ID 2607
Last Name Steele
First Name Richard
Gender Male
Date of Birth 1672
Date of Death 1729-09-01
Place of Birth Dublin
Place of Death Carmarthen
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Displaying 1–18 of 18

Role Title Date
Author A letter to a member, &c. concerning the condemn'd lords, in vindication of gentlemen calumniated in the St. James's Post of Friday March the 2d. 1716
Author A letter to a member, &c. concerning the condemn'd lords, in vindication of gentlemen calumniated in the St. James's Post of Friday March the 2d. 1716
Author The British subject's answer, to the Pretender's declaration. By Sir Richard Steele. 1716
Author The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; In five volumes. To which are added, (in order to render the Work Compleat) I. Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions for the Year 1708. II. The Accomplishment of his Prediction as to the Death of Dr. Partridge. III. His Vindication, against Dr. Partridge's Objections in his Almanack of 1709. IV. An Elegy on the Death of Dr. Patridge. 1720
Author The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; vol. V. The second edition. 1720
Author A prologue to the town, as it was spoken at the theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Welsted. With an epilogue on the same occasion, by Sir Richard Steele. 1721
Author The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq; revised and corrected by the author. Vol. I. 1733
Author The Theatre: or, Select Works of the British Dramatic Poets. In twelve volumes. To which are prefixed, the lives of these celebrated writers, and strictures on most of the plays. 1768
Author The New English Theatre in Twelve Volumes, containing the most valuable plays which have been acted on the London stage. 1776
Author Bell's British Theatre. Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays. 1797
Author Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian and Freeholder, with a Preliminary Essay, by Anna Letitia Barbauld 1804
Author The British Theatre; or, A collection of plays, which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket. Printed under the authority of the managers from the prompt books. With critical and biographical remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald. In twenty-five volumes. 1808
Author English Comedy: A Collection of the Most Celebrated Dramas, Since the Commencement of the Reformation of the Stage by Sir Richard Steele and Colley Cibber. 1810
Compiler English Comedy: A Collection of the Most Celebrated Dramas, Since the Commencement of the Reformation of the Stage by Sir Richard Steele and Colley Cibber. 1810
Author The Modern British Drama. In five volumes. 1811
Author The English Drama Purified: Being a Specimen of Select Plays, in which all the passages that have appeared to the editor to be objectionable in point of morality, are omitted or altered. With prefaces and notes. By James Plumptre, B.D. Fellow of Clark-Hall, Cambridge. 1812
Author The conscious lovers; a comedy. By Sir Richard Steele. As performed at The Theatre Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane. Printed under the authority of the Managers. From the prompt book. With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. 1816
Author The London Stage; a collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces, and interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised. 1824

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"Steele, Richard" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Person ID 2607, Accessed 2025-03-25.

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