Name Octavo
Abbreviation 8vo

Each sheet is folded to make eight leaves and sixteen pages. 


Displaying 1–25 of 3881

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1704 [A] catalogue of books, containing a great variety in most languages, arts, and sciences; Which will begin to be sold (for ready money,) at the prices printed in the catalogue; on Friday, July 17th, 1789, at the shop of Ann Ireland, bookseller and printer, opposite the assembly room, Leicester. (Who gives the full value for any library, or parcel of books.) Ireland , Ann
5026 [An] appeal to impartial posterity, by Madame Roland, wife of the minister of the Home Department; Or, a collection of pieces written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey and St. Pélagie. Published originally in Paris for the benefit of her only daughter, deprived of the fortune of her parents, whose property is still in sequestration. In four parts. Part I. Translated from the French. Roland de la Platière , Marie-Jeanne
13649 [The Death of Abel ... Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner [by Mary Collyer]. Stereotype edition.] With original notes by F. Shoberl. To which is added, Death, a vision ... By J. Macgowan. Albion Press Edition Gessner , Salomon
MacGowan , John
13659 [The Death of Abel ... Translated ... by Mrs. Collyer ... to which is added, The Death of Cain [by William H. Hall] ... likewise, The Life of Joseph ... and Death, a Vision ... by John Macgowan. Kelly's improved edition ... with engravings.] Gessner , Salomon
Hall , William
MacGowan , John
Thomas Kelly (London)
25464 [Vol 1:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1716 with a Preface [Vol 2:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1717 with a Preface; and a Table of Contents, to both Volumes [Vol 3:] A Collection of the Occasional papers. For the year 1718 with a Preface; and a Table of Contents. Wright , Samuel
Lowman , Moses
Avery , Benjamin
Browne , Simon
Grosvenor , Benjamin
Earle , Jabez
Evans , John
James Knapton (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Emanuel Matthews (London)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
4392 A bold stroke for a husband, a comedy, as acted at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden. By Mrs. Cowley. Cowley , Hannah
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] (London)
1784 Second Edition
3962 A Bold Stroke for a Husband, a Comedy, as acted at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden. By Mrs. Cowley. Cowley , Hannah
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] (London)
4295 A Bold Stroke for a Husband, a Comedy, as acted at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden. By Mrs. Cowley. Fifth Edition. Cowley , Hannah
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] (London)
1784 Fifth Edition.
4297 A bold stroke for a husband, a comedy, as acted at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden. By Mrs. Cowley. Fourth edition. Cowley , Hannah
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] (London)
1784 Fourth edition.
4100 A bold stroke for a husband, a comedy, as acted at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden. By Mrs. Cowley. Third edition. Cowley , Hannah
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] (London)
1784 Third edition.
4288 A Bold Stroke for a Husband, a Comedy, as performed at the Theatres-Royal. By Mrs. Cowley. a New Edition. Cowley , Hannah
James Barker and Son (London)
1790 A New Edition
7646 A bold stroke for a wife. A comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, ... Centlivre , Susanna
7674 A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-livre. Centlivre , Susanna
s.n. [sine nomine]
25644 A breviate for the scaffold in Westminster-Hall: or, some necessary notes for the tryal of the E. of Oxford. Calculated for the general service of the publick; but more especially for the High-Court of Parliament, the Gentlemen of the Long Robe, and others present at the Tryal. Humbly Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Secret Committee. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Joseph Fox I (London)
21988 A brief collection of remarkable passages and occurrences relating to the birth, education, life, conversion, travels, services, and deep sufferings of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of the Lord, Margaret Fell; but by her second marriage, Margaret Fox. Together with sundry of her epistles, books, and Christian testimonies to friends and others, and also to those in supreme authority, in the several late revolutions of government. Fell , Margaret
25631 A brief deduction of the original, progress, and immense greatness of the British Woollen Manufacture: with an enquiry whether it be not at present in a very declining condition: The Reasons of its Decay; and the Only Means of its Recovery. Defoe , Daniel
25672 A brief enquiry concerning the dignity of the ordinance of the Lord's supper, and the care that all especially magistrates and ministers ought to take to prevent and remove the occasions of its being lessened. Ford , John
John Peele (London)
24554 A brief essay on the number seven: often occuring [sic] in the Holy Scripture; or Of paradice [sic], lost and found. By a well wisher to truth [Seven lines of Scripture texts] Unknown ,
25463 A brief vindication of those who have lately conform'd, from the uncharitable censures of a pamphlet, entitled, Some observations upon the present state of the Dissenting interest, and the Case of Those who have lately deserted it. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
23676 A catalogue of a small but curious collection of books and manuscripts in several languages, being the library of that eminent historian James Tyrrell, esq; deceased: Author of the general history of England, in five volumes in folio. To which is added, some curious books collected abroad, the whole in excellent condition. Many bound in the most curious manner. Among which are the following, viz. Folio. The history of the Old and New Testament, represented in up-wards of 800 curious prints, double rul'd, and finely bound. Several books of prints. Walton's Polyglot Bible, with the lexicon complete. Dr. Hammond's works, 4 vol. Tyrrell's history of England, 5 vol. complete, with very large and curious manuscript notes of the author. Stukely's itinerary through Eng-land, with 100 cuts. Father Montfaucon's Antiquities, with the supplement comp. 6 vol. full of fine cuts. With many more equally good, in Folio, Quarto, Octavo, and Twelves. And will be sold very cheap, on Monday the 23d instant, 1735. By Olive Payne, Bookseller Payne , Olive
23678 A catalogue of a small parcel of books, In very good Condition. Many of them Curiously Bound, and all the rest Gilt on the Back or Letter'd, to be sold very cheap, On Tuesday the 13th of this Instant July, and to continue till all are sold, By Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace's Head, in Round-Court, in the Strand, opposite York-Buildings. Among which are, in Folio. Montsaucon's Antiq. French, fine Cuts, 10 vol. Poli Synopsis, 5 vol. Kennet's Hist. of Engl. 3 vol. Heads. Breval's Travels, 2 vol. Cuts. Bib. Polyglott. Montani, 2 tom. Peck's English Antiq. 2 vol. Cuts. Jebb's Life of Mary Q. of Scots, 2 vol. Spon's Miscel. Erud. Antiq. Fig. Mattaire's Marmora, Oxon. Fig. Religious Ceremonies, Cuts, 4 vol. Ciceronis Opera Gruteri, 2 tom. Bingham, 2 vol. compleat. Several of the Byzantine Historians. Buxtorf's Heb. Bible, best Edit. 2 vol. Reyneri de Antiq. Benedict. in Anglia Ovid, 3 vol. 1480. Hist. of Scotl. in Morocco, large Pap. Hist. of Ireland and Scotland. Fischer's Architecture, in German, French and English, 100 fine Cuts. Ovid in French, fine Cuts. Domat's Civil Law, 2 vol. large Pap. Capt. Johnson's Hist. of all the Pyrates Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, &c. with 26 curious Cuts. Mabillon & D'achery Spicelegium, 2 vol. Beveridge's Works, 2 vol. Several Good Reports. Salmon's and Parkinson's Herbals. Livy in Latin, a beautiful Copy, ... - in English, best Edit. Anderson's Genealogical Tables, larg and small Paper. Winwood's and Cole's State Papers, vol. Crawfurd's Scotch Lives. Guillim, York, &c. Heraldry. Du Valle's Aristotle, 4 vol. Gr. La Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Burnet's Reformation, 3 vol. Quarto. Pope's Shakespear, 6 vol. St. Evremond & Rousseau's Works in French. Albin's Spiders and Insects, colour'd Octavo. State Tryals, 9 vol. compl. Clarendon, 6 vol. Field's Bible. Corpus Juris Civilis, 15 vol. Catalogues to be had gratis, with the Prices printed, at the Place of Sal Where may be had most Money for any Library or Parcel of Book: particularly Foreign, in any Language. N. B. At the same Place continues the Sale of the Library of W. Grainger, Es deceased, late Envoy at Stockholm, consisting of several thousand Volumes. Payne , Olive
s.n. [sine nomine]
23670 A catalogue of a small, but exceeding curious collection of books; being the library of the Rev. and learned Dr. Save, ... will be sold ... on Saturday the third of this instant February, 1738-9, by Olive Payne, ... Payne , Olive
25955 A catalogue of all the writs and processes, that issue out of the several courts at Westminster, &c. With great variety of cases relating to the same. Together with a full and exact account of their nature and use. In An Alphabetical Order. Jacob , Giles
Robert Gosling (London)
John Pemberton (London)
Thomas Ward (London)
14255 A catalogue of books being the entire library of the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Downes, Lord Bishop of Raphoe, deceas'd, to be sold by auction, at the Coffee-House of the Right Honourable the House of Lords, on Monday the 23d of January, 1764. The hours of sale from twelve o'clock to three each day, untill all are sold. Catalogues to be had of William Ross's bookseller in Grafton-Street. 1764
23674 A catalogue of books in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, Portugueze, German, Dutch, French, and English, ... Which will be sold ... on Thursday the first of May, 1740, by Olive Payne, ... Payne , Olive