ID 12025
Last Name Cooke
First Name Elizabeth
Gender Female
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Bookseller A demonstration of the falsity of the narration, published to draw a parallel between the election of Stanislaus Leszezynski and ... Augustus III, Duke ... of Saxony, ... By a Polish nobleman. To which is added, a ... genealogical table, shewing how ... Augustus III. descends ... from Jagello King of Poland. 1730
Publisher The behaviour of the cl-gy, as well as their traditions, destructive of religion. Or, a succinct history of priestcraft, Throughout all ages. Containing, A general Introduction of the Institution of all pretended Revelations. - Remarks on Priestcraft amongst the Greeks: The strange Superstition of that learned People, proved to be the Ruin of Athens. - Remarks on Roman Priestcraft, their Augurs, Pontiffs, &c. - An Account of the Bramins, Bonzees, Talapoins, and other Eastern Priests: with a curious History of the Pharisees and Sadduces among the Jews. - Popish Priestcraft unveil'd, particularly with regard to our own Island. Concluding with The Secret Intrigues of the Gown with all Parties from the Reformation to the Vicars Ap---cy. Dedicated to the Most Worthy Sect of Free-Thinkers. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops, Priests and Deacons, with true Knowledge and Understanding of thy Word; and that both by their Preaching and Living they may set it forth and shew it accordingly. Liturgy of the Ch. of England. 1731
Publisher The behaviour of the cl-gy, as well as their traditions, destructive of religion. Or, a succinct history of priestcraft, Throughout all Ages. Containing, A general Introduction of the Institution of all pretended Revelations. - Remarks on Priestcraft amongst the Greeks: The strange Superstition of that learned People, proved to be the Ruin of Athens. - Remarks on Roman Priestcraft, their Augurs, Pontiffs, &c. - An Account of the Bramins, Bonzeés, Talapoins, and other Eastern Priests: with a curious History of the Pharisees and Sadduces among the Jews. - Popish Priestcraft unveil'd, particularly with regard to our own Island. Concluding with The Secret Intrigues of the Gown with all Parties from the Reformation to the Vicars Ap---cy. Dedicated to the Most Worthy Sect of Free-Thinkers. 1731
Bookseller The history of the abdication of Victor Amedeus II. late King of Sardinia, with his confinement in the castle of Rivole; shewing the real motives, which induc'd that Prince to resign the Crown in Favour of his Son Charles Emanuel the present King: As also how he came to repent of his Resignation, with the secret Reasons that urg'd him to attempt his Restauration. In a letter from the Marquis de T***** a Piemontois, now at the Court of Poland; To the Count de C in London. 1732
Publisher A friendly epistle to the author of The state dunces. 1733
Bookseller A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain, particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. And something more, which it is hope will be agreeable to every true Englishman. By Eustace Budgell, Esq; 1733
Bookseller A scheme or proposal for taking off the several taxes on land, soap, starch, Candles, Leather, Plate, Pots, &c. and replacing the said duties by another tax, which will bring in more Money, in a more Easy and Equal Manner, and less burthensome to the Subject: Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament, as also the People of England, for whose Ease and Benefit this is design'd. Plainly proving, That the Duties on Soap, Candles, and Leather, which do not bring in 600,000 l. a Year, cost the Subject more than double that Sum: So that this Method is calculated to ease the People of one Half of the Sum they now pay, on Account of those several Taxes, and at the same Time Encrease the Revenue. To which is added, Some Considerations on the several Duties upon Tea, Coffee, Chocolat, and Salt, which may be also taken off, and replaced by the same Method, with any Thing else, that is either burthensome to Trade, or a Hardship upon particular Persons, of which the Pot-Act is a glaring Instance; and upon any Emergency a larger Sum may be raised. 1733
Publisher The finish'd rake; or, Gallantry in Perfection. Being the genuine and entertaining adventures, of a young gentleman of fortune. Faithfully extracted from memoirs written with his own Hand, and design'd by him to be publish'd, as is believed, had he not been prevented by Death. The whole being interspers'd with several Curious, Whimfical, and Uncommon incidents; particularly his intrigue with a fine coquette milliner, near one of our most noted Inns of Court, whilst he was a student. 1733
Bookseller A modest reply, to the author of the Letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author. 1734
Bookseller A Modest reply, to the author of the letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author. 1734
Bookseller Modern Patriotism, a Poem. 1734
Bookseller Modern patriotism, or faction display'd: a poem. Being a satire on political writers. 1734
