ID 5658
Name John Pemberton
Gender Male
Street Address over-against St. Dunstain's-Church in Fleet Street
City London
Start Date 1709
End Date 1745
Sources British Book Trade Index 53584


Displaying 1–22 of 22

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller The secret history of Europe. Part II. Treating of the following particulars: of the D. of Monmouth's reception at the Hague by the states and the Prince of Orange, and of his enterprize afterwards in England. Remarks on father Orleans's history of the revolution. Of the Fr. King's personal hatred to K. William. Some transactions preceding the revolution in Holland and England, with a short account of its progress and accomplishment; shewing, that it was intirely owing to high churchmen, and high-church principles. The conduct of a certain faction, immediately before and after the abdication. K. James's behaviour in Ireland and at St. Germains, proving that he grew worse by his misfortunes, and that a Popish King and protestant subjects are incompatible. The conspiracies form'd by passive-obedience and non-resistance against the religion and liberties of this kingdom, and the life of the king within the compass of two or three years. Of the poisoning the D. of Lorain, and others. The method of bribing, us'd by France in England. The second edition corrected. Oldmixon , John (Author)
Sanger , Katherine (Publisher)
Publisher The works of Mr. William Shakespear, in nine volumes: with his life, by N. Rowe Esq; Adorn'd with cuts. To the last volume is prefix'd, I. An essay on the art, rise, and progress of the stage, in Greece, Rome, and England. II. Observations upon the most sublime passages in this author. III. A Glossary, explaining the antiquated words made use of throughout his works. Shakespeare , William (Author)
Rowe , Nicholas (Author)
Sanger , Katherine (Publisher)
Bookseller A memorial of the proceedings of the late ministery and Lower House of Parliament. With an account of several secret correspondences with foreign ministers of state, Letters and Messages, sent from London to Paris and Utrecht, and from Utrecht and Paris to London; Abstracts of Speeches, Addresses, Answers, &c. with Reflections upon each Head. To which is added, A short History of a Plot to dethrone Queen Anne, and what has been attempted to bring in the Romish Pretender, since the King ascended the Throne. At the end of the Memorial is a Black List of the Names of many of those Persons concern'd in one or both Conspiracies. Also Particulars cast up in it, of Men, Horses, Money, Provisions, Cloaths, Quarters, Arms, Ammunition, &c. promis'd to the Assistance of the Treason. Writ by the author of An inquiry into the miscarriages of the four last years reign The Copic are Counterseit that have not this Coat of Arms on the Title-Page, viz. A Bend engrail'd between Six Cinque - foils, Crest a Grif Povey , Charles (Author)
Boulter , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or, abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The second edition corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table. Hale , Matthew (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Bookseller The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The second edition corrected. Hale , Matthew (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Bookseller The court-keeper's companion. Containing all common business of courts-leet and courts-baron: As the Charges to the Juries, Proceedings in Court, and Entries in the Rolls; with Precedents of Copies of Court-Roll, Grants, Admittances, Surrenders, Presentments, &c. of Copyhold-Estates for Lives and in Fee. To which are added, the general customs of copyhold-estates, and some Special Cases of Law concerning them, and the Business of Court-keeping. And also some necessary Precedents relating to Land-Stewardship, &c. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher A catalogue of all the writs and processes, that issue out of the several courts at Westminster, &c. With great variety of cases relating to the same. Together with a full and exact account of their nature and use. In An Alphabetical Order. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher Manwood's treatise of the forest laws: Shewing not only the laws now in force, but the original of forests, what they are, and how they differ from chases, parks, and warrens; which all such things as are incident to either: together with the proper terms of art, collected out of the common and statute laws of this realm; as also from the assises and iters of Pickering and Lancaster, and several other ancient and learned authors. Treating also of the office of agistors, beadles, foresters, keepers, rangers, verderors and wood wards, and of the courts of attachment, &c. with all the variety of cases relating to forests, chases, parks, and warrens; and all the laws concerning the game made, adjudged or repealed, since the year 1665. The whole digested under proper titles in an alphabetical order. The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged. By William Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Manwood , John (Author)
Nelson , William (Contributor)
Publisher Reports of special cases argued and decreed in the Court of Chancery, in the reigns of King Charles I. King Charles II. and King William III. None of them ever before printed. Published by W. Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of Chancery (Author)
Nelson , William (Author)
Bookseller Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, D. D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The Eighth Edition. Nieremberg , Juan Eusebio (Author)
Publisher The laws concerning the poor: or, a compleat treatise of the common and statute law, relating to the relief, settlement, punishment, &c. of the poor. Digested under proper Heads, (viz.) l. Of the Power of Church-wardens and overseers . 2. The various kinds of Settlements. 3. Of Rates and Taxes for Debtors. Relief of the Poor. 4. Of Bastards, how to be Provided for, and Punishment of their Reputed parents. 5. Of the Relief of the Poor by their Relations. 6. Of the Relief of Impotent poor by Alms, and by providing of Habitations for them. 7. Of the Poor in time of the Plague. 8. Of the Relief of Prisoners, as well Criminals as Debtors. 9. Of Work-Houses, and Houses of Correction. 10. Of Apprentices, Labourers, Servants, &c. 11. Of Rogues, Vagrants, &c. and their Punishments. The Appendix, containing the Judges Resolutions on several Points relating to the Poor. Wherein are explained all the Statutes relating to the Poor, down to the present Year 1718. To which are added all the Precedents proper for such a Treatise. The third edition, very much enlarged. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The invader of his country: or, The fatal resentment. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's Servants. By Mr. Dennis Dennis , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher The laws concerning the poor: or, a compleat treatise of the common and statute law, relating to the relief, settlement, punishment, &c. of the poor. Digested under proper Heads, (viz.) 1. Of the Power of Church-wardens and overseers 2. The various kinds of Settlements. 3. Of Rates and Taxes for Debtors. Relief of the Poor. 4. Of Bastards, how to be Provided for, and Punishment of their Reputed parents. 5. Of the Relief of the Poor by their Relations. 6. Of the Relief of Impotent poor by Alms, and by providing of Habitations for them. 7. Of the Poor in time of the Plague. 8. Of the Relief of Prisoners, as well Criminals as Debtors. 9. Of Work-Houses, and Houses of Correction. 10. Of Apprentices, Labourers, Servants, &c. 11. Of Rogues, Vagrants, &c. and their Punishments. The Appendix, containing the Judges Resolutions on several Points relating to the Poor. Wherein are explained all the Statutes relating to the Poor, down to the present Year 1718. To which are added all the Precedents proper for such a Treatise. The fourth edition, very much enlarged. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; In five volumes. To which are added, (in order to render the Work Compleat) I. Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions for the Year 1708. II. The Accomplishment of his Prediction as to the Death of Dr. Partridge. III. His Vindication, against Dr. Partridge's Objections in his Almanack of 1709. IV. An Elegy on the Death of Dr. Patridge. Steele , Richard (Author)
Addison , Joseph (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; vol. V. The second edition. Steele , Richard (Author)
Addison , Joseph (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The life of Madam de Beaumount, a French lady; who lived in a cave in Wales above fourteen Years undiscovered, being forced to fly France for her Religion; and of the cruel Usage she had there. Also her lord's adventures in Muscovy, where he was a Prisoner some Years. With An Account of his returning to France, and her being discover'd by a Welsh Gentleman, who fetch'd her Lord to Wales: And of many strange Accidents which befel them, and their Daughter Belinda, who was stolen away from them; and of their Return to France in the Year 1718. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope (Author)
Publisher The Noble Slaves: or, The Lives and Adventures of Two Lords and Two Ladies, who were shipwreck'd and cast upon a desolate island near the East-Indies, in the year 1710. The manner of their living there: the surprizing discoveries they made, and strange deliverance thence. How in their return to Europe they were taken by two Algerine pirates near the Straits of Gibraltar. Of the slavery they endured in Barbary; and of their meeting there with several persons of quality, who were likewise slaves. Of their escaping thence, and safe arrival in their respective countries, Venice, Spain, and France, in the year 1718. With many extraordinary accidents that befel some of them afterwards. Being a history full of most remarkable events. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope (Author)
Publisher Mrs. Manley's history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript. The fourth edition. With a preface concerning the present publication. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Publisher Mrs. Manley’s history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript. The fourth edition. With a preface concerning the present publication. The fourth edition. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Publisher The life of Madam de Beaumount, a French lady; who lived in a cave in Wales above fourteen years undiscovered, being forced to fly to France for her religion; and of the cruel Usage she had there. Also her lord's adventures in Muscovy, where he was a Prisoner some Years. With An Account of his returning to France, and her being discover'd by a Welsh Gentleman, who fetch'd her Lord to Wales: And of many strange Accidents which befel them, and their Daughter Belinda, who was stolen away from them; and of their Return to France in the Year 1718. The second edition. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope (Author)
Publisher A collection of entertaining histories and novels, Designed to promote the Cause of Virtue and Honour. Principally founded on Facts, and interpreted with a Variety of beautiful and instructive Incidents. By Mrs. Penelope Aubin. And now first collected in three volumes. Vol. I. Containing, The Noble Slaves; or, The Lives and Adventures of two Lords and two Ladies. The Life and amorous Adventures of Lucinda, an English Lady. The Strange Adventures of the Count de Vinevil, and his Family. Aubin , Penelope (Author)
Bookseller Remarks on the vicar's complaint, By Way of petition, in the High Court of Chancery, Against some of his parishioners For not paying their Tythes, Mortuaries, &c. By Amos Harrison, The Second Edition. Fenner , Mary (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 1 more.

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"John Pemberton" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5658, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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