ID 12025
Last Name Cooke
First Name Elizabeth
Gender Female
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Related Firms Elizabeth Cooke [Cook]
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Bookseller Mother Midnight's miscellany. Containing, more than all the wit, and all the humour, and all the learning, and all the judgement, that has ever been, or ever will be. Likewise the Discovery of an unknown World; with some Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, and Ceremonies of the Glums and Gawrys, Men and Women that Fly: With the Marriage-Ceremony of a Lying Man to a Flying Woman, and many other extraordinary Events, which ought never to be forgotten. First discover'd by Selim, in a Vision, on the Hills of Bagdat, on the sixth Day of the fourth Moon, Anno Mundi, 5791. Dedicated to the King of the Fidlers, and to his Queen, and to the Great Mogul's Jester, and to the greatest Conjurer in all Lapland, and to Bajazet the famous Race-Horse, and to the Gnost of Black and All Black, &c. &c. &c. By Mary Midnight, Midwise to all the Inhabitants of this Cosmos, and to the Choice Spirits in the Elysian Shades. Publish'd (which she always observes) in Conformity to several Acts of Parliament, and by Permission of their Most Christian and Most Catholick Majesties, the Great Mogul, and the States General. 1751
Printer Mother Midnight's miscellany. Containing, more than all the wit, and all the humour, and all the learning, and all the judgement, that has ever been, or ever will be. Likewise the Discovery of an unknown World; with some Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, and Ceremonies of the Glums and Gawrys, Men and Women that Fly: With the Marriage-Ceremony of a Lying Man to a Flying Woman, and many other extraordinary Events, which ought never to be forgotten. First discover'd by Selim, in a Vision, on the Hills of Bagdat, on the sixth Day of the fourth Moon, Anno Mundi, 5791. Dedicated to the King of the Fidlers, and to his Queen, and to the Great Mogul's Jester, and to the greatest Conjurer in all Lapland, and to Bajazet the famous Race-Horse, and to the Gnost of Black and All Black, &c. &c. &c. By Mary Midnight, Midwise to all the Inhabitants of this Cosmos, and to the Choice Spirits in the Elysian Shades. Publish'd (which she always observes) in Conformity to several Acts of Parliament, and by Permission of their Most Christian and Most Catholick Majesties, the Great Mogul, and the States General. 1751
Bookseller St. Patrick for Ireland. A tragi-comedy. First Acted By His Majesty's Company of Comedians, in the Year 1639. Written by James Shirley, Esq; To which is prefix'd, An Account of the Author, and his Works: And an abstract of The life of St. patrick, Collected from the best Historians. 1751
Bookseller The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. ... Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates. 1751
Printer The life and surprizing adventures of James Wyatt, born near Exeter, in Devonshire, in the year 1707. ... Written by himself. Adorn'd with copper plates. 1751
Bookseller The life of the most Reverend Dr Cranmer, Some Time Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan; One of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy-Council in the Reign of Henry Viii. Chairman of the Committee for Compiling the English Liturgy, and Martyr in the Reign of Queen Mary. The Whole including various remarkable Events in the History of the Reformation. 1751
Bookseller The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c. 1752
Printer The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c. 1752
Publisher A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charke, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing Vicissitudes of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourous and interesting Occurrences. written by herself. 1755
Publisher A narrative of the life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, (youngest daughter of Colley Cibber, Esq;) Containing, I. An Account of her Birth, Education, and mad Pranks committed in her Youth. II. Her coming on the Stage; Success there; and sundry Theatrical Anecdotes. III. Her Marriage to Mr. Charks, and its Consequences. IV. Her Adventures in Mens Cloaths, going by the Name of Mr. Brown, and being belov'd by a Lady of great Fortune, who intended to marry her. V. Her being Gentleman to a certain Peer. VI. Her commencing Scrolling - Player; with various and surprizing vicissirudes [sic] of Fortune, during nine Years Peregrination. VII. Her turning Pastry Cook, &c. in Wales. With several extremely humourons [sic] and interesting Occarrences [sic]. Written by herself. The Second Edition. 1755
Publisher The laugher; or, The art of jesting: shewing every man in his humour, from the throne to the cottage; in particular of kings, queens and princes. Of noblemen and ambassadors. Of Gentlemen and Ladies. Of Gallants and Upstarts. Of Soldiers. Of Travellers. Of Politicians. Of Gamesters. Of Popes and Prelates. Of Poets and Musicians. Of Physick and Physicians. Of Lawyers. Of Love and Lovers. Of Husbands and Wives. Of Women. Of Dress. Of Jesters. Of Servants. Of Fools. Of Countrymen and Clowns. Of Thieves. Of Sharpers. Of Beggars. Of drunkards. Of noses, &c. &c. 1755
Publisher The comments of bull face double fee, on the petition of the freeholders of the county of Middlesex; abounding with the most scurrilous abuse, indecent Invectives, and audacious Manaces; against the petitioners, and every other Person concerned in preparing and supporting that Petition, continued in the Gazeteer, from the 6th of June last, to the 7th of July inclusive 1769

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"Cooke, Elizabeth" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 12025, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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