Bookseller A Complete Catalogue of all the Discourses Written, Both for and against Popery, in the Time of King James II. Containing in the Whole, An Account of Four Hundred and Fifty seven Books and Pamphlets, a great Number of them not mentioned in the three former Catalogues. With References after each Title, for the more speedy finding of a further Account of the said Discourses, and of their Authors, in sundry Writers: and an Alphabetical List of the Writers on each Side. A tract very necessary for these Times, and for all those who are desirous to complete their Sets of those Pieces, or would sort them to the best Advantage. Drawn up in a new Method, by Francis Peck, M.A. rector of Godeby, near Melton in Leicestershire. 1735
Printer A critical dissertation on Titus iii. 10,11. Wherein Mr. Foster's notion of heresy is consider'd, and confuted. And the power of the Church to censure hereticks is vindicated. By Tipping Silvester, M. A. Fellow of Pembroke College Oxon, and Lecturer of St. Bartholomew the Great. 1735
Bookseller A critical dissertation on Titus iii. 10,11. Wherein Mr. Foster's notion of heresy is consider'd, and confuted. And the power of the Church to censure hereticks is vindicated. By Tipping Silvester, M. A. Fellow of Pembroke College Oxon, and Lecturer of St. Bartholomew the Great. 1735
Bookseller A full and genuine account of the murder of Mrs. Robinson, by Elton Lewis, On Monday Night, April 21, 1735. 1735
Bookseller A vindication of Mr. Ward, from the aspersions and reflections cast upon him by Doctor Turner's late letter to Doctor Jurin. In which the honesty, integrity, charity, candour and generosity of those worthy gentlemen call'd licensed physicians, is impartially examin'd and set forth. Also antimonial and mercurial medicines clear'd from the dangerous qualities they are charged with, and the use of them recommended as very prevalent in many obstinate and deplorable distempers and diseases incident to human bodies. Humbly inscribed to the Lord Chief Baron Reynolds. By Eugenius Philalethes. 1735
Publisher Advice to a friend on his marriage, a poem. 1735
Bookseller Of stage tyrants. An epistle to the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Chesterfield. Occasion'd by the Honest Yorkshire-Man being rejected at Drury-Lane Play-House, and since Acted at other Theatres with Universal Applause. By Mr. Carey. 1735
Publisher Some seasonable remarks upon a pamphlet entitled The reasons alledged against Dr. Rundle's promotion to the see of Gloucester, seriously and dispassionately consider'd. Being a full detection of the gross absurdities, scandalous invectives, fulsom panegyrics, and unjust misrepresentations of the author of that pamphlet. To which is annexed, by way of supplement, a short answer to the reasons alledged, &c. Published in the weekly miscellany on Saturday, December, 7. 1734. 1735
Publisher Some seasonable remarks upon a pamphlet entitled the reasons alledged against Dr. Rundle's promotion to the See of Gloucester, seriously and dispassionately consider'd. Being a full detection of the gross absurdities, scandalous Invectives, fulsom Panegyries, and unjust Misrepresentations of the Author of that Pamphlet. To which is annexed, by way of Supplement, A short answer to the reasons alledged, &c. Published in the Weekly miscellany on Saturday, December, 7. 1734. 1735
Publisher Occasional remarks upon the Act for laying a duty upon the retalers of spirituous liquors, &c. and for licensing the retalers thereof. 1736
Bookseller The 1736 Court Kalendar: Containing I. The BIRTHS of the Sovereign Princes now living, and the Original or first founding of all the Kingdoms, States and Republicks, now in Europe p. 5. II. A LIST of the Cardinals, with the Time of their Births, and by whom promoted. p. 11. III. The Deaths of the Princes since the Year 1720. p. 34. IV. Remarks Historical, &c. concerning the Antiquity of the World. p. 42. V. Of the Names of the Months. p. 43. VI. A LIST of the Privy Council. p. 45. VII. A SCHEME of the Stalls of Knights of the Order of the Garter. p. 48. VIII. —— of those of the Bath. p. 50. IX. a LIST of the Knights of the Thistle. p. 52. XX. A LIST of the Foreign Ministers Abroad. p. 54. XI. A LIST of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. XII. RATES of the Coachmen and Watermen. p. 62. XIII. MEMORABLE EVENTS since 1688. p. 68. [ited] to bind up with Rider's Almanack, and a LIST of the present PARLIAMENT. 1736
Printer The 1736 Court Kalendar: Containing I. The BIRTHS of the Sovereign Princes now living, and the Original or first founding of all the Kingdoms, States and Republicks, now in Europe p. 5. II. A LIST of the Cardinals, with the Time of their Births, and by whom promoted. p. 11. III. The Deaths of the Princes since the Year 1720. p. 34. IV. Remarks Historical, &c. concerning the Antiquity of the World. p. 42. V. Of the Names of the Months. p. 43. VI. A LIST of the Privy Council. p. 45. VII. A SCHEME of the Stalls of Knights of the Order of the Garter. p. 48. VIII. —— of those of the Bath. p. 50. IX. a LIST of the Knights of the Thistle. p. 52. XX. A LIST of the Foreign Ministers Abroad. p. 54. XI. A LIST of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. XII. RATES of the Coachmen and Watermen. p. 62. XIII. MEMORABLE EVENTS since 1688. p. 68. [ited] to bind up with Rider's Almanack, and a LIST of the present PARLIAMENT. 1736
Publisher The fall of Bob: or, the oracle of gin. A tragedy. By Timothy Scrubb, of Rag-Fair, Esq; 1736

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"Cooke, Elizabeth" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12025, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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