially for the Places of Lady's Woman, Housekeeper, Chambermaid, Nursery Maid, Housemaid, Laundry Maid, Cook Maid, Kitchen, or Scullery Maid, Dairy Maid. To which are added, Useful Instructions for discharging the Duties of each Character, with Reputation to themselves, and Satisfaction to their Employers. Including A Variety of useful Receipts (proper to be known by all Young Persons) particularly for cleaning Household Furniture, Silks, Laces, Gold, Silver, Wearing Apparel, &c. &c. By Mrs. Anne Barker, Who having for many Years discharged the Office of Housekeeper in the most respectable Families, wishes to communicate her Experience to those of her own Sex, whose Circumstances oblige them to live in Servitude